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[LPF] No Loitering


First Post
Erin Vaneese


The young ranger makes for good company as they make their way south. Erin is impressed with his silent movements, despite the large weapon he carried. "I agree with Wilmorn, a camp off the main road tonight makes sense. Less chance of being seen by anyone...untoward. I'll take the middle watch, as seeing in the dark is easy for me."

[sblock=Perception 19]
Perception, Preemptive: 1D20-1 = [20]-1 = 19


[sblock=Erin Vaneese Mini Stats]

Erin Vaneese
AC:16 (11 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 8/8
CMB: +1 CMD: 15

Fort: +2 Reflex: +4 Will: +1
Perception: -1 Sense Motive: -1
Initiative: +4

Concentration: +5
Level 0 Spells Prepared: Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
Level 1 Spells Prepared: 1/1 Mirror Strike

Class Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Linguistics +9, Profession (Cook) +3, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +11

Current Weapon in Hand: Wakazashi, +5, 1d6+1, 18-20, S or P
Current Conditions in Effect:
Temporary items in possession:
Items not currently in possession:
Items depleted: none

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Kepli Stormborn, shaman

Kepli seems eager and happy to be out of the city. She hums, she constantly looks around at everything as if it is new, she giggles at the antics Scuttle gets up to. She'll also try to strike up a conversation with her companions about just about anything.

"Oh, I think I can take a watch, too. Early, late, middle," she shrugs. "It doesn't matter where I watch, I've pretty good vision even at night. And Scuttle is usually awake when I am." A brief look of concern crosses her face as she glances over at the seagull. "Have any of you done anything like this before? I've worked on the docks cutting up fish and I live in Boat Town which is quite raucous at times but I've never really gone off and done a job like this before."

[sblock=OOC]Kepli: Perception (1d20+10=11)
Scuttle: Perception (1d20+6=9)[/sblock]
[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Kepli[/size] Aasimar Shaman 1
Initiative: +1 Perception: +10 (+12 w/ Alertness); Darkvision 60 ft.

AC: 13 (11 touch; 12 flat-footed)
HP: 12 Current: 12
CMB: +1 CMD: 12 Fort: +1 Ref: +1 Will: +5

In Hand: Shortspear
Conditions: None yet
Spells Prepared:
  • 1st level (DC 14): Cure Light Wounds, Sleep
  • Orisons: Daze, Detect Magic, Guidance
Concentration +6
Spirit Magic: Charm Animal 1/1
Alchemist's Fire 2/2 (w/ Aszar)

[size=+1]Scuttle[/size] Seagull Spirit Animal
Initiative: +2 Perception: +6

AC: 15 (14 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 6 Current: 6
CMB: +0 CMD: 6 Fort: +1 Ref: +4 Will: +4

In Beak: Nothing
Conditions: None yet
Speed: 10 ft; fly 40 ft
Melee: Bite +4 (1d3-4); 0 ft reach
Improved Evasion


Voda Vosa

First Post

merfolk.jpg The merfolk looks down at the suddenly wavering confidence of Kepli. His eyes seem to be fixed on her for a moment, until she stares back. He then proceeds to speak, lifting his gaze and setting it on the horizon. "For I, it is the first time I ... "offer"..." He seems to be struggling with words, as if trying not to pick a way too offending one. "... my services. However, it is not the first time I venture the open, and face the random and capricious Nature." he adds later. "But always in solitude, I found the company of mammals somewhat disturbing. I must say it is not the case with the currently assembled company." he finishes, with what few could identify as a compliment.


First Post
Erin Vaneese


Erin eyes Kepli with a look that is a mix of longing, and sadness. "No, this is my...job I guess you'd say. Not long before this I was just a slave or experiment really. Take your pick." She spits on the ground in disgust. Anger got the better of her for a moment, her eyes flaring red (Infernal) "I hope you suffered you miserable git." Getting her temper under control, she swirls her tail around her. "Sorry, thinking of my old master gets me upset."

