[LPF] Kostry Kopec


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Works crazy. I will try to stay on top of combat.

If someone misses by two malkovian will make it hit. Anaerion will retreat back up the ramp and cast mirror image in himself

Initiative: +9 Perception: +2 (low-light vision)
AC: 17 (14 flat-footed, 13 Touch )
HP: 44 Current: 44
CMB: +1 CMD:14(10ff) Fort: +4 Reflex: +5 Will: +5
+2 Will vs. Enchantments
Special: Immune to Magical Sleep
Current Conditions in Effect: Mage Armor
Current Weapon in Hand:

School Focus:
Shift: 15' Teleport as Dim Door. Does not Provoke AoO (7/8 remaining)
Summoner's Charm: Summoning Spells Last a total of 9 Rounds

Timely Inspiration: 2/3 Immediate Action, +2 Bonus, Range 60', Immediate action
Mage Hand: At will. Controllable by either Anaerion/Malkovian
Bonus Power: Anaerion does not know this power.
Bonus Boon: Anaerion does not know this power.

Spells Prepared:
Level 0: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Acid Splash, Mending
Level 1: Mage Armor ,Grease , Grease, Protection From Evil, Enlarge Person, Comprehend Languages
Level 2: Glittedust, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Web, Create Pit
Level 3: Haste,SM3x1, Sm3: Lantern Archon, Fly
Ring: Available

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[sblock=ooc]Because it made for some narrative coolness, I went ahead and applied Malkovian's aid this time, but an FYI: having realized in another thread that most interventionist spells / abilities like Timely Intervention are designed with the assumption that the caster doesn't know if they'll make the difference on the roll (thus phrasing like "If the bonus is enough to make the failure a success"), I think I need to find a way to allow for its use without essentially avoiding the potential cost of choosing to use it.

Since there's no way for you not to see the rolls, since your fellow players have to post them for me, going forward, I think it might be fairer if we exempt the 'by 2' part of your conditional. You can specify a specific character if you like ("If Tyrien misses, Malkovian intervenes"), a set of conditions ("Only if everyone misses, Malkovian inspires the last person to attack"), or just generalize ("If any ally misses, Malkovian inspires"). There are more permutations, really, but the essence is that I'm just quashing the ability to say "only use it if it's guaranteed to work."

Hopefully that doesn't seem punitive. It's certainly not my intent. But it does seem to me fair that there should be at least some chance for Malkovian to burn some resources without benefit. Let me know if folks think I'm being too harsh.[/sblock]

The voice of Anaerion's 'soul' calls out as the elf's companions fire several poor shots.

"Oh, no you don't!"

Tyrien's second arrow, having careened off the wall, inexplicably bounces off first the wall on the far end of the alcove the fungus started in, then off one of the stone pillars, and finally finishes its impossible flight path by tearing through the top of the giant mushroom. With a shudder and a slurp, the fungus' form loses cohesion, and it winds up an unappetizing mess in the shallow water of the garden's pool.

Another fungus squelches its way into the aura from Tyrien's ioun stone, and Kalgor and Ausk can both see that the other two continue their awkward way along the water-covered edges of the pool. It's clear that the fungus aren't designed to move quickly, but moving toward you they definitely are.


* The ioun torch only provides sufficient illumination out to 40' (20' normal, 20' dim). Past that, only the characters with darkvision can see and target effectively. I've shaded the map to reflect the ioun torch's aura.

* The pale blue 'coastal' area (The 5' adjacent to the walls and the small island) can be walked through as difficult terrain. All other water is 20' deep and requires a DC 10 swim check (calm water) to swim through.

* Any land without a grid on it is actually a wall or pillar. You can't move through it, and it provides cover as normal.

I moved Anaerion back as far as best I could without affecting his and Malkovian's line of effect.

Kalgor: 39/54
Gragnor: 26/26, Mage Armor, 3 CON and 5 STR damage
Tyrien: 48/48
Ausk: 82/82
Anaerion: 44/44, Mage Armor, Mirror Image (3 dupes)

Fungus 1 (AC 15): Dead.
Fungus 2 (AC 15, 30/30 HP): Undamaged.
Fungus 3 (AC 15, 30/30 HP): Undamaged.
Fungus 4 (AC 15, 30/30 HP): Undamaged.[/sblock]

GM: PCs up again


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[sblock=ooc]Because it made for some narrative coolness, I went ahead and applied Malkovian's aid this time, but an FYI: having realized in another thread that most interventionist spells / abilities like Timely Intervention are designed with the assumption that the caster doesn't know if they'll make the difference on the roll (thus phrasing like "If the bonus is enough to make the failure a success"), I think I need to find a way to allow for its use without essentially avoiding the potential cost of choosing to use it.

