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Lotus and the Cobra [IC]

Yellow Sign

The moon's reflection in the small pond was like a large pearl, silvery white and perfect. The brother and sister threw rocks and caused the image to waver in the ripples of the splash. Haji had just reached his 12th year and his sister Pragna was two years younger than he. They were as close as any brother and sister could be. They loved to come out at night and sit by the pond behind their hut. Hearing the frogs and crickets sing to Lord Moon. Haji was about to say something when a sound behind him caught his attention. He stood and gazed across the high grass to the edge of the jungle just a stones throw away. A loud crash broke the night and the water birds sleeping around the pond rose into the night sky. Haji held his sister and prayed to the Devas. He could see it's red eyes now. Then he held his hand over his sister's eyes and prayed
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Yellow Sign

The streets smelled of spices and jasmine. The trees along the busy street where in full bloom. Men and women hawked there wares. Calling out to the passing throng. Heavy laden carts pulled by water buffalo parted the crowds like water. Several stands hide cooking fires, pots, and plates of freshly cooked dishes. Laborers with only a loincloth as cover ate, talked, and laughed beside them. White robed Brahmins walked down the street, the masses gave them a bow of respect and a few called out a request for a blessing. Sword bearing Singh of the city guard question a merchant. The man gesturing wildly at the broken door of his shop. A tall elepant carries a high ranking Ksiatriya and his young bride. The elepant is panted white and decorated in mulitcolored flowers. This was the city of Bhalluka in the first days of spring.

Mira Inuska was late. Sweet is dripping into her eyes and she rushed down the street. She has almost fallen a couple of times as she dodges past people and animals. She was delayed by the haggling of a sly stone mason. It was her job to arrange the repair of a wall at the temple and it was harder than she thought it would be. Aditya Balava, the head Brahmin of the temple of Mahabhalla, was going to skin her alive for being late to his summons. Her feet pounded on the temple steps as she took them four at a time. She found him mediating infront of the large golden statue of Mahabhalla a small group of people waited a few steps away. She wondered who they where and what was going on?

Adus Chwain was bored. He hated to be confined in the city. His heart ached for the thrill of the chase and the clean air of the jungle. But orders where orders. And now he waited on the attention of a withered bald headed Brahmin. The orders where specific, go to the temple of Mahabhalla and do as the head priest wanted. As for now his wishes were for those there to wait and be silent. He glanced at those around him. and he wondered what was fate the Devas had instore for him.

Zhangyong was hungery. He had just arrived in the city this morning and had been on the move ever since. He had not even had time to grab something to eat. The smells of the cook fires and fresh fruits outside the temple caused his mouth to water. But with a firm resolve he sat quitely and mediated as the aged Brahmin did infront of him. Zhangyong soon found his balance point and the pangs of hunger disappeared. With this hightened state his mind realised that his fate was in the hands of the Devas and that he should have patience.

Yudhistra Mustaranak was curious. His lords difference to the old Brahmin was something he had not seen before. His master Surya Tapan was a hard and powerful man. And he was used to getting his own way but the honored respect he showed the Brahmin was totally out of character. Yudhistara sat quitely by his master as the Brahmin mediated before the great gilded statue of Mahabhalla. Though Yama was his patron Devas. All great spirits where due there honor. Surya Tapan's hasty orders to come to Bhalluka was a complete suprise but Yudhistra tried to hide it. A warrior should expect the unexpected. But he could keep the questions of of his mind.

Yellow Sign

The locust droned in the warm spring day. The sun was hot on Arjay Bharanda's head. He was used to the cool air of the northern steepes and the chill of the Adribandha mountains. Why had his wife's father sent him on this long trek. He was still learning the ways of the Baladhara and had much to learn. But why travel all this way south to learn from a hermit? Well it would be only a couple of more days travel and then he would find this Yogi Sukarman just out side the villiage of Peoket. He patted his horse affectionately. Well at least he had some company. As he turned a corner a lone figure walked along the road ahead of him. The man's long saffron colored robe denoted a holy man. Well maybe I can have someone to talk to as well. With that he urged his horse forwards at a trot.

