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Lost Tomb of the Sphinx Queen - IC Thread


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Isfenidyar sips his milk and continues to pluck dates from the bowl in a relaxed, casual manner waiting for further introductions. "I am honoured Aethor of Master Gundarak's forge, and servant to the Planak and Kuma of the Great Mountain Uthgardt." Isfenidyar lowers his head in respect as he addresses each. "Child of Bast, would you care for any dates to compliment your drink?" he asks holding up the bowl in the direction of the reclined catwoman as he plucks another for himself. "They are quite decadent."

Nodding in recognition of the gnoll, her offer and Aethor's willingness to depart quickly, "If the tracker cannot offer up a reason to depart with haste, let us rest a moment and make conversation before we depart. It is said, be gentle and patient, then your heart will be beautiful." He turns and addresses the gnoll, "We do seek the Great Sphinx. I would be happy to pay your fee if only you would join us while we break from the sun for a few moments. What can you tell of yourself and of the desert that exists beyond Prophet's Leap?"

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Gli'jar said:
Nodding in recognition of the gnoll, her offer and Aethor's willingness to depart quickly, "If the tracker cannot offer up a reason to depart with haste, let us rest a moment and make conversation before we depart. It is said, be gentle and patient, then your heart will be beautiful." He turns and addresses the gnoll, "We do seek the Great Sphinx. I would be happy to pay your fee if only you would join us while we break from the sun for a few moments. What can you tell of yourself and of the desert that exists beyond Prophet's Leap?"

Knag'rr shifts uneasily, seemingly uncomfortable with Isfendiyar's questions. It seems she is unaccustomed to being asked personal questions. In a guttural voice, thick with the accent of her own harsh tongue, she replies, "There is no rush to see the Prophet. He waits day or night. But night time is cooler. I can take you there in day time or night time. I know the land very well. I can avoid the bandits. I know the hills, the gullies. I can keep you safe. On the right path. Find me outside if you want to go." The gnoll turns and departs the tent, pointedly avoiding answering any personal questions about herself.


The catwoman rises languidly to her feet and sidles towards the proferred dates "Why thank you" she purrs in a low, sultry voice as she reaches for one of the sweet delicacies "I am Arriana and, quite amazingly, I seek this Sphinx Prophet as well" she says her eyes sweeping the assembled men and her head nodding to each in greeting "I taste the influence of Bast or Bes here" she continues, her tongue flicking the air in front her mouth "I'm not sure who but I must say I am intrigued" she finishes as she pops the dried fruit into her mouth.
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Aethor gave the priest of Ra a look as if to say 'What?' before shaking his head and turning his gaze to watch the departing gnoll leave. Shrugging his shoulders he leaned against the nearby tent-pole, chewing a date while scratching his beard with the other. "I do not be understanding what you mean," he remarked to Arriana, "Be you saying that it be predetermined that we are all here?" He snorted. "I be going where I please. When I bested Master Gundarak in the sacred enclave of the forge, I did not so at the behest of any power. I pay my tributes, but my decisions are mine. I be thinking it be mere coincidence."

He finished off a date before taking a look at how far the sun was. The gnoll was right - it would be easier in the dark. Or at least for him. Less heat, still easy to see. "Does anybody be knowing anything about this Sphinx Prophet? Other than, you know, it be a Sphinx and it be a Prophet? I be hoping it can tell me what I need to know, but I am not sure I be believing it."


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Remaining mostly silent through the conversation, escept a nod and a affirmative murmur now and then, the elf takes it all in and files it away for later use.

He bides his time before saying much, but when the catwoman mentiones the influence of gods on their meeting, he laughs. "Hahaha! Wether be it by Basts, Bes or any other major powers, we are here now. Does it matter how, or why? I think not. As for myself, I am Royce Bal'dera, last of the Bal'cheroc nomads. I seek the prophet mostly out of curiousity, but also hoping it might give me some answers about my past."

Drinking heavily of the fermented milk of the camel, sweetened with think honey the color of gold, the elf shakes his head and seemingly comes to a conclusion. "I appologize, Kuma of the Great Mountain Uthgardt. I did not mean brute as in stupid oaf, that you surely are not. What did I mean? It does not matter now, and I am glad we met. I would be delighted to share your company and hear words of your exploits in the mountains."

He turns to the rest of the gathered and continues "It would seem wiser to travel in company, to see the prophet. Knag'rr might know the way and how to avoid the dangers, but you can never be too safe, I say."
Royce stands up and closes his eyes momentarily and whispers a few phrases to himself before coming back to the same world you all share. "In the tribes, it is common knowledge that to travel safely, you need to know the strengths and weaknesses of your companions. Myself, I am trained in the use of magic, specializing in things that have to do with fire." At he says the word fire, you can almost see a glimmering in his eyes, and a slight twitch of his eyebrow. "I fear I am in no use when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. I know quite abit about the world of arcane magic as well. Some of it is trained knowledge, some of it is as natural to me as breathing."

