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Looking for Trouble [Orsal Judging][Concluded]


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Manzanita said:
" Personally, I think you're giving that scumbag too much credit. He may not be expecting pursuit. Maybe he thinks we were pursuing the ogres instead. Maybe he figured we wouldn't pursue at all, or didn't know we could track."

"Of course he knows we're after him. You've already made it clear that you want to kill him. He knows we tracked him as far as the kobolds. He knows we beat them with only a few injuries to ourselves. The dumbest animal would recognize it was being hunted at this point, and I'll grant that Revenir is smarter than that.

I'm with Lasair. Our only advantage has been lost. We cannot risk dividing the party further. Either we leave together, or we advance together."

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Rystil Arden

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*Lasair smiles slightly to herself. She had been afraid that this startling illogic would prevail, but she is glad that at least one other agrees that Dagobert's action was foolhardy and that their options have now been limited.*

'I guess us girls have to stick together. Westerner men are...an interesting sort. Carsis at least was honourable, and yet he was Alant from his clan. The mayor of Covington was the husband of their Holdmistress and their chief, and yet he was a vile man...such a confusing place.'


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"STILL so much talk and so little action," Dagobert muses, half to himself. "Interesting." He jots down a couple notes in his ever-present journal, then turns to the group. "Well, I'm heading back to see what there is to see. Who's coming?"

With that he waits a moment to see who joins him, then heads back down the road.


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"Thank you." Rowan mutters as he shoos off whoever will go with Dagobert. He stiffles his complaints for now, as he realizes haste is needed. He will remount and be ready to charge in to the rescue if need be, but prefers to take a chance and see what they can find out before revealing themselves.

Rystil Arden

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"We need to all go," Lasair says firmly, having moved in front of Dagobert--she's not going to let him circumvent the group again like his last disastrous attempt, "Or none. Either nothing will happen, or we're going to be attacked and we need everyone. Either way, we are already revealed if the knight is there. Rinya agrees. Let us all go, yes?"


Dagobert pauses a moment, and Rowan gestures for the others to follow Dagobert while making it clear with his stubborn stance that he has no intention of doing so himself.

Lasair blocks everyones path in an effort to slow things down while a broader consensus is reached. With a pointed gaze, she reminds Rowan of the importance of sticking together.

ooc: Just confirming your DM is still with you all...

Richard Rawen

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Richard calmly tethers the horses, checking the reach so the horses are able to graze the tall wildgrass. Slowly he returns the few feet to the gathered group, listening to the conflict and not commenting. When Rinya makes her point, Richard grunts and nods, recognizing the truth in her words, despite his questions about the newcomer. Watching the whole scene unfold, Richard decides to let the others settle things, he slowly tunes them out, focusing on the sounds of the forest, turning his body slowly, gazing around the clearing as though bored.

[sblock=DM]Richard is wary of the situation, he is not sure he can trust either Rowan OR Lasair, and he patently distrusts Dagobert for his thoughtless rush into possible danger...
Richard will spend the time making spot and listen checks, hoping to avert being ambushed while the others bicker. He will try not to be obvious about his wary behavior.
His rolls are great, for a change, a 20 Listen and 19 Spot!

OOC: I may be afk all weekend, so if some kind of vote or problem arises in this conversation, Richard will back Rinya's assessment of the situation, grudgingly supporting Lasairs cautious approach and desire to see the group remain whole. /OOC


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Rowan rolls his eyes. He points his finger at Lasair.

"Listen sweetheart. No one is in charge of me. You are giving up any chance we have of gaining the upper hand on this necromancer because you are afraid of taking a chance. That sounds like the way of those with little vhals, or," he says, glaring at the women, "no vhals at all."

"We might have had a plan, but Dagobert jumps in with his approach, then his retreat, and now we're on the spot. You go or stay as you wish. At this point, we've pretty much blown it anyway. I'm staying. Dagobert, you must go back. Now

Rystil Arden

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"Listen, your way makes no sense. I do not take kindly to your insult to my vhal and in other times might have asked you to dance, but let's think about this again, calmly."

"There are two possibilities. Possibility 1--this is an innocent keep with no enemies about. In this case, it is perfectly fine to send in Dagobert with just a few people, but nothing is lost by sending all of us, including you Rowan, since there is no issue of the enemy recognising you. So both are equal in this case. Are you with me so far?"

*Lasair pauses for consent.*

"Okay, good. The other possibility is that the enemy is indeed there. If this is true, Dagobert's recklessness ruined any possibility of subterfuge, since he announced to them that we came here chasing a villain. Thus, if we send a few people alone, we have divided ourselves and the enemy can eliminate one group first and then the next. If we send in everyone, they must fight us all at once, and we are stronger. Thus, sending everyone is better in this case."

"Since sending a small group is equal in one case and worse in the other, and sending everyone is equal in one case and better in the other, there can be no possible reason not to send everyone, yes?"

(OOC: Yes, this had a bunch of talking, but Lasair will not accept another incident where Dagobert wanders off in the middle before the discussion is over and the party reaches a consensus--if he starts doing that, she'll retrieve her pen and paper and Suggestion him to write an essay about the ill effects of recklessness until she tells him to stop (which will keep him busy for up to 5 hours) )


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Rowan is aghast.

"I've never met such a long-winded person. Where I come from you'd have been killed by orcs long before you could have finished that speech. I disagree heartily. Dagobert was disguised and if we stop standing here blathering, we still have a chance."

Rowan shoves Dagobert gently out there. "You got us into this, buddy. You need to get us out. Go give it your best shot. I think chatty here and the rest with vhal-envy will go with you."

Voidrunner's Codex

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