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[LPF] Toad in the Hole


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Varga shows up in the doorway. "It'll be another few min--" She stops as she notes the tension between Fae'shiel and Maui. She frowns. "If you want the job, keep it in your pants, the both of you. Franco is hiring you to get a shipment back, not make googly-eyes back and forth, so I don't give a damn what kind of repressed feelings you're trying to hide. I really don't. If you're desperate to climb in the sack with each other, then first of all, grow up and get it over with, because none of the rest of us are enjoying the lead-in. And second of all, when you do finally climb in the sack with each other ... do it on your own damn time."

She snorts and walks back to the main area of the warehouse.

GM: Waiting on [MENTION=49929]Scott DeWar[/MENTION]. As soon as he shows up, we'll get rolling.


.... Varga Renlow .....

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Vincenzo finally arrives

A human hurries into the warehouse office. He appears as a normal denizen of Venza, but holds himself more assuredly. The well crafted chain shirt sways effortlessly as he moves with an easy grace.

He sees Varga and bows, speaking in dwarvin.

[sblock=dwarfspeak] Your lady ship, I am here to aid Venza in the need to recover...[/sblock]

he seems cut off as she points to the conference room. H stands straight and procedes forthwith.


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At Varga's comments Fae'shiel finally shows some semblance of emotion on her face, and that emotion is outrage at the very thought of getting in bed with such a disgusting sample of the human species. Though she seems to have lost her voice at this exact instant for some reason, her face has reddened a few shades and she is looking again at the bracelet she wears around her wrist.


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Maui laughs out loud at Vargas' words.

"Ahh... now Maui understands the game."

He places his hand on heart.

"And I promise we will play it on our own time. I will keep words firmly behind teeth and Taniwha on te short leash."

Maui falls silent and waits. Taniwha's tail continues to twitch.


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At last, the heavyset, well-dressed man enters the conference room with Varga at his side. His eyes sweep across the adventurers, lingering slightly longer on Vincenzo than the others, before he shrugs and sits down. “Close, but not quite my type,” he says, mostly to himself. “On to business then?” Without waiting for an answer, he continues. “I’m Geralt Franco, if you hadn’t already guessed. I deal in specialized goods: rare herbs, rare books, rare gems, artifacts that predate the Years of Darkness … items of that nature. Generally speaking, I buy and sell the things that rich idiots like to waste scads of money on.”

Varga rolls her eyes. "Speaking of rich idiots..." she says, which draws a chuckle from Franco.

“What Varga is trying to say is that I've become a rich idiot now, too," he agrees.

"Wasting scads of money on a dueling tournament."

Franco laughs heartily, his expansive belly shaking. "Just so, my dear. Now, despite Varga's disapproval, I’m sponsoring a dueling tournament a few weeks from now. In my younger days, I was quite the fencer, if I do say so myself. And though I’m no longer the duelist I once was, I still enjoy watching strapping young men cross swords.” He winks at Vincenzo, and in a stage whisper, he says, “That last line was a bit of innuendo for you, dear boy.”

He’s briefly interrupted by an accountant with a form to sign. He glances at the paper and initials it before turning back to the group. “However, we’ve had ongoing problems with some sort of little vicious beasties attacking our southern caravans, and they’ve been getting more aggressive lately. This last time, they managed to ransack a cart of goods from Irthos – including a shipment of dueling blades I'd ordered for the competition.”

He leans forward. “This makes it rather more personal than just an insurance claim for me. I’d go to the Lower Guild, but frankly, they're nothing short of useless, and the guildmaster Enza Furros is an incompetent boob. I’ve not the slightest confidence in them, which is why I've turned to you independent contractors.” He turns to Varga and frowns. “And speaking of incompetent boobs, go and fetch Alvise, would you?”

Varga snorts. "For Alvise, 'incompetent boob' is putting it mildly," she says, and leaves the room.

Franco continues speaking. “In short, I want those swords back, and I’d like the little pests that took them taken care of. And I’ll of course pay full value for any recovered items. Agreed?”


.... Geralt Franco .......... Varga Renlow ...


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Prior to Franco coming into the room, and seeing that Maui is getting all manner of wrong idea's stuck in his head, Fae'shiel promptly turns to Marcus says in a bit of a whisper and in the Elven language "please forgive me." and then proceeds to grab him by the shirt and kisses him rather abruptly, then once she has let go of him she says both in common for both Varga and Maui's understanding "I would sooner sleep with one of my own kind, even if it is a half-blood, than ever touching a human in that manner."


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"Generally speaking, I buy and sell the things that rich idiots like to waste scads of money on.”

Mortar lets out a hearty laugh as the man mentions 'rich idiots'. "Ya may not be a dwarf sir, but you have the business savy of one."

"These 'pests' you speak of. Do ya know what they are? Whether they be human, orc, or goblin?" Mortar almost spits as the last one leaves his lips. "Any extra knowledge would be greatly appreciated."

Mortar turns his attention to Fae'shiel and Marcus. "Well that was unexpected..." He says with a raised eyebrow.
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[sblock=GM]Okay, I imagine Fae'shiel's action is going to set off all kinds of fun stuff. However, I truly hate posting out of order. So by GM decree, and because Franco was en route when this happened, you have one post apiece and 24 hours of real time to react to the smoochies.

After that, Franco has entered the room, and if you've got unfinished business with other PCs, you're either bickering in front of your employer, or you're stifling yourself until he's out of sight. Pick one.

And just FYI, you've got a day's worth of wagon ride ahead of you to work out any RP issues.[/sblock]


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[sblock=OOC] Apologies for my part in pushing towards any unpleasantness. I will try and make amends. [/sblock]

OOC: Reaction to kiss:

Maui chuckles and rolls his eyes.

"I know that game too. You can not make Maui jealous, Forgotten Daughter. Kiss away. But do not kiss a man and then insult his blood. Te kiss is cruel enough."

Maui falls into a studied disinterest as he waits for the Big Man, cleaning the grime from under his fingernails with his teeth.


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[sblock=GM]Okay, jbear got his one post. The other four of you can still react to the smoochies. I apologize for possibly posting GM stuff too quickly, but I have to say I didn't expect that response, which really demands further responses from the other players. In the future, please try not to backtrack, as it really snarls the hell out of thread continuity.[/sblock]

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