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[LPF] Through the Looking Gate

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First Post
Even as the Hando moves to pass through the gate, the weapon bangs off of something that seems to be guarding the gate, and clatters to the ground. It seems that nothing is able to get through it.

[sblock=Menik's Knowledge]
Given your knowledge of history, you know that the gates of E'n are old. Golden Age old.

You also have an idea as to how the gate might function. There is a high level spell of the conjuration school that allow two distinct points to be bound together, and with it a person can travel between them.

This doesn't match your knowledge of the gates of E'n. All the gates of E'n have a matching pair, that when you walk through one you appear at the other one, and they do not switch back and forth between other "views." Given Tasanto's recent test, this one does not allow you to pass through it.

The table appears to be a research station. Books of planes of existence, spell craft theory, and various scraps of papers with drawings of the gate appear within plain sight. Some of the research What's odd is most of the drawings of the gate do not have anything in the middle until about 10 days ago, when the drawings after that have various views of what the gate seems to be doing now: cycling between various view points.

Nysys 28 28/29
--Tasanto 52/52
Menik 17 32/32
Lem 23 26/32
Galandra 17 50/52
Vincenzo 19 48/68
Maui 22 56/56
Taniwha 26 50/50

Updated Map
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Satin Knights

First Post
"It looks like someone was doing a lot of research. That at least gives us something to take back to our employer. Nobody go in the next room yet. We don't want to trigger a fire. Menik, take a look at these before I stuff them in a dimensional haversack for safety."
Same Map
[sblock=actions]Call Menik in.
Quickly inspect papers.
Kn Arcana: 1D20+5 = [9]+5 = 14
Kn Planes: 1D20+5 = [19]+5 = 24
Do a Take20 search of the research room while Menik reviews the papers for a +43 perception search.
Put papers and books in Handy Haversack.
Then search gate room.
OOC: Invisible castle is down. www.coyotecode.net/roll/ still works.
[/sblock][sblock=Tasanto Nysys' Mini-stats]
Half-elf Tasanto ....(inactive)
HP 58/58; AC 13+4, Touch 12, FF 15; Init -2, Low-light vision, Move 30'
Fort: +7, Reflex +3, Will +12, CMB +5, CMD 17
Perception +15, Sense Motive +14,

Unarmed Strike +6, d6+1+d6 shock, Stunning Fist 2/day

Lucerne Hammer +7, d12+1 with 10' reach
Handbo +6, d6+1 (in haversack)
Dagger +6, d4+1
Sling, +2, d4+1
.......... Sling Bullets 9 Normal

Cattaur Beast Nysys ........... (active)
HP 52/52 real, 28/29 temp, AC 24+4, 16 Touch, 22+4 FF; Init +2, Darkvision, Move 40' Mage Armor 5 hrs
Fort: +8, Reflex +9, Will +14, CMB 8, CMD 24, Evasion
Perception +23, Sense Motive +14

Claw/Claw +8, d4+4+d6 shock (10' reach)
Bite +8, d6+4+d6 shock
Unarmed Strike +8, d6+6+d6 shock, on first strike of the round (usually kick, sometimes elbow)
Unarmed Strike +8, d6+4+d6 shock, on subsequent strikes in the round
Stunning Fist 3/day
MW Cold Iron Lucerne Hammer +9, d12+6 with 10' reach
Handbo +8, d6+4
Dagger +8, d4+4
Sling +7, d4+4 ......... Sling Bullets 9 Normal

.,,,..Summoner Cantrips: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Jolt, Guidance, Umbrella
.,,.,,...Summoner 1st Lvl: 3/4 remaining; Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon, Mage Armor, Shield
.,,.,,..Summoner 2nd Lvl: 2/2 remaining; Haste, See Invisibility
Summon Monster II:
5/5 remaining; std action SLA summon, (6 min), celestial eagles
......,,.......Consumables: 1 Alchemist's Fire, 3 Cure Light Wounds potion, 1 Enlarge potion
....,,.........Consumables: 15/22 days trail rations, 1 anti-toxin, 1 anti-plague
....,,.........Consumables: Scroll of Summon Eidolon and Scroll of Lesser Eidolon Surge loose in haversack
....,,.........Consumables: (44/50 charges) Wand of Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon
.....,Anytime Free Action: Fused Link, move HP from real to temp to keep cattaur alive, used down to 2 real
........ ......Swift Actions: Enter Snake Stance or Dragon Stance
..If Snake Stance Active:
.,,,..,,,,,,,,,,.Free Action: A missed attack on me provokes an AoO with an Unarmed Strike
.......Immediate Actions: AC or Touch AC = d20+14 against one strike
.......Immediate Actions: if hit on unarmed AoO, spend immed to make second unarmed AoO attack
If Dragon Stance Active:

..Ignore Difficult Terrain: Ignore terrain on charge and charge through allies
....First Strike is harder: +2 damage to first unarmed strike
...........dragon resolve: +2 saves vs Sleep, Paralysis and stunning effects
...............Conditionals: +1 damage when flanking from dirty fighting trait
Effects: Snake Stance off,Dragon Stance off, Swift action available, AoO 3of3 available, AC 28, Mage Armor 4.5 hrs
In hand:


"This is different than the ancient gates I know of" Menik says. "Normally a pair of gates allow travel between them.

