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[LPF] Greener is the Grass

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First Post
Sylla dismounts and begins looking for outgoing tracks. She nods to the eidolon. "Boots, nose to the ground."

he chirps. After a moment, he adds, "Okay ... then what?"

Sylla closes her eyes. "Then sniff out the riders' trail."

"Oh, yeah, obviously,"
Boots says. "I knew that. I was just checking. I really had you going with that, didn't I? Hah hah, me not knowing I was supposed to use my nose. I mean, that's like the most important part of me."


"Okay, okay!"

[sblock=Actions]Survival at +7 for both of them. They can aid Maui if his skill is better.[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]

Sylla the Grim
AC: 18 (14 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP: 34/34
CMB: +5 CMD: 19
Fort: +1 Reflex: +5 Will: +4 (All saves +2 when adjacent to Boots)
Perception: +5, Low Light Vision
Initiative: +4

Current Weapon in Hand: Bow
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Spells Remaining (1st): 4
Spells Remaining (2nd): 1


AC: 23 (20 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 42/42
CMB: +8 CMD: 21 (25 vs. Trip)
Fort: +6 Reflex: +7 Will: +1
Perception: +7, Darkvision 60', Scent
Initiative: +3

Current Weapon in Hand: Natural weapons
Current Conditions in Effect: None

Used Items:
Arrows x2
Whistling Arrow x1
Smoke Arrow X2[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Edging close enough to denizel to talk privetly he asks, "you know these two, right? Is he always this way?"


First Post
"Who?" Denizel seems confused for a moment. "Oh Boots? Oh sure. He keeps it loose. Works for beer."

[sblock=Denizel, Level 5 Bard/Oracle]Denizel
AC: 20 (18 flat-footed, 12 Touch)
HP: 26 Current: 26
CMB: 2 CMD: 14 Fort: +2 Reflex: +7 Will: +8
Speed: 20'

Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Effect:

+1 Longsword: +3, 1d8, crit 19-20/x2
Wand, Inflict Light Wounds: 50/50, Touch, 1d8+2, Will DC 16 for Half, SR = Yes
+1 Crossbow: +6, 1d8+1, Crit: 19-20/x2, Rng: 80ft, 31 Bolts
Wand, Cure Light Wounds: 50/50, Touch, 1d8+2, Will DC 16 for Half, SR = Yes

Key Skills: Bluff +15, Diplomacy +11, Disguise +13, Kn Arcana +12, Kn History +10, Kn Local +10, Kn Nobility +10, Kn Religion +15, Linguistics +9, Perception +8, Perform (Dance) +9, Profession (Courtier) +5, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +7

Bardic Performance: 11/11 rounds per day

Bard Spells Remaining: 1st level 4/4
Bard Spells Known: 1: Charm Person (DC 16), Disguise Self, Hideous Laughter (DC 16)
0: Daze (DC 15), Detect Magic, Light, Message, Prestidigitation

Oracle Spells Remaining: 1st level 7/7
Oracle Spells Known: 1: Bless, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Identify, Sanctuary
0: Ghost Sound, Guidance, Mage Hand, Mending, Read Magic, Resistance, Stabilize


Sylla and Boots scout the site of the burnt Rundaine caravan. Despite the day or more of time passed since the attack the elf and darkwolf work in conjunction and easily pick up the trail. Making sure the trail isn't lost slows the group's pace, however, and by the time the sun is dipping below the horizon to the west they still haven't caught sight of either the bandits or any sort of camp.

The night passes quietly and dawn sees Sylla and Boots, Maui and Taniwha, Vincenzo, and Denizel up and again on the trail. The morning passes quickly if monotonously and just after the sun has passed its highest point and has begun its descent towards the horizon the four adventurers crest the rise of a gentle hill. In the waving grass a couple of hundred yards ahead of them is a band of Goti.

At this distance it is difficult to tell exactly what the Goti are doing but none are mounted, though their horses are at hand. There are eight in total: while two appear to be having some sort of discussion a third joins them pointing towards the ground. The other five are spaced in an irregular arc to the south of the trio; it looks like they might have been traveling north. As of yet, the Goti do not appear to have noticed the adventurers.


First Post
Maui jumps down from the horse nimbly and strokes the beasts neck and whispers something in its ear. It seems the jungle druid is going not only accustomed to riding but also fond of his mount. Taniwha rests on its haunches making no motion to pick up a scent without Maui's direction.

