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Lucas convinced Ep III will tank?


"Insert Title here"
Man what an ignorant sucker.. how can this movie fail? I think word of mouth (if it is indeed as dark and adult as everything is indicating) will bring back some of the old fans who sat out Episode I and II.

I think he just won't admit that 10 year olds are no longer the audience the movies attract because they've aged in 25 years.. he pandered to the child audience originally and we got teddie bears with spears rather than giant wookie warriors..

This time we get wookie warriors and adult themes like betrayal and genocide and he's balking.. he may not be a Howard Hughes recluse but I think it's fairly obvious he is not in touch with the fans of his serials.. which is why Episode I and II could not recapture the magic of the originals.. Lucas was more worried about sanitizing the story than telling the drama inherent in the growth and eventual fall of Anakin. Finally we get to the fall and he's crying that it won't work.. sigh..

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He's said this with every movie. Just the kind of person who prepares himself for the worst. Not a bad thing, really, but its nothing new or unique to RotS. :)

What are you talking about? Is this related to his old quote from years ago that the third of the new prequels will have the smallest gross? That hardly amounts to a prediction of "tanking" and he may very well be right. The Star Wars fans like us may like it better, but will the generic audience?

Joshua Dyal said:
What are you talking about? Is this related to his old quote from years ago that the third of the new prequels will have the smallest gross? That hardly amounts to a prediction of "tanking" and he may very well be right. The Star Wars fans like us may like it better, but will the generic audience?
I think it has to do with Lucas just saying his usual "No one will probably see my movie" attitude. Again, its nothing new for Lucas, and not unique to Ep III.

Interestingly enough, though, of all the Prequels, this is the one HE wanted to do. There was an interview with him back after Jedi came out with the possibility of more Star Wars movie where he mentioned maybe one more(Episode III), but that the other two just wouldn't be as interesting.


First Post
Well, it really depends on what his expectations are. If "Tanked" is anything that doesn't bring in a half billion domestically, then I imagine it will "tank"


First Post

In this article Lucas says that having a rating of PG-13 is "not a good business move." Which I think if you are making a kids movie (ie:spy kids) intended for young kids that is correct. Yet in the same article he claims that the reason for this PG-13 rating is because he wants to tell his story the way he intended it. He knows his audience is not 7-14 yrs olds, He knows or should know the audience is going to be 18+.
Sometimes I am behind Lucas try to give him a break, but other times I just wonder what is going through his mind.

Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
Interestingly enough, though, of all the Prequels, this is the one HE wanted to do. There was an interview with him back after Jedi came out with the possibility of more Star Wars movie where he mentioned maybe one more(Episode III), but that the other two just wouldn't be as interesting.
I've always thought so too. The fact that he didn't think I and II would be as interesting shows -- they're not. ;) I've been looking forward to III the most ever since I heard of the prequels, though, to say nothing of more recently.


From the article reference by Taelorn.

"We're getting a lot of flak from parents, a lot of people saying how can you do this? My children love these movies. Why can you not let them go see it?"

Actually, I'm more concerned who is making comments like this than worrying about whether Star Wars does poorly. :confused:


Ranger REG

frankthedm said:
It is a dereliction of duty to the fans of the original trilogy for episode 3 not being rated R.
Why? It's not enough to see Carrie Fisher/Princess Leia and her jiggly boobs under her Senate robe in A New Hope?


AFAIC, I watch movies like Star Wars for the story, not the gratuitous contents.

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