Since there's no way for you not to see the rolls, since your fellow players have to post them for me, going forward, I think it might be fairer if we exempt the 'by 2' part of your conditional. You can specify a specific character if you like ("If Tyrien misses, Malkovian intervenes"), a set of conditions ("Only if everyone misses, Malkovian inspires the last person to attack"), or just generalize ("If any ally misses, Malkovian inspires"). There are more permutations, really, but the essence is that I'm just quashing the ability to say "only use it if it's guaranteed to work."

Hopefully that doesn't seem punitive. It's certainly not my intent. But it does seem to me fair that there should be at least some chance for Malkovian to burn some resources without benefit. Let me know if folks think I'm being too harsh.[/sblock]

Personally, with the inclusion of AC, it's really easy to say "oh you missed by two. You still hit." Remove displaying AC, yo make it a guessing game. Until we can deduce what actually hits vs what does't, it makes it harder to know. However that makes the rounds take longer since we do not know what hits or not to roll damage.

That being said, I was trying (and failing) to include the inspire before you update. Otherwise it is ruled as missed and I'm SOL. I would honestly prefer that, despite my work schedule, because that seems fairer in my book than waiting until a couple days when my schedule lightens then retroactively hitting.

TLDR: work sucks. And Malkovian will notify when he uses it. It cannot be used retroactively.

Satin Knights

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"First one is down." Tyrien shoots at the next one coming just into view. One arrow hits its target while the other skips off of the column. "Get out here scaredie cat! Oh, not you kitty!"
[sblock=actions for Tyrien]Same attack as before: PBS Arcane Strike Deadly Aim Rapid Shot at number 2[/sblock]
Kalgor turns back around because he can't be shown up by a girl. Wading back out in it water ahead of her, he takes a shot, which slices off a tentacle.
[sblock=actions for Kalgor]Move back out to previous position of O11, shoot once at number 2
Gragnor stays put, out of the way.[/sblock][sblock=mini-stats]Kalgor AC 16 HP 39/54, Init +2, Perception +9/+11 vs human, Darkvision, Move 20' STR 18 Dex 14
+1 Greatsword +9, 2d6+7+1 dirty fighting trait when flanking, or
Handbo +8, d6+4
Comp Longbow, +7, d8+4..... Arrows 7 Normal, 5 CI, 3 Blunt, 2 Smoking
Fort: +5, Reflex +5, Will +6, CMB +8, CMD 20
...Summoner Cantrips: Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Mage Hand, Jolt
...... . . Mage Cantrips: Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Dancing Lights
.,....Summoner 1st Lvl: 0/4 remaining; Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon, Shield, Magic Fang, Expeditious Retreat
.,....Summoner 2nd Lvl: 0/1 remaining; Haste, Lesser Evolution Surge
..,,,Mage 1st Lvl Spells: 3; Mage Armor(3hr), Vanish(3r), Enlarge Self*(3m), Bonded Amulet
...,,......,..Racial Spells: 1/day, not used; Daylight (50 minutes)
,.Summoner Monster II:
4/4 remaining; std action SLA summon, (3 min), Celestial Hyena, d3 Celestial dogs, d3 celestial eagles
.,,.........Battle Shaper: 4/4 remaining; swift action to grow a claw, bite or gore attack

...,,.......Combat Feats: Precise Strike
.............Consumables: 2 Alchemist's Fires, 1 Cure Light Wounds potion
Party Supplies: Wearing the Ring +1 Protection
...........Party Supplies:
2 scrolls of Umbrella, 2 scrolls of Create Treasure Map, Scroll of Devolution, Scroll of Unfetter, 3 scrolls of See Invisibility, Scroll of Comprehend Languages, 1 potion of lesser restoration (1 also carried by Tyrien), 2 scrolls of remove curse, 1 scroll of invisibility purge


Gragnor HP: 23/26, AC 25 with Mage Armor ..... Move 40'
Bite +8, d4; Claw +8, d3; Claw +8, d3 (+6 to hit while poisoned, d3-2 damage)
Fort +3, Reflex +7, Will +1, CMB +2, CMD 16, Evasion
Perception +14, Stealth +22, Darkvision
Acrobatics +18, Init +4, Precise Strike
Effects: Mage Armor 1.15 hrs, 11-5 STR, 11-5 CON, +5 Fort from antitoxin potion
+3 base Fort -2 Con +1 Surge +5 antitoxin = +7 vs DC 13
Final result CON 11-3=8, STR 11-5=6[/sblock]
Last edited:


First Post
With a word of power Anaerion speeds up the reaction time of his companions. Hoping to keep the battle a ranged battle.