When Maui turns towards the area where the attack took place a scowl graces his features. "Stupid birds. Stupid Stick" he mutters to himself as he takes in the scene. It does not take him long to assess that the ground has been badly messed up by the caravan workers' retrieval of the wagons. "Tane, guide my eyes to te trail for te bones" he prays quietly as he begins making a wider sweep around the area, searching for Goti tracks that have not been trampled.

Maui's survival with Guidance is +10; if he can take 10 to find tracks he will. With Boots and Sylla's aid hopefully it will be enough to find the bandit's tracks.

Maui's intention is to discover horse droppings along the route the tracks take; if he does he will have Taniwha take up the scent as well in case the tracks become difficult to follow. With Guidance Taniwha's Survival check is +3 if a roll is required. [/sblock]

Edit after seeing GE's post:

Maui nods at the sharp tongued elf when she discovers the tracks. Following them is a simple matter for the remainder of the day, nevertheless Maui keeps his eyes peeled for droppings in case this should change as they continue on. Maui's sleep is restless, plagued with growls, snarls and sqwarks. Taniwha remains close to the druid, his presence seeming to comfort him somehow when his dreams become their darkest.

When the Goti come into view the next day as the breach the rise of the hill, Maui barks at his companions. "First te words. Then te swords. Let te bones have te chance to speak. Maui asks no more."
Last edited:


First Post
Sylla glances at Denizel. "Words first? Sounds as if you should be first in, bard. I have a slight alteration to the plan you might prefer, however."

She makes an arcane gesture and mouths a few words of a guttural language, and Boots suddenly vanishes. "Whoa! Where'd I go?"

"No questions. The spell doesn't last long. Sneak up to the horsemen, the far side if you can. Listen to what they say." To the rest of the party she adds, "We can ride in slowly and be fully apprised of the situation by the time we arrive."

[sblock=Actions]Unfetter and Invisibility on Boots. Unfetter gets rids of the summoner/eidolon distance restriction for 50 minutes. Invisibility lasts five minutes and gives +20 stealth for a +29 total. Boots will take 10 to move in close enough to hear and report back to Sylla. Given how scatterbrained he is, the report might not be too much help, so I expect Sylla will probably have to burn a few rounds of Bond Senses.[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]

Sylla the Grim
AC: 18 (14 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP: 34/34
CMB: +5 CMD: 19
Fort: +1 Reflex: +5 Will: +4 (All saves +2 when adjacent to Boots)
Perception: +5, Low Light Vision
Initiative: +4
Current Weapon in Hand: Bow (+6/+6, 1d8+3, 20x3)
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Spells Remaining (1st): 4/5
Spells Remaining (2nd): 2/3


23 (20 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 42/42
CMB: +8 CMD: 21 (25 vs. Trip)
Fort: +6 Reflex: +7 Will: +1
Perception: +7, Darkvision 60', Scent
Current Weapon in Hand: Natural weapons (+6/+6/+6, 1d6+8, 20x2)
Current Conditions in Effect: None

Used Items:
Whistling Arrow x1
Smoke Arrow X2[/sblock]


Sylla's plan is a good one and there is only a faint waving of grass as Boots takes off down the hill to the clustered Goti. Sylla, Maui, Vincenzo, and Denizel begin their slow ride down the hill. The movement draws the attention of the Goti who turn and watch as they ride down. The three in the lead speak quietly amongst themselves briefly then fall silent and turn to face the group and wait as they ride down.

Boots keeps up a rambling mental monologue of everything he is doing and smelling, and seeing and hearing on his way down and on the far side of the Goti. "That one's fascinated by poop, just like Maui. Granted, I smell the attraction..."

Sylla activates her magics to briefly ride along on Boots' senses catching the end of the whispered words. Of the leading three, one is a scout pointing out trail sign. The other two are seasoned warriors in their prime. One places a hand upon the hilt of a belt knife but the other, the younger of the two, warns him off. "Be at peace, uncle. They had the advantage; if they held ill will towards us we would have felt the sting of their arrows by now."

He turns and steps forward to greet Sylla, Maui, Vincenzo, and Denizel with his hands held out, palms up, in greeting or indication that he holds no weapons in hand. "Greetings, strangers."

Voidrunner's Codex

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