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[LPF] The Devil We Know


Lydia re-attaches her sling staff to her pack, and unsheathes her knife. "Don't worry, folks!" She says cheerily, as she begins cutting at their bindings. "We're here to help!"

She nods at Amien as he approaches and assists in the task, then her eyes grow large as she notices the rather large animal Galandra is now tending to. "Um... Amien? Any idea where that cat came from?"

[sblock=Stats]Full Stats
HP: 9/12
AC: 16 (Touch: 14, Flat: 13)
Init: +3 (+5 in forest) / Speed: 30 ft.
CMB: +1 / CMD: 14
Fort: +4 / Ref: +5 / Will: +1 (+3 vs fear)
Speed: 30 ft.
In Hand: Dagger (Melee: +2 [1d3+1], Ranged: +4 [1d3+1], 10 ft.)

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First Post
Amien continues to rigorously cut at the ropes while whispering back, hoping to finish quickly so that the victims have a better chance of avoiding becoming a meal, "..lost jungle ruled by them, I don't know!"


"Well... Amien is right, the jungle is home of these kind of cats but... perhaps it came as a stowaway on a ship? Ah, don't worry about her, it already had her fill with the rat over here. And look-" she pats the cat on her belly and then scratches her behind her ears. The cat makes a much stronger and deeper purr than your average cat. "See? Seems at least somewhat domesticated. Oh, Aren't you a beauty? yes, yes you-" Galandra catches herself talking to the cat on a very cheesy way. "...ehem-, I'm sure she will be alright"

Galandra tries some of the tricks her father used with his hunting dogs. "Come... fetch the rat... Down. Good girl! Well, she knows the basics. Someone already trained her. Might have been part of a circus..." Galandra shrugs not really looking for an explanation. With each passing minute she feels a strong bond forming with the animal that seems to react effortlessly to her commands.

[sblock=Ministats Galandra]

AC: 18 (Touch 12, Flatfooted 16)
HP: 8/42

Initiative: +2
Perception: +9/+11 vs Humans, Sense Motive: +2/+4 vs Humans, Handle Animal +6/+10 (Animal Companion)
CMB: +8 CMD: 20 Fort: +6 Reflex: +7 Will: +4

Masterwork Falchion +9 [2d4+4] 18-20
Dagger +8 [1d4+3] 19-20
Masterwork Comp Longbow STR3: +7 [1d8+3] x3 (110ft)

Effects: Killer
Combat Feats: Power Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot, Cleave

Conditions: None

In Hand: Masterwork Composite Longbow STR3


Efficient Quiver
  • -Blunt Arrows (20)
  • -Arrows (28)
  • -Masterwork Arrows (10)
  • -Javelins (10)
  • -Spears (3)


  • 3 days rations, Wand CLW (5 charges), Oil (2)

[sblock=Ministats Mika] Mika, Small Leopard, Animal Companion

Hp 16/16
AC 20

Spd 50 ft
Init +5
F+5, R+8, W+1

Attack +7; bite 1d4 + trip, 2 claws 1d2

Low-light vision, scent.

Stealth +13, Perception +5, Acrobatics +5

Bonus trick: Defend[/sblock]


First Post
So it seems, upon further examination that the wild animal has been tamed by a kind of bond not even a mother could have with a child, a trust given, not earned. It's almost as if this cat was the true family member Galandra is looking for.

So it seems, that Galandra has managed to have dominion over this feral creature.

With this logic and heartwarming display in mind, Amien has been convinced: "We're all going to die..."


"These men were beast-masters" Menik observes warily. "Perhaps ... well, the cat seems tame enough now. Galandra, if you can spare a moment, try to stabilize the blind guy. His information may be useful."

He uses his pearl of power to regain the use of his ear-piercing scream spell, just in case.

However, he is relieved to see that the man over the bar survived. Addressing the man, he decides that there is no need right now to get into details of whose spell caused what to smash into whose head. "Hello, sir. I am Menik.

We're here to rescue the kidnapping victims, on behalf of the ... uh ... Connoisseurs of the Raven. And you are?"
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"Sure will do" Galandra goes to stabilize the blind guy by touching him, and makes sure to tie him up too. Don't want a spellcaster waving his arms.

