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[LPF] The Inheritance

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Cavernous Hode leads off with confidence traveling through a maze of back streets and alleys. Just when everyone is beginning to think the dwarf has gotten them thoroughly lost they round a corner where a wagon waits. The horse harnessed to the wagon tosses its head in recognition and snorts a steam of breath into the night. The dark form, slumped on the wagon's seat, rouses and looks around.

"Mistress Damaris? Is that you? Ah, Master Hode..." Molnar does a quick count gaping in surprise when he sees Nysys instead of Tasanto. "Gods! What did you tame from that place?! And what befell the young scholar? Never mind; you can tell me as we travel if you want to."

Warily he drops down from the wagon and circles round to the back, drops the gate down, and moves to help load the wagon.

"We conceal this under the empty baskets and barrels if we can. Are you ready to leave Sumbru? The sooner I'm out of this city the better."

. . . . . . . Molnar . . . . . . .


"Oh, well, this IS Tasanto, but right now he transformed into Nysys. mmmhh.... "Tasys" has a nice ring to it when you think about it" Damaris chuckles and helps unload the loot from the cat-taur. "And yes, we are ready to leave."
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Satin Knights

First Post
Tasanto helps unloading his packs and hiding the contents in the wagon. He also hides his big hammer in with the loot. After getting all the items transferred he reverts to the unassuming half-elven form. "There. This is a little less dangerous looking." Climbing up into the wagon, "Let's go."


Thuvian cleans himself off as best he can when they leave the sewers, but doesn't seem desperate about the process. He's content to follow the others, soaking in the shadows and making note of key places in the city as they depart, so as to be better acquainted with it when he returned to study the place further.


Molnar nods his acceptance if not his understanding, choosing not to inquire about the mysterious ways of the wizardly. With everything loaded and his 'guard' positioned on the wagon or remounted on their horses or giant chameleons as the case may be Molnar snaps the reins. The horse snorts and plods forward and the wagon rumbles over the cobbles. Your exit from the city will certainly not be silent.

As the wagon approaches the city gates and one of a pair of guards steps out and raises a hand indicating the wagon should stop, Molnar tenses up a little.

"Hold there," says the guard. He nods towards the wagon. "What you got back there?"

. . . . . . . Molnar . . . . . . .


"A very distraught lady!" Damaris answers agitated from the back of the wagon and comes closer to the guard to explain "I wish not to spend other second on the city, good sir. I... (Oh, do I have the courage to remember!?), I lost my way in the city... there I saw an apparition of a woman crying and demanding vengeance for wronged love. I was so scared, sir! It almost froze my very soul in horror! I ran away, and in my panic, didn't realize there was an open sewer. I fell through the hole! It was horrendous! I thought I was going to die for sure!" she starts to sob, placing her face between her hands. "My friends heard my cry and got me out! I didn't even dare to look back. I beg of you, I just want to go home. I fear my poor heart cannot take this any longer!"

She makes herself look all frail and vulnerable, big tears on her cheeks as she tries to get a hold on Tyrion or Tasanto to cry on their arms. "I can't take it, I'm so-... I'm so sorry! Please, I wanna go home."

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The guard that stopped the wagon recoils from Damaris' outburst and raises his hands in a placating gesture.

"Whoa, whoa, there! Traumatic to be sure but you survived it. You'll be away soon enough. Just as soon as you pay the gate toll. You did report that apparition to the Inquisitors, did you not? They are very interested in that sort of haunting. Basilex is in the guardhouse and can take your testimony..."

The guard standing by narrows his eyes as he examines the group and it looks for a moment like Damaris may have over-played her hand. He takes a step forward and peers into the back of the wagon but turns when Molnar begins fumbling with his belt pouch for a pair of silver coins. He takes the coins and slaps the side of the wagon and motions with his head for the other guard to get out of the way. Molnar takes advantage of the opening to get the wagon rolling.

. . . . . . . Molnar . . . . . . .

Satin Knights

First Post
Tasanto takes Damaris' hands into his own and quietly tries to calm her as the wagon starts moving again. He keeps his eyes focused on her so as to purposely not provoke a stare down between a guard and a lowly servant.


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Not wanting to wait long with the others, Tyrion nods at the guards and says "Surely you can report the lass' problem? I doubt the girl wants to relieve the terror again. She just wants to go home. Honestly don't blame her. Here."

Pulling out 2 gold coins, Tyrion flicks them over towards the guards, 1 each. "For your troubles."

Probally overkill, but going to give them a little more than silver to forget.

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