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[LPF] The Curse of the Brown Auroch


Pirvinia von Lichenstein, Human Female


Pirvinia quickly opens up her haversack and pulls out two torches.

"Quick, we should burn them before the effects wear off."

She holds them out for the tengu and swordsman to take so she can light them.

[sblock=Crunch]Remove items from haversack[/sblock][sblock=Mini-stats]Privinia von Lichenstein
+8, Perception: +4 (6 with Mazi)
AC: 16 (12 w/out Mage Armor) (Touch 12, Flat-footed 10)
20 Current: 19
11, Fort: +3, Ref: +3, Will: +4 (Add +1 to Saves with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect:
Eschew Materials, PBS, Precise Shot

Weapon in Hand:
Wand MM & Torches
Spells Remaining:
1st Level: 5/6

+2 Senses: low-light vision; Perception: +11
18 (Touch 16, flat-footed 16)
10 Current: 10
Fort: +0, Ref: +4, Will: +5
Conditions in effect:
Improved Evasion, Empathic Link
Weapon in Hand:
Bite [Att: +7, dmg: 1d2-5(1 non-lethal)][/sblock]

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First Post
He took the torch from her outstretched hand, still coughing. "Vile creatures, we should do away with them, they were no doubt conjured up by whatever evil force summoned those dogs."
[sblock=OOC]He takes a torch. Is he still nauseated/bleeding?[/sblock]
[sblock=Samad's Mini Stats]

Samad Salil
AC: 17 (14 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 18/23
CMB: +3 CMD: 16
Fort: +2 Reflex: +7 Will: +4
Perception: +8, Low Light Vision
Initiative: +5
Current Weapon in Hand: Scimitar (+7, 1d6+3, 18-20 x2)
Current Conditions in Effect: Weapon Finesse, Dervish Dance, Bleeding (1), Nauseated
Spells Remaining (1st): 4/4

Used Items:
Wand (17 charges left)

Abilities Used:
Battle Dance (1/11 rounds)


First Post
GM: I'm going to call the end to round one.

Samad wobbles a bit and then regains his composure now that the swarm is not swirling around his head. Small wounds from the relentless biting cover his head, neck and hands. They drip blood down his face and armor. Hundreds of bats lie on the floor, nearly motionless with the exception of the occasional fluttering of a wing.

[sblock=Attack]Samad continues to bleed (-1 HP). A Heal check would be in order.[/sblock]

Gold still has a turn.
Initiative Order:
12 Privinia/Mazi - 19/20 - AC 12 (16)
12 Paskell - 20/20 - AC 19
10 Samad - 18/23 - AC 17 - Bleeding
8 Lightfeather - 30/30 - AC 17


Pirvinia von Lichenstein, Human Female


Pirvinia lights the torches with a tindertwig.

"Samad, you should hand the torch to Lightfeather after you burn the creatures. Then you can deal you’re your injuries."

She offers the other torch to the tengu.

[sblock=Crunch]Removes tindertwig, lights torches.
Offers torch to Paskell.
We can actually take turns burning in the same round, using spare move actions to hand off the torches to another person after attacking with it.
[MENTION=6705164]Grayn[/MENTION], what happened to the bats? Did they stay in the room or are they knocked out underneath the bats? I had thought Samad got swarmed by both.[/sblock][sblock=Mini-stats]Privinia von Lichenstein
+8, Perception: +4 (6 with Mazi)
AC: 16 (12 w/out Mage Armor) (Touch 12, Flat-footed 10)
20 Current: 19
11, Fort: +3, Ref: +3, Will: +4 (Add +1 to Saves with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect:
Eschew Materials, PBS, Precise Shot

Weapon in Hand:
Wand MM & Torches
Spells Remaining:
1st Level: 5/6

+2 Senses: low-light vision; Perception: +11
18 (Touch 16, flat-footed 16)
10 Current: 10
Fort: +0, Ref: +4, Will: +5
Conditions in effect:
Improved Evasion, Empathic Link
Weapon in Hand:
Bite [Att: +7, dmg: 1d2-5(1 non-lethal)][/sblock]


First Post
He wiped his bloody brow, "I do not suppose that one of you can staunch these wounds? I would invoke Bashu's grace to heal them, but such should be saved for times of greater emergency."
[sblock=OOC]Sorry, I thought we had continued on to the next round already. :p[/sblock][sblock=Samad's Mini Stats]

Samad Salil
AC: 17 (14 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 18/23
CMB: +3 CMD: 16
Fort: +2 Reflex: +7 Will: +4
Perception: +8, Low Light Vision
Initiative: +5
Current Weapon in Hand: Scimitar (+7, 1d6+3, 18-20 x2)
Current Conditions in Effect: Weapon Finesse, Dervish Dance, Bleeding (1), Nauseated
Spells Remaining (1st): 4/4

Used Items:
Wand (17 charges left)

Abilities Used:
Battle Dance (1/11 rounds)

Gorgon Heap

First Post
Lightfeather grunts and nod, but waves off the torch from the scratched elf. "Neh. Hold it. I once saved a horse that stepped in a spider nest." She takes a clean cloth from Samad himself and douses it with her own water. She carefully cleans and re-cleans the scratches, and even sniffs at them while pressing on them gently, but determines there's little else to be done just now. "Outdoors there is more helpful things. Plants. Honey. I will get honey. But these will be fine for a time. We will clean again."

[sblock]We're not in combat, so if I'm allowed I'll Take 10 = 18[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC]Sorry I've been a little sporadic, this week has been a bit crazy.

We are still in combat.

Privinia: You can take the torch out of your pack and light one of them (move+standard action), but your actions are completed till next round.

I don't really understand your question, but there is one swarm of bats. They are presently on the ground in squares G7 & H7 and twitching.

Samad spent one part of his round to walk over to Privinia to get the torch (move x 2). His round is complete (still need the square that you walked to). I think I missed that in the stats post.

Lightfeather needs to roll for Heal.

Paskell still needs to act (so far, he just has spoken this round.)

Take it away, guys...or we can move on to round 3. ;)[/sblock]


First Post
Lightfeather spends a little time wetting a rag from her waterskin and dabbing it on the bard's face. In a short time, Samad's face is clean and his wounds are staunched.


[sblock=OOC]I had assumed we moved to Round 2 before you announced it as well and have posted probably 3 rounds worth of actions to keep things moving. ;)

Oops, I wrote "Bats", but I meant Spiders. What happened to the Spiders?[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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