Cast Haste

Initiative: +9 Perception: +2 (low-light vision)
AC: 17 (14 flat-footed, 13 Touch )
HP: 44 Current: 44
CMB: +1 CMD:14(10ff) Fort: +4 Reflex: +5 Will: +5
+2 Will vs. Enchantments
Special: Immune to Magical Sleep
Current Conditions in Effect: Mage Armor
Current Weapon in Hand:

School Focus:
Shift: 15' Teleport as Dim Door. Does not Provoke AoO (7/8 remaining)
Summoner's Charm: Summoning Spells Last a total of 9 Rounds

Timely Inspiration: 2/3 Immediate Action, +2 Bonus, Range 60', Immediate action
Mage Hand: At will. Controllable by either Anaerion/Malkovian
Bonus Power: Anaerion does not know this power.
Bonus Boon: Anaerion does not know this power.

Spells Prepared:
Level 0: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Acid Splash, Mending
Level 1: Mage Armor ,Grease , Grease, Protection From Evil, Enlarge Person, Comprehend Languages
Level 2: Glittedust, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Web, Create Pit
Level 3: Haste,SM3x1, Sm3: Lantern Archon, Fly
Ring: Available

Satin Knights

First Post
[sblock=ooc]It looks like Hurricane Isaac aftermath has kept our GM offline for about five days now. So, I expect it will be a few more before he gets reconnected. [/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Isaac wasn't incredibly destructive 'round here, but the rest of my life decided to take a large dump on me right around the same time, unfortunately. You guys have my continued apologies for my repeated dropping of the ball. :(

Personally, with the inclusion of AC, it's really easy to say "oh you missed by two. You still hit." Remove displaying AC, yo make it a guessing game. Until we can deduce what actually hits vs what does't, it makes it harder to know. However that makes the rounds take longer since we do not know what hits or not to roll damage.

As you guessed, that's largely a speed issue. My philosophy on HP and AC has largely been one I picked up from another DM: I don't post either until you've managed to exceed it. Once you hit a creature, I post the AC, rather than playing coy with whether you were 1 or 2 or 5 over the AC. It seems a usually-decent compromise that allows for a bit of the uncertainty that comes with first facing a new foe without really dragging folks down by having to guess for the entire combat whether their attacks were successful.

I think I've probably made a mess of the inspiration, too, by doing mid-round updates, so I'll avoid those going forward, which will hopefully help.[/sblock]

Tyrien and Ausk both turn their attention quickly to the next oncoming fungus, but in their haste to fire off their shots, they fail to properly account for the stone wall and pillar which partially blocks it, and their missles fail.

Kalgor, however, apparently spurred on by the archer's taunt, slogs through the mucky water to an apparently better angle, his arrow managing to sink into the violet body with an audible slurping sound.

The quartet of Anaerions, meanwhile, rushes forward so that he / they can see all of his/their companions. Four hands reach into four component bags, producing a small, black root. They snap it in half as they spit out indescipherable words, and the roots vanish, and the methodical progress of the slimy fungi seems to become even more painfully slow to the group's magically-accelerated senses.

[sblock=ooc]Okay, this time I know I provided the appropriate warning:

* Any land without a grid on it is actually a wall or pillar. You can't move through it, and it provides cover as normal.

All three bow shots had to contend with cover from the wall and / or that pillar between you guys and number 2, which means only Kalgor's shot actually hit.

If I'm reading line of effect rules correctly, Anaerion had to move where I put him in order to be able to include Kalgor in the Haste. It didn't put him in any immediately new peril, though, so I figured it was a safe edit to make. [/sblock]


* The ioun torch only provides sufficient illumination out to 40' (20' normal, 20' dim). Past that, only the characters with darkvision can see and target effectively. I've shaded the map to reflect the ioun torch's aura.

* The pale blue 'coastal' area (The 5' adjacent to the walls and the small island) can be walked through as difficult terrain. All other water is 20' deep and requires a DC 10 swim check (calm water) to swim through.

* Any land without a grid on it is actually a wall or pillar. You can't move through it, and it provides cover as normal.

Kalgor: 39/54, Haste 6/6 rounds
Gragnor: 26/26, Mage Armor, 3 CON and 5 STR damage
Tyrien: 48/48 Haste 6/6 rounds
Ausk: 82/82 Haste 6/6 rounds
Anaerion: 44/44, Mage Armor, Mirror Image (3 dupes) Haste 6/6 rounds

Fungus 1 (AC 15): Dead.
Fungus 2 (AC 15, 22/30 HP): Moderately damaged.
Fungus 3 (AC 15, 30/30 HP): Undamaged.
Fungus 4 (AC 15, 30/30 HP): Undamaged.[/sblock]

GM: PCs up :)


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