The dragonflies danced infront of Jval Surya-nandana. There metalic blue bodies hang in the air. Jval smiled. The material and spirit world danced like the dragonflies but you had to learn to see it as he had done. Ever since the death of his teacher, it had been hard on Jval. What path should he take. Revenge clung to his soul like a drowning man. But he knew that it was not the way that he should take. Jyal was brought out of his toughts by the sound of hooved behind him. He turned to see a young man on a horse ride up.
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First Post
Somewhat surprised by the appearance of the armed horseman, Jval shakes himself out of his daydreams. Inside he can feel his pulse begin to race, and his anxiety rise. "Not all strangers are a threat" he thinks."Focus.Calm". Tucking his spear awkwardly under his arm, he places his palms together in a gesture of greeting and supplication.

As the man approaches Jval bows slightly and speaks. "Greetings stranger. May the Devi smile upon you this day. I am Jval, a poor wandering yogi. I seem to have become lost during my travels. May a humble man far from home trouble you for directions, mighty warrior?"

Jval apprehensively awaits the man's reaction.
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National Acrobat

First Post
Mira huffs and puffs, turning the corner, seeing Aditya Balava sitting there with strangers. "Oh no," she thinks to herself. "I shall be reprimanded, but my shame will be doubled in front of these strangers." She stops, eyes staring at the ground, not wishing to see the disappointed look that she knows she will receive.


Zhangyong looked up as he heard the fast approaching footsteps and saw beads of sweat hit the tiled floor of the temple. Mira. A soft smile came to the corner of his mouth and his tail flicked slowly in his lap. She is always so worried. With all of her fighting ability, you would think her self-confidence would never be swayed.

Just as the fiery devapala finally caught sight of the seated vanara, his stomach let out a huge GROAN. The brahmin's soft smile turned into a barely stifled guffaw and all of the attention was drawn away from Mira and to the chuckling blue-furred monkey.

National Acrobat

First Post
"A rather well timed distraction. Nonetheless, I was given a simple task, yet it became complicated and now I am late." Mira turns to the Brahmin, "I am here now, Wise One. I am yours to command." A look of slight worry is on Mira's face.


A suffusion of yellow
Daiymo said:
As the man approaches Jval bows slightly and speaks. "Greetings stranger. May the Devi smile upon you this day. I am Jval, a poor wandering yogi. I seem to have become lost during my travels. May a humble man far from home trouble you for directions, mighty warrior?"

Jval apprehensively awaits the man's reaction.

Reigning in his horse Arjay brought it to a halt and returned the bow. His features register some suprise when he sees the other mans eyes

"Thank you Holy Master" the Nomad replies cautiously lest the stranger be the manifestation of some Devi rather than a mortal man "my name is Arjay Bharanda a child of the steepe and a student of the mountains.

You say that you are a Yogi, I myself am sent on a mission to find the Yogi Sukarman outside the villiage of Peoket. Perhaps you know of him?"


First Post
Jval inwardly relaxes at the horseman's manner. Involuntarily he pulls his shawl a bit closer around his face.

"I am honored to meet you Arjay, student of the mountains. Yogi Sukarman? No, I fear I do not know him of this village you speak of. I am a stranger here myself."

Jval studies the horseman. "I come from the northern mountains myself. Forgive me for being so inquisitive, but you have an..unsual look about you. Are you a student of the mind and its infinite powers?"

Jval pauses, then curious, he continues. "If you do not object, I would like very much to meet this yogi. I would not wish to interfere in your business, but it has been some time since I have been in the presence of a master."
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A suffusion of yellow
Jval studies the horseman. "I come from the northern mountains myself. Forgive me for being so inquisitive, but you have an..unsual look about you. Are you a student of the mind and its infinite powers?"

Jval pauses, then curious, he continues. "If you do not object, I would like very much to meet this yogi. I would not wish to interfere in your business, but it has been some time since I have been in the presence of a master."

"Indeed good Master" Arjay grins as he makes to dismount from his steed and lead him along side the yogi

"forgive me my cryptic answers - the south road is strange to me also and so I am cautious. I am indeed a student of the mind and body and how they are a single entity, my Master is a Baladhara, and also my father-in-law" he pauses at that missing his wife and child

"Yes, I welcome your company on the road. The horse is a good friend but not a stimulating companion. It would be good to have another soul to speak with"

Voidrunner's Codex

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