"I rather not use my wand on him though..." she will provide mundane healing to the man, or at least she tries to without the proper tools.

- Treat Deadly Wounds
1d20+6[16,6] = (22) [/sblock]

Deuce Traveler

"Poor people," Lem says sympathetically. "How have they been treating you? Do you know what they intended for you next? When was the last time they fed you? I'll see if I can find anything to cook."

Perception check of 16 for any hatches or trap doors down, while also checking around for food for the captives.

Character Sheet: http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Lem_the_Cook_(Deuce_Traveler)
HP: 8/20
AC: 21, AC Touch: 20, AC Flatfooted: 15
Unarmed Strike: Attack: +9, -Damage: 1d4, Crit: 20/x2, Special: Stunning Fist Option
Flurry of Blows: Attack: +8/+8, Damage: 1d4/1d4, Crit: 20/x2, Special: Stunning Fist Option



The formerly beat up man slides off the bar and stands on his own two feet. He watches the activities of a few of you and the arrival of the wild cat.

Finally when Menik comes over and talks to him, he replies.
"Raven, huh? Do you mean crusaders of the Raven or you just eat the blasted birds? No matter, I am Kafar." He looks to see if the name has any recognition in the wizard's expression.

Meanwhile as you are cutting the other victims free, amid grateful platitudes and repeated appreciative words, the Auctioneer answers,
"These cultists took the others from here, supposedly to a ship called the Prancing Prince that’s moored on a dock on the other side of the shipyard. I heard one of the cultists saying that once someone named Ismacco arrives, they’ll make a lot of money for the cause by selling us as slaves."

"They haven't been beating us or anything, as long as we did not try to cause trouble." He looks to the formerly beaten man at the bar, indicating the obvious.

"They fed us earlier today, it was plain dreadful. Hardly fit to eat!" Comments one of the wealthier citizens.

The Imperial Guard speaks up,
"Also, I think there was someone they caught trying to spy on them or something. A man that was guarded by some half-orcs—big, burly brutes. We don’t usually see their kind ’round here much. Not sure where they was from, but they sure smelled bad—like they was stomping through the sewers before they came here. He was taken away instead of just beaten like that one over there."

By the time Galandra starts checking your defeated foes, they have bled out and are dead.

GM: Those that failed Saves vs. Disease can simply purchase the spells to cure it off camera during intermission rather than track the damage. It can just come out of your reward later.



First Post
Amien finally finishes carving away the rope, with the help of the others. While listening to the hostages' stories, he gently scoots slightly away from the large animal that sits in the room.

"Cultists, huh? I wasn't sure what to make of them, thank you for clarifying. I suppose that explains their excessively shady attire. So uh.. what kind of cultists are these that they sell off their hostages instead of sacrificing them to some obscure dark god?"
he asks in wonder, then changes his mind about what kind of people they are, "I suppose that makes them just typical criminals in the end."

Hearing the last man's statement on who got carried away, Amien asks out of confusion from the story, "You mean it was the man guarded by these orcs that were taken away... And the halves did nothing? Or was it the half-orcs that carried off the man?"

[sblock=Mini-Stats]Character Sheet Page (still waiting for level up approval)

Condition: Diseased with Filth Fever
HP: 7/41
AC: 15
AC Touch: 12
AC Flatfooted: 13
Initiative: +2
Fort: +5
Reflex: +3
Will: +0

Glaive Attack: +6, Glaive Damage: 1d10+4 (+8, 1d10+7 under Strength Rage)
Heavy Flail Attack: +6, Heavy Flail Damage: 1d10+4 (+8, 1d10+7 under Strength Rage)
Sling Attack: +4, Sling Damage: 1d4+3
- Sling Bullets (06)

Handy Haversack
- Potion of CLW x1
- Sunrod
- Trail Rations (12 days)[/sblock]


"Crusaders, right" Menik replies. Not a word elves use much. He does recognize the name Kafar, at least. The crook we're supposed to let go.

"Kafar ... all right. Tell us what you know of these ... cultists."

Voidrunner's Codex

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