M&M - Chosen (Recruiting Closed)

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yeah, I took several years of french (It's required in canada up till like grade 8 or something like that). I can't remember a full sentence half the time. :( you CAN learn a language in a year, but most school-taught languages are forgotten more quickly than they're learned.

ALSO, since I speak mainly English, I'd prefer if any foreign language you have your character speak is NOT actually a foreign language. If you want to say "I like doritos" in French, have your characte say [French]"I like doritos"[/french] instead of actually using the French words (Which I most likely won't understand).
When DMing I like to know what's being said in my game. ;)

That being said, class schedules won't matter. Feel free to make up whatever you want as a way of going "Oh hey John, I know you from Mrs Fraulstein's science class!" but don't expect it to have any real impact on the game. And don't say "my character knows this because he's taking this class" that's what knowledge skills are for. ;)

Relique - You can have 10 of those pictures to start.

Now, as to characters..

ShaggySpellsword - Arthur(Excalibur) - Ready
Shalimar - Carly(Mimic) - Ready
Bialaska - Daisy(Metal Girl) - Ready
WalkingDad - Jacob(Frost) - Ready
Shayuri - Haley(Facade) - Waiting
Hero4Hire - Oliver(Overdrive) - Waiting
Relique du madde - Edgar(Artist) - Ready pending pictures

looks like we're almost ready to go. I'll start workin on the open post so you can start posting ASAP.
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and WD, don't worry bout your english. After playing warcraft for a few hours, it's refreshing to talk to someone for whom this is a secondary language, and watch you NOT mangle it like they do.. :)

I swear I can feel my brain cells dieing every time I read trade-chat in Orgrimar... *shudder*

Walking Dad

First Post
and WD, don't worry bout your english. After playing warcraft for a few hours, it's refreshing to talk to someone for whom this is a secondary language, and watch you NOT mangle it like they do.. :)

I swear I can feel my brain cells dieing every time I read trade-chat in Orgrimar... *shudder*

Thanks, and I'm ready.

Relique du Madde

[sblock="Initial 10 Paintings"]

Create Objects:
Painting 1: Blade Mistress Natasha. Creates a life-like statue of a 5'5ft tall woman with short blonde haired woman in red futuristic body armor w/ Russian lettering. She is armed with a large removable Japanese sword.
Create Object R6; Tough +6, Sword +4 damage

Painting 2: Main street Bridge. Creates a concrete and steel bridge.
Create Object R 6; PF: Progression 2; 25-50ft x 25-150ft Str 30. Tough +6

Painting 2: Walled in. Creates a short brick wall
Create Object R6: 5ft. x 5ft. x 5-60ft. Tough +6

Normal Illusions
Painting 4: E-Bee 08: Creates an illusion of a Grey Alien dressed in a Mickey Mouse T-Shirt and matching jet pack. He flys within the radius and fires his Blizto(tm) blast pistol at targets (all attacks are near misses).
Illusion R8: PF: Progression 4 (200ft radius), Selective

Painting 5: Mist filled Alley. Creates an illusionary fog/mist.
Illusion R8: PF Progression 4 (25-200ft radius), Selective

Painting 6: Three Lions. Creates three illusionary lions that "stalk" and threaten targets within radius.
Illusion R8: PF: Progression 4 (200ft radius), Selective

Painting 7: Three Chimps w/ explosives. Creates an illusion of three chimps playing with a box of (smoke) grenades. Chimps throw the grenades within radius. Grenades explode creating a 5ft. cube of smoke.
Illusion R8: PF Progression 4 (200ft radius), Selective

Damaging Illusions
Painting 8: Cyber Angel Myka (In Flight). Creates an illusion of a winged female cyborg which flies within an area and attacks random targets each round using two plasma swords.
Damaging Illusion 6: PF: Progression 6 (150ft radius), Selective, Damage 3

Painting 9: SD-120 Orc. A 15ft mech that guards an area and warns potential targets to leave the area or else it would open fire.
Damage Illusion 6: PF Progression 4 (150ft radius), Selective, Damage 4

Painting 10: Meteor Strike: Meteors crash down at one specific target within radius each round.
Damaging Illusion 6: PF Progression 4 (150ft radius), Selective, Damage 6

Split the Hoard

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