• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Lost Eberron 4E Style: Combat over, Level up!


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He threw his arms up reflexively trying to shield his eyes against the blinding light, crying out in surprise. Slowly Lorn's vision began to resolve itself back into a cohesive whole, but what greeted his eyes didn't make any sense. This is not where they had been.

No,no,no,no,no...this isn't right. What's going on here?

Lorn looked around at the others, seeing their attention turned else where he followed their gaze. A ship! And people! Was this another trick of the island? Still there could be help to be had.

Let's get down there and at least get a better look.

He frowned as he studied the ship though.

I don't think there will be any taking that ship though...it looks like it's going down.

It seems unlikely at least that they would be involved with who or what brought us here. But pray that we've not come under some enchantment, this sudden change is passing strange...

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"And beware that those on the ship are not actually undead," Xandren cautions, "or that they do not sprout a dozen tentacles with which to strangle us and five eyes with which to flay us with their baleful gaze. Such I have seen and more from the Quori."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
At the sudden change of... well, of everything... Hesh throws up his hands in exasperation. Damnable elves! What madness is this? Do you even know? Turning attention to the boat, he shrugs. Best go introduce ourselves at least. If their elves though, ask them questions before we thump them. With that, he trudges down the sand.


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The group makes their way back down to the beach. They can see a small rowboat being lowered into the water. As it gets closer they can see three figures in the boat. Two large men are rowing, the third, a woman stands near the front. She raises her arm and waves, letting them know she sees them.

All of a sudden, she screams and backpedals, the rowers looking up in alarm. Skeletal arms reach over the sides of the boat. The strength of the undead grabs the arms of the rowmen, and pulls them screaming into the water. More arms reach for the woman, she screams again. Then suddenly, the sound of thunder rolls over the Lost. Water sprays out from the boat, and the woman falls into the water. She surfaces a few moments later, clearly terrified and begins swimming towards shore.


First Post
Never one to tolerate watching someone fall prey to the deprivations of the undead, Stellan dives into the surf to aid the female. He takes to the water like a furry fish, swimming strongly and confidently toward his goal.

[sblock=ooc] Drop axe and shield, then into the water, Athletics check 24[/sblock]


First Post
Aw, crap...

With only a split second's hesitation Lorn took off toward the scene of the burgeoning disaster as fast he could move.

Come on, come on!

As he ran though the more practical side of his brain kicked in. He wouldn't be able to help in the water, he wasn't a strong swimmer. Coming up short of the water's edge Lorn peered out over the lapping waves trying to mark Stellan's progress.

[sblock=ministats]Lorn Spellwright- Male Human Wizard 1
Initiative: +4, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11
AC:18, Fort:12, Reflex:16, Will:14 -- Speed:6
HP:23/23, Bloodied:11, Surge Value:5, Surges left:7/7
Action Points: 1
Powers -
Magic Missle
Scorching Blast

Grasping Shadows
Staff of Defense
Second Wind

Flaming Sphere


Full character sheet[/sblock]


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Xandren stows his fullblade in its scabbard and swims out after Stellan to help the besieged trio.

"Watch out, Stellan," he calls, "the undead may yet spout tentacles!"


First Post
Thormir is yet again shocked at his companions's lack of hesitation to throw themselves in the water for the sake of a stranger. Thormir had never liked water. He was able at most to float in a bathtub. Today didn't really start well either... he mumbles...

[sblock=ooc]just how far is the boat from the shore approximately?[/sblock]


First Post
Stellan and Xandren swim to the aid of the stranger. Through the crashing waves, they don't see the closeness of the reef until it's too late. The sharp coral slices their skin, and soon a small bit of red can be seen in the blue water. After half a minute, they reach the woman. Panic is in her eyes, she has many small cuts from the coral as well.

[sblock=ooc]Xandren and Stellan both take 5 damage on the way there from the coral. You can give me perception checks to try and swim back an easier way. When the pair reaches the woman, they are about 20 squares away.[/sblock]

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