Lost and found!


Agudo Archmage

Three lavender scrolls gently sways in the morning breeze. Tied together by lovely silken emerald colored thread. Each of these delicately scripted writings has name on it, for the following people

First scroll is addressed to
Doughvein Metil

Wonderful news indeed!
I am sure now that the glorified garden tool Excalibur, will be in someone else’s hands. The political conniving Merlin will leave me alone…...I hope!

The same helpful Halfling will meet you once more near these very boards.
Lets say tomorrow morning, bright and early, by the first rays of the glories sunrise.

I don’t know what you will do with it?
Being that it is stuck in that rock!
Yet I pray in the Light, for our mutual benefit from this trade.

Your friend in the Light

Second Scroll is addressed to
Captain Waldo Binkle

Why if it isn’t the poetic sailor himself Captain Binkle.
Your tempting offer will be easily excepted as soon as are next meeting takes place.
Like all adventurers the question is where and when?

But fear not my friend of the sea!

As long as the wind is at are backs and safe harbors ahead!
We shall be destined to meet again by a warm fire good food , good drink and always-good friendship!

Your former traveling companion Agudo.

PS Lady Hoot I am sure will delighted to hear that you’re in town.
She so does enjoy your company.

Scroll three is addressed to

Good sir, thank you for your interest in the before mentioned ring.
Do to its mysterious and some would say creepy past.
I have lowered my asking price to seven RogueStones, or seven Kinglear necklaces

In all fairness I must warn you .....it seems to Enthrall people with fanaticism to point that they will murder anyone who has it.

Even as I am writing this letter, three butter knives have thrown through my window, in an obvious attempt on my life.

Take care if you choose to buy this ring.
I have left a magical small pouch hanging below on the boards.
When the payment is put in the puch, then out will come the ring by magic.

Thank you, and may the Light protect you!
Your humble servant, Agudo the Wizard of Light

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A rough piece of parchement is posted next to the scrolls.

Thank you again Agudo Archmage for the golden ring and now the warning. I shall stay on my toes and become wary of such powers, and butterknives. If worse comes to worst I can always just toss it into a river somewhere.

Many Thanks,
Erialis Nailo


First Post
Another note is found below these:

Recently found:

Several gawy rings of various sizes, believed to have been owned by a very overdressed Archmage.

Several magic wands, also may have come from the before mentioned Archmage.

A bag of odd looking coins, have some magical value though I could not determine it.

One oddly lopsided blue wizards hat with white stars one it.

One deed to a school, ok so I didn't find it persay. But I did win it fair and square in card game, I swear I did.

One Autographed Book By Agudo the Archmage of Light. Ok say this is not a "Found" Item persay, but for some reason his photo on the front cover keeps winking at me and it's freaking me out.

If interested in any of this items please leave a way to contact you, I will deliever these items personally to you..........

*The note is unsinged*



A golden-haired elf in purple robes approaches the pile of notes, reading the most recent one. Looking interested, he scribes a quick note and pins up.

Magic-imbued coins, you say? I'll offer fifty gold for all of them. Just leave a reply, and we can work out the details.
Scaer Vieliss


First Post
To Scaer Vieliss:

50 gold coins sounds like a fair price for something I can't seem to work myself. Since I can not come to the Emporium myself at this time (Due to the fact I would rather not have a run in with the said owner of some of the "Lost" items I have) I will leave this bag below this note. It is spelled and will work only for you. Put the fifty coins in the bag, close it, wait five seconds. If you put in what you have promised me when you reopen the bag your magic coins will be in it. But I must add a warning to these coins. Though I have not found the full uses of these coins I do know that some of them explode, as my three year old grandson found out the hard way yesterday.

*Note is unsigned*



The middle-aged gray elf in purple robes approaches the board. Reading the note, he pulls out a bag of coins, counts the necessary amount, and places it in the bag left there. Waiting five seconds, he picks up his purchase, leaving a note of his own.

I thank you for these coins. They should be quite useful, as my familiar just recently had a litter, and the little things keep trying to chew anything magical they can reach. Quite a nightmare for a wizard, you can imagine. Thanks again.



A carefully penned note reads: "Ruthia, I am interested in the rings. I am willing to pay a premium price for them and have a perfect use in mind for them as well. Please contact Sir Eriwoj via messanger at the Cross Roads Tavern."


First Post
To Hethfletcher:

The School has been appraised at 5,000 gold coins with staff and student included. So I guess that 4,500 gold coins would be a fair price for it right? Oh and a side note the school is called "School of Light and Magic" if that makes any difference.

To Sir Eriwoj:

I unfortanatly have no way of sending a meesanger to the Tavern so I will leave one here. There are roughly 20 rings in this collection so I think 100 gold coins would be a good price. The bag attached to ths note will except that payment and pop out the rings for you if you agree to this price.


Agudo Archmage

Gaudy? And Booboos!

A rather well dressed Mage approaches the boards, and stumbles upon the fact that his advertisement; has been taken over by a charlatan.

With a clap of his hand he leaves a rather perturbed reply.

To Whom It May Concern:

And if I didn’t know better….do to this note smelling of brimstone… the {Whom} is a rather rascally White Dragon;
Who shall remain nameless, until I catch up to her!

My well-respected school is not for sale!

Whatever bogus deed you have come up with, is obviously a forgery, created by mischievous Gremlins or other malcontents!
Who must have took advantage of some drunken scaley fire breathing card players!

(Just goes to show you that Dragons cant hold their liquor!):rolleyes:

And for the record….4500 wouldn’t even cover the handcrafted Redwood doors of the chapel.
Let alone pay for my priceless beloved school of Light!

Now about those rings!

I have excellent tastes, and never would be caught wearing anything less than Waterdeep quality merchandise.

So if it gaudy then there is good reason for it! :embarrass

Now as far as those exploding coins and wands!

I can only say that the Gnomes in my Chemistry class; specialize in flying doohickeys.

And besides as Headmaster I have warned them not to make anymore-exploding objects!

Sooooooo ….
my legal obligation have been covered, and cannot be held responsible for any loss of appendages; 3rd degree burns or other booboos, suffered by your clumsy family members!

That includes children neglected by their mother any foolishness of playing with the Fire and Lightning Wands as well!

Lets see Ahh yes…My hat!

I want it back!
For some sneaky thief, or prankster, took it off the hat rack, at the Flute and Boot Tavern, owned by the sweet Kulideb.

Now no ifs and ands or buts about it!
I expect it left here in excellent condition….and leave your name so I can inform the proper authorities.

Please feel free to resale the valuable book that I wrote.

I am sure that it will fetch a high price, do to my handsome face winking at the owner.
Also I trust you will use the proceeds to help the needy, or to show you that there is no hard feelings…

Perhaps you can use the proceeds for your own legal obligations to pay off the magistrate when they


Agudo the Headmaster, and complete owner (Not for Sale) of the Agudo school of Light and Magic.

Voidrunner's Codex

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