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Lord Crusan Art


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Lord Crusan said:
Even the greatest model needs the right texture and texture is nothing without a great model.
In my book they need each other.

Well texture art is another story again and I have a lot of respect for texture artists because it's my 2nd least favourite aspect of 3D art (my least fave being rigging models for animation and posing).

I use poser 4 and as for Max its a hard prog when u try to self teach urself. I have found that the spontaneity of art in my opinion is lost with all its technicality.

Well, there are dozens of other 3D modelling progs you can try, a lot of them have Free (or close to) non-commercial editions you can get ahold of. There are also more than a few free 3D modelling progs.

The spontenaity returns when you get more used to the programs, just like when you start out with any other media.

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Yeah about those 3d things...

Officially, I think it's unnatural looking. I much prefer natural media or even electronic media applied to natural media. but that's a preference and I encourage others to think how they will about artwork. Crusan's stuff is beautiful and great to me, it's just outside my normal preference.
And I won't ever let someone get away with saying 3d art is cheating. That's crap. I picked up poser 4 and this stuff takes me to the cleaners in sheer comparison.

I'll stick with 2d for now, and tuck my tail shamefully between my legs, as far as 3d stuff goes.


First Post
I like. Very much do I like.

For the whole debate thing, most of what I think's been said. What I've recently come to realise is that art is getting better. New techniques, different style choices, more good artists in the past to copy, I mean learn from... I'd bet good money that signor DaVinci would look at this stuff and say, "Wow, that's good" simply because he didn't have the 'cultural resources' that we do now, let alone the technology we have today.

For my own interest: How long does it take to put one of these pieces together, from conceptualisation to posting the image here? I know I take absolute ages to pencil, then I ink taking a little less time, then I colour by computer and it takes up fully half the time spent on the image.

Keep up the good work. I've seen published stuff that looks worse.

Lord Crusan

First Post
Well, now that I have taken all the lights, decorations down (I hope they don't make me put them back up next year...They will. :x )..
I haven't been totally away from my work all month long I actually have
done a couple of pic..This month..

The first PIC I did was for Shivamuffin a logo for his Al-Qadim style land called "Sadia" The pic of the people is actually an old pic I did when I first started using poser.. Here's a link to his site.. http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/divination/399/id14.htm



I also took this time to enter a couple of contest the first one was for a
poser comp. called DAZ3D..The theme was a render with some of their products on it. So I did one and this is it....I was going for like an Unreal squad



Another contest I entered was a contest in Poser Forum at Renderosity.com. The Theme there was a potrait..
This was my entry..



Those two contest I still don't know the outcome of them..
But as for the next contest i entered ....Well all i could say is that ur speaking to "The Artist of The Month" for the month of December over at Hometown3d.com.... :D
The pictures i entered where VAnth,Viratram,NaShae among the 6 i submitted so I want to thank u guys who's those PC belong to for giving me a great subject to illustrate won 50 poser dollars hehe..That money that i could spend on buying some new models..

In this same site they had another contest running the theme A Wizard in Action..For this contest i submitted Malakie Angry , The white Queen and this new one

"The DarkHand"


The guy who created the suit on her liked the texture job i did on it. That I decide to release the texture set for other Poser user to use.
This is the add for it. The model was created by GAry-t and the Texture on the suit by me..


Well Iam glad to be back guys. Lets get this going once again.

Voidrunner's Codex

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