D&D General Magic Initiate and Spell Scrolls

Reaper Steve

Does/should Magic Initiate let you read a scroll from the chosen spell list?
I don't think that spells from this feat qualify as being 'on your class's spell list,' per the Spell Scroll rules (DMG, pg. 200).

[While this came to my attention due to my group using the OD&D playtest rules, the only pertinent change is to it referencing the three new spell lists rather than the class spell lists.]

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The High Aldwin
IMO no because the feat allows you to learn specific spells, not about spellcasting entirely, which would be required for reading spells from scrolls.

It would also allow full casters to create scrolls to give to a non-caster with Magic Initiate, which was not the point of the feat.

Now, would it hurt anything in your game to allow it? Probably not. You can always try it and if it becomes an issue, remove it.


Does/should Magic Initiate let you read a scroll from the chosen spell list?
I don't think that spells from this feat qualify as being 'on your class's spell list,' per the Spell Scroll rules (DMG, pg. 200).

[While this came to my attention due to my group using the OD&D playtest rules, the only pertinent change is to it referencing the three new spell lists rather than the class spell lists.]

No it does not. Whether it should or not is another issue. Possible compromise - you can read scrolls of the spells you gained from Magic Initiate or from Race, but not other spells not on your class list. This grants you extra uses but not extra versatility. If you want that versatility then take some levels in an appropriate class.

Reaper Steve

Thanks, guys.

I agree - I ruled that this feat did not let the character read the scrolls he found. The feat let him learn three divine spells, but it did not add the divine spell list as one of his class spell lists.


Dusty Dragon
you can read scrolls of the spells you gained from Magic Initiate or from Race, but not other spells not on your class list. This grants you extra uses but not extra versatility. If you want that versatility then take some levels in an appropriate class.
That is how I would rule it as well.

I think a bigger question is does the feat mean you are a spellcaster - a few items require atunement by a spellcaster...


Being a spellcaster generally means having the spellcasting class feature, which is different from the various things whose prerequisite is to be able to cast at least one spell.

That is how I would rule it as well.

I think a bigger question is does the feat mean you are a spellcaster - a few items require atunement by a spellcaster...
This is the attunement rule for monsters from the DMG, and I think could be adapted to PCs.

"If the prerequisite is to be a spellcaster, a creature qualifies if it can cast at least one spell using its traits or features, not using a magic item or the like."

Voidrunner's Codex

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