D&D 5E Lore books for 5e that I would actually buy


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Go with 3PP books really, and throw out WotC lore books - it is terrible anyway.

Dragons = Draconomicon. This is really an amazing book
Then just go for setting books, but make each setting its own meta-plane (Primal Order books), akin to MtG, and then you are done.
I disagree with WotC lore being "terrible" and would rather not throw out my books, but I'll definitely check out Draconomicon.

I'll have to see if I can find a copy at my FLGS's used-book session. Getting the used book on Amazon is very expensive. I hate reading books in PDF format, I just use PDF versions as easy reference during prep and in play.

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For World Lore books, I say don't try to make them game books, make them coffee table books.

Both Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance got books of maps back in 1E/2E, which are very nice (and map out the travels from several related books as well as continental maps). Dragonlance got "Leaves from Last Home" that covered a lot of non-game lore, including recipes, songs and tales. Not too long ago, there was "Ed Greenwood's presents Elminster's Forgotten Realms" book - its got NO game rules in it at all and is nothing but deep lore on Toril.

I really think that something like this could be done for some of the other worlds - certainly Dragonlance, very likely Ravenloft, Greyhawk, Mystara and the others.


I disagree with WotC lore being "terrible" and would rather not throw out my books
I mean to put YMMV but I get personal preference and all that.
but I'll definitely check out Draconomicon.
I suspect, but certainly need to re-read, both Draconomicon and Dragon Kings 5e that they would work really well together. There is also Legendary Dragons by Jetpack, and Gods and Goddesses also Jetpack - both are also really excellent.

Tales of Arcana is truly excellent, and definitely a different take on cosmology.
If you want another cosmology, try the Angel Compendium - it is homebrew stuff, but would certainly throw players off if you were to use it. Plus Angelarium art is amazing.

For some other lore I recommend, The Hereafter, Kisarta as both give you alternative afterlife stuff which could essentially start off your session - Well you died.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Which book of Tales of Arcana goes into the cosmology? I see a 5e Race Guide and also a separate system that uses cards. The system rules don't go into cosmology. Does the 5e race guide?

I couldn't find "The Hereafter" in DTRPG and could only find the closed Kickstarter campaign. Interesting that they have it for Foundry. But I'm guessing it is only available to those who backed it at this time.

Kisarta looks interesting. Not sure I'm ready to spend the money on the PDF yet, as it wouldn't fit into my current campaign. But I'm bookmarking it for my someday/maybe list.

I've seen that Angels book before but never really read through it. Not sure I would use the cosmology as written but I'm really liking the write ups of the various angels.


Which book of Tales of Arcana goes into the cosmology? I see a 5e Race Guide and also a separate system that uses cards. The system rules don't go into cosmology. Does the 5e race guide?
The Race Guide does all of it.
Here is a Let's Read on rpg.net: [WIR] Tales of Arcana 5e race guide

Players can be transforming cars, muppets, people with no true name, beings composed of aether, and many, many other choices.
I couldn't find "The Hereafter" in DTRPG and could only find the closed Kickstarter campaign. Interesting that they have it for Foundry. But I'm guessing it is only available to those who backed it at this time.
It is currently, but obviously it will have general release soon.
Kisarta looks interesting. Not sure I'm ready to spend the money on the PDF yet, as it wouldn't fit into my current campaign. But I'm bookmarking it for my someday/maybe list.
This has some interesting extra classes in here, and a few demi-planes that you might be able to use.
I've seen that Angels book before but never really read through it. Not sure I would use the cosmology as written but I'm really liking the write ups of the various angels.
It was just a breath of fresh air to be honest.
My thought was to send the players to another multiverse, with different rules.
But the art can be found on Google by looking for Angelarium.


That would be great as long as it was honest. WotC seems to want to sweep certain older depictions under the rug..
You will never get any sort of "history" type book out of current Wizards. They are too obsessed with re-writing history and saying "5E is the only D&D". And even if they could out source it or something, it would still be one page for 0E to 4E and then 25 pages on how cool 5E is now.

Even then, it's a bit hard to talk about a LOT of the changes over the years without getting in to problems. Why did "someone" utterly ignore 20 or 30 years of lore and just make up some new "stuff"......well, the answer is a problem.


Not interested in a lore book per se. I like what WoTC is doing, lore parcelled out in DM/Player crunch or adventure books. I would also consume lore as a side effect of Movie/TV shows (if they are good enough to merit watching in their own right) or electronic games.

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