"Now, let me hassard a guess. Kuma, you are proficient in the art of closecombat fighting, and your innate abilities will surely help you greatly there. Isfendiyar, a priest of Ra. You care for others, and use the powers granted you to that purpose. A great addition indeed.
And lastly, Aethor the dwarf and Arriana the catlady, you are secretive about yourself and I respect that, but I would like to know more of your... abilities, so to speak."


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For a moment Kuma regards the loquacious elf stoically, as if trying to weigh each word's meaning...perhaps deciding if he's being mocked. Then his mouth spreads in a sharklike grin, and he booms hearty, oddly infectious laughter.

"Mountain's breath, elf! If words were water, you would make a forest of this desert!" His words are good-natured; he almost seems on verge of clapping Royce on the back.

He then addresses the gnoll, delving into his pouch for the coin. "Yes, a guide. Day or night, it is much the same to me."


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Pinotage said:
He finished off a date before taking a look at how far the sun was. The gnoll was right - it would be easier in the dark. Or at least for him. Less heat, still easy to see. "Does anybody be knowing anything about this Sphinx Prophet? Other than, you know, it be a Sphinx and it be a Prophet? I be hoping it can tell me what I need to know, but I am not sure I be believing it."

(OOC: Following is the generally-understood legend of Khubsheth and Ankharet. The PCs, as resourceful travelers to these lands, would be familiar with this tale. Feel free to incorporate any elements of it into your conversation. I should have shared this earlier, my apologies for overlooking it.)

On the edge of the mysterious Barren Hills, between the mountains and the Great Desert, there is a gigantic statue of a crowned gynosphinx, ancient beyond reckoning. At its feet, a great androsphinx known as Khubsheth the Prophet has dispensed counsel and prophecy to all who come to him for longer than mortal records can tell. Legend tells of a long-dead empire of sphinxes, ruled over for milennia by a great queen named Ankharet. She fell into darkness and her empire was shattered, as her subjects rebelled and cast her down. Unable to kill her, it is said they bound her beneath the statue, to wait for the foretold heroes who would be able to slay her and end her evil forever. Their empire in ashes, the sphinxes scattered to roam the world in bitter freedom - all but Khubsheth, who waits for his prophecy to be fulfilled.


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Isfenidyar nods when Royce and Arriana introduce themselves and raises his eyebrow as Aethor makes his comment Subtlety is lost on that one but at least he humble enough to admit his ignorance. Isfenidyar makes his greeting after Aethor and Kuma speak.

"Royce Bal'dera, last of the Bal'cheroc nomads, is is good to make your acquaintance, may your fire cleanse the lands." Isfenidyar lowers his head while keeping eye contact with Arriana, smiling playfully as he greets her, "And Arriana, may your passion for the house of Bes and Bast continue to wet you appetite."

Isfenidyar smiles as Kuma taut form loosens with his exhalation of laughter, "You are correct Royce, as a binder I wield a dual role. I bind the evil in the world to effect its elimination and the injuries of the wounded to effect their recovery. I agree with your assessment. Knag'rr is known for her reliability, but why travel alone when one can travel with companions."

OOC Given Arriana's dress and subtle overtones, I am making the leap that you are representing both Bes and Bast in their more carnal, libidinous aspects.


Arriana beams at her new companions "I am a setter of traps, an avoider of tricks, a deadly blade from the shadows and a user of magic" she says in answer to Royce's question.

OOC: Weekend, about to RL game - might not be able to post again till Monday.


Aethor grinned through his beard at Kuma's comment regarding the elf's verbose manner. Certainly between the elf and the priest of Ra there would be no lack of flowery speech. Thankfully, many years of spending time with the Planak halflings had attuned him to the constant chatter, while still letting him concentrate on the things around him.

"I be whatever you want me to be," Aethor responded to the elf, "I bested Master Gundarak with my swords and was proclaimed worthy. I've battled many a foul beast, and I can trick even the strongest as well. I stood firm against the flame beast of Niro and survived, and fought the orcs of Flame on the steps of the Aergorian Citadel. I be not a dwarf of many words, but I can be anything else. My skills be vast and strong."

He stretched and stiflled a brief yawn. "The Prophet of the mountains. Why it be waiting, I would like to know as well." This his mind drifted as he waited for some signal to find the gnoll.

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