If whoever was here found a way to activate it for viewing, maybe they also found a way to enter it. Maybe not. I'll need to examine these notes thoroughly.

I don't know if they'll be back, but I think they intended to return. This place is not safe yet."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
" . . . . .edit . . . . .
I don't know if they'll be back, but I think they intended to return. This place is not safe yet."

"Well then, If intentions are honorable we might not have to come to violence. However I suspect there will be a lack of cooperation so I will be ready if it comes to that. " He salutes Menic with his ivory handled rapier.

An epiphany strikes the Venzin swordsman, "What if, or she, was killed or pulled through the gate by something on the other side?"

HP:xx/79, AC: 20, AC Touch: 15, AC Flat-Footed: 16
Adjustments: if using lunge, the -2 to a.c.
Fort: +8, Reflex: +5, Will: +4
Initiative: +2
Weapon in hand: Rapier [off hand empty]
Rapier : Attack: +13/+8 = [BAB (+7/+2) + Str (2) + Magic (2) + Weapon Focus (1) + Class (1)]
Damage: 1d6+7 [Str +2, wpn spec +2, magic +2 snglton +1] [crit: 18-20/*2] [type: P]
Long Bow: Attack: +10/+10 = [BAB (+7/+2) + Str (2) Dex (2)]
Damage: 1d8+2 = [Str (2) ] [crit: 20] [type: p]
Long sword: +11/+6 = [BAB (+7/+2) + Str (2) + Mwk (1) + Class (1)]
Damage: 1d8+3 = [Str (2) + Class (1)] [crit: 19-20/*2] [type: slash]
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First Post
Tasanto spends his time gathering up the materials for Menik to look at, and once that was done looked through every inch of the room a second time. However, other than the materials that were found already, nothing really stands out other than the room with the gate, which keeps changing every 6 seconds or so.

Over the next hour, Menik pours over the volumes of information that the mysterious researcher written down.
With it, he is able to establish a timeline of events.

About 20 years ago, this researcher stumbled upon this gate, and started looking into the activation method for it. However, this person was unable to find out how to open the gate, and soon discovered that the gate was not active; it was in fact closed. Fascinated by this, the researcher started looking into how to open it up, so to be able to duplicate how to build more of these gates.

Using complex spellcraft fourmula, the researcher attempted to force the gate open 10 days ago, but something weird happened. Instead of opening up a one way portal to it's former location, the gate instead opened up to the Negative Energy Plane. A wave of necrotic energy caused the undead to stir, and they had to be destroyed. However, the fact that it opened was meaningful, as that means he can now study how the gate functions open. He does have the formula written down to seal the gate again, just in case, but he deemed it was more interesting to look into why the gate was constantly changing every couple minutes.

The last entry was only 3 days ago, where the researcher comments he needed to request aid to keep the gate open.

Nysys is now able to confirm that the chill in the air that you feel is planar energy, most likely leaking in from the other open portals from which the water and earth creatures came through. You are also confident that all the creatures you fought were elementals, and they came in from these open portals.

I added Vincenzo's HP/AC update as well.

Nysys 28 28/29
--Tasanto 52/52
Menik 17 32/32
Lem 23 26/32
Galandra 17 50/52
Vincenzo 20 59/79
Maui 22 56/56
Taniwha 26 50/50

Updated Map


Galandra has been just looking over their shoulders with a curious look while Mika simply finds a nice quiet spot to take a lick-bath and a nap.

Galandra nods at Vincenzo's idea "I also believe he or she might been killed or taken by one of these portals... I mean... It was certainly some trouble for us. A lone researcher might have not had a chance against those creatures" she looks back the way they came from.

"If I remember correctly, the Guild found about the strange storm about a week ago, and were watching it for 3 days, around the last entry of those notes, right Menik?"

"Maybe because he was underground he didn't realize about the storm over the crypt, which I believe is not good at all. In any case our job is to stop it. And that guy wants to keep it open. We might have a problem with him if he shows up later... he might be a little angry, I guess"


Menik reports his findings to the group.

"About 20 years ago, this researcher stumbled upon this gate, and started looking into the activation method for it. However, this person was unable to find out how to open the gate. Fascinated by this, the researcher started looking into how to open it up, so as to be able to build more gates.

Using complex magical formulas, the researcher attempted to force the gate open 10 days ago, but something weird happened. Instead of opening up a one way portal to it's former location, the gate instead opened up to the Negative Energy Plane. A wave of necrotic energy caused the undead to stir, and they had to be destroyed. However, the researcher could then study how the gate functions open. He wrote down a formula to seal the gate again, just in case, but deemed it more interesting to look into why the gate was constantly changing every couple minutes.

The last entry was only 3 days ago, where the researcher comments he 'needed to request aid' to keep the gate open.

I'm guessing the aid had something to with, or was, the elementals."

[sblock=jackslate45]Can Menik understand and/or use the formula to close the gate?[/sblock]


First Post
Yes. Mechanically, it works like a skill challenge, and it will take 6 success to close the portal.

Only one person can work with the formula at a time, but anyone with Know Planes/Know Arcane/Know Nature/Spellcraft can assist the person closing the portal.

Voidrunner's Codex

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