[sblock=Erin Vaneese Mini Stats]

Erin Vaneese
AC:16 (11 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 8/8
CMB: +1 CMD: 15

Fort: +2 Reflex: +4 Will: +1
Perception: -1 Sense Motive: -1
Initiative: +4

Concentration: +5
Level 0 Spells Prepared: Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
Level 1 Spells Prepared: 1/1 Mirror Strike

Class Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Linguistics +9, Profession (Cook) +3, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +11

Current Weapon in Hand: Wakazashi, +5, 1d6+1, 18-20, S or P
Current Conditions in Effect:
Temporary items in possession:
Items not currently in possession:
Items depleted: none

Voda Vosa

First Post
View attachment 64924 "Be weary, for uncontrolled emotions can be as cruel as any master, and dangerous not only for yourself." Aszar had noticed how the woman reacted to philosophy, and thus showering some wisdom surely would get her on the edge. But if he was paying atention to what he had just said, then she'd do better. Just a little experiment.


First Post
Wilmorn, human male

[sblock=MiniStats][SIZE=+1]Wilmorn[/SIZE] Human Ranger 1
Initiative: +2 Perception: +6

AC: 15 (12 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 12 Current: 12
CMB: +5 CMD: 17 Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +2

In Hand: Bardiche (+5, 1d10+6, 19-20/x2, slashing,reach,brace,+2 CMD resist sunder)
Conditions: None yet
Favored Enemy:
  • Human +2
  • Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival
  • Weapon Attack and Damage
  • May ID creature untrained (look, it's a human!)
Wild Empathy: 1d20-1

Acrobatics +7, Handle Animal +2, K(Dungeoneering) +5, K(Geography) +5, K(Nature)+5, Perception +6, Stealth +6, Survival +6, Survival(Track) +7

Wilmorn listens as others discuss their experience in jobs such as this, clearly shocked at their comparable lack of experience.

"Er, I've been part of caravans that's needed to drive bandits away. Usually a show of force is all it took." Wilmorn continues to toe the dirt uncomfortably, before sighing and fessing up. "Well, it's more like I've tagged along on such caravans, and Master Martin and others convince them to scatter with their show of force while I, um, learned from the experience."

"I'm not sure how much we'd be able to adopt such methods. The situation's really not the same, and I'm no Master Martin."


First Post
The party winds its way along the forest road, following the directions laid out in their paperwork. The sun is bright and the road largely untravelled, which might mean nothing, or might suggest Parson's troublemakers have scared off normal travellers.

In any event, the emptiness allows the group to begin feeling each other out, gaining bits of information on each other as they make their way down the path. Erin and Wilmorn range a little way ahead, their eyes sharp and bright for trouble.

Unfortunately, it seems trouble is better at staying out of sight than even the skills of the scouts. At a point in the path where the trees encroach, Wimlorn and Erin don't see the oversized spiders lurking in the branches until the pair of arachnids drops on them. While Erin manages to avoid the dripping maw of her attacker, Wilmorn takes a small but painful bite to his leg.

Though the wound is slight, the ranger feels himself grow weaker as a burning sensation spreads up his leg.

The others, too, are surprised by the sudden sight of large arachnids which appear to be assaulting their companions further ahead, though everyone finds him or her self responding quickly to the surprise assault.

[sblock=Know Nature DC 10]These are giant crab spiders, a vermin known for its ability to become nearly unnoticeable when standing still waiting for prey (+15 Stealth when not moving).
[sblock=Know Nature DC 15]Giant crab spiders can see in the dark and sense creatures through vibrations along the groun (darkvision and tremorsense).
[sblock=Know Nature DC 20]The venom of these spiders can weaken a victim whose body fails to adequately resist it(poison attack, Fort DC 14, 1d2 STR damage for 4 rounds. Cure: 1 save)[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]


[sblock=Action Crunch]

Despite some impressive Perception rolls, the spiders have some killer Stealth going, so they get surprise. Spider 1 misses an attack on Erin.

Spider 2 lands a bite, and Wilmorn fails the Fort save against its poison. He takes 1 HP damage, and 2 STR damage. Take the reduced strength into account when rolling attacks. Also, when you post, roll a new Fort save against DC 14. If you save, there will be no further effect from the poison on this bite. If you fail it, Wilmorn will take more STR damage next round.

On the upside, the party won Initiative, so you all get a full round of actions before the spiders can do anything more.

Note: If Aszar plans to ride and fight, he'll need to use a move action to roll a Ride check (DC 20) to control his horse, since it isn't combat trained. If he fails that check, he cannot act the rest of the round.

Alternately, he can dismount. That's a move action, unless he makes a DC 20 Ride check for a Fast Dismount, in which case it's a Free action.

So long as the horse sustains no damage, it won't run if left unattended in its current position (DM Fiat / Rule 0). Damage to an untrained horse will require another Ride check (if he's on it) or Handle Animal (if it's unattended) to control its flight response.[/sblock]

[sblock=General Combat Notes]Trees / Green squares are Difficult Terrain (take double movement, no charging, no 5' steps)

Remember to post an updated map link when you update for moves.

Wilmorn    11/12, Str 16/18, poison 3/4 rounds remain (DC 14 Fort save to end further)
Erin       8/8
Siddhartha 9/9
Kepli      12/12
Scuttle    6/6
Aszar      8/8
Klot'Kar   3/3
Horsie     15/15

Spider 1  11/11 AC 13 [T 13, FF 11]
Spider 2  11/11 AC 13 [T 13, FF 11]

Voda Vosa

First Post
Aszar Kzolp, Merfolk witch

"Beware, crab spiders have a poison that weakens your muscles. They also detect prey through ground vibrations, hence if you can fly, I would advice to." Aszar advises as he struggles to get off the horse.
Once on firm ground, the merman pounces the ground with his long spear, his eyes glowing ocean green as he lifts his left hand and speaks a strange and gurgling curse.

Nature: 27
Move: Unmount. Standard: Cast Ill Omen on Spider attacking Wilmorn. The thing will have to re roll its next d20 and take the worst result.
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First Post
Erin Vaneese


Caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the spiders, Erin regains her composure and immediately takes a defensive posture. Drawing her blade in one smooth motion, she lashes out with her sword in her left hand trying to bypass the spider's defenses and end this fight swiftly. "Wilmorn, you ok? Let's keep this back to back and hold them off from pouncing on either of us."

[sblock=Attack Roll 20]
Attack Roll: 1D20+5 = [15]+5 = 20


[sblock=Damage Roll 4]
Damage Roll: 1D6+1 = [3]+1 = 4


Standard, Attack
Move, Draw Weapon

[sblock=Erin Vaneese Mini Stats]

Erin Vaneese
AC:16 (11 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 8/8
CMB: +1 CMD: 15

Fort: +2 Reflex: +4 Will: +1
Perception: -1 Sense Motive: -1
Initiative: +4

Concentration: +5
Level 0 Spells Prepared: Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
Level 1 Spells Prepared: 1/1 Mirror Strike

Class Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Linguistics +9, Profession (Cook) +3, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +11

Current Weapon in Hand: Wakazashi, +5, 1d6+1, 18-20, S or P
Current Conditions in Effect:
Temporary items in possession:
Items not currently in possession:
Items depleted: none
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First Post
[sblock=ooc] [MENTION=51271]Voda Vosa[/MENTION] , vermin are immune to mind-effecting spells, which Ill Omen is. Given his Know roll (and that vermin was part of the lowest level info), even if you didn't realize it, I think it's safe to assume Aszar, the character, would know his spell wouldn't have an effect on the creature. Go ahead and take a different Standard Action, and we'll consider that spell un-cast.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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