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(maybe Don King or pehaps Don Henley)

everyone knows that the eagles worship the devil (Hotel Calf. anyone) Now he can prove it by buying D&D.

Then we can all roll our dice and worship Satan AND listen to the Eagles at the same time.

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I wouldn't be at all upset if Peter Adkison buys D&D. Keep in mind that if this happened, this would mean huge changes for me personally... but I would be willing to see it happen.

Ted Turner...? I just have a hard time conceiving of the whole notion... which must mean its true.

I knew I should have gone into something with stability - like the stock market :p


Re: Re: I would like to know something!

Wulf Ratbane said:

Line up half the group that says being a strict liberal is evil, and the other half that says voting for a conservative like Helms is evil...

...aaaaand we have thread lockdown in an instant.

Well, since I consider both liberals and Jesse Helms to be identical in their desire to restrict freedom, differing only in which freedoms they wish to restrict, which side should I stand on?


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Re: Re: Re: I would like to know something!

Lizard said:

Well, since I consider both liberals and Jesse Helms to be identical in their desire to restrict freedom, differing only in which freedoms they wish to restrict, which side should I stand on?

The Libertarian corner of the room?

Ok, just a quick point - I consider myself liberal. I'm not interested in restricting freedom or enforcing political correctness. Heck, *I'm* not politically correct half the time. The only exception to all this is gun control - and even then I admit that all I want is safeguards; I don't want to eliminate the right to bear arms. (Well, I'd like to get rid of firearms altogether, but that's completely unrealistic.)

You can be liberal without being a jerk. I also know you can be conservative without being a jerk, but since you limited that part of your statement to Jesse Helms, I'm not as concerned with defending their honor.

But a discussion of politics can only lead to thread lockdown, so let's focus on the real concern here.

I do NOT want the Eagles to buy out D&D. "Hotel California" creeps me out. ;)


Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
Ted Turner has proclaimed himself a socialist at heart... when asked if he would allow homeless people to live on his land (he is America's largest land holder) he said the reporter should buy his own land and let people live on it.... .. sure sounds like a socialist.... one of the elite kind that doesn't let other people have personal freedom... long live mother Russia and all.

Commies are fun.

Oh, and my source material. Not on hand, but if you do a google search I'm sure you can find it.



Thaumaturge said:

Oh, and my source material. Not on hand, but if you do a google search I'm sure you can find it.

Don't be so certain.

A google search on +"turner" +"College" +"swastika" turned up about five pages of links, none of which seemed to have anything to do with this story. Not the links which led to White Supremacist pages, not the links which led to ADL pages, not the links which led to pages too strange to imagine. Now, I did not click on each and every link, but, after going through the first dozen or so and randomly checking others on other pages, I have little reason to believe this "well documented" (your words) event is documented at all.

Find me a link, preferably to a reliable original source (a major newspaper, Reuters, AP, etc), and not to someone simply repeating "the well known fact". It may well be there. I may have used the wrong keywords. But I'd like some verification.


Lizard, don't confuse posters ;)

I gotta admit that I can't find any reference to the swastikas on the net, though I know I have read several newpaper articles (admittedly editorials) that references the event.

I did find numerous references to Turner as a known anti-semite.

I also found the following which illustrates the normal way in which Turner expresses himself...
Media mogul Ted Turner ridiculed the Ten Commandments, Pope John Paul II, and the Polish people during his population control speech to the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association. Turner called the Ten Commandments "a little out of date," postulating that "If you’re going to have only 10 rules, I don’t know if prohibiting adultery should be one of them." Asked how he would deal with Pope John Paul II, an opponent of abortion and contraception, Turner lifted his leg and asked, "Ever seen a Polish mine detector?" He added that the Pope should "get with it. Welcome to the 20th century." A day later, after a protest from the league, Turner’s office sent an apology to league headquarters

Edit - the fact that Turner was speaking at a "Family Planning" event reminds me of one other thing that bugs me about the man. He has five children of his own but advocates everyone else be limited to one. The thing about Turner is not that he is rich (which bothers me not the least) but the fact that he believes that he alone should be privileged to live life as he wants while lesser folks must conform to his world-plan.
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Wicht said:
Lizard, don't confuse posters ;)

I gotta admit that I can't find any reference to the swastikas on the net, though I know I have read several newpaper articles (admittedly editorials) that references the event.

I did find numerous references to Turner as a known anti-semite.

All I found were references to Turner being part of the Jew-controlled mass media (on the Nazi sites) and him being noted as accusing Rupert Murdoch as being Hitler-like, which strikes me as a wholly accurate statement, but which offended the ADL. (Big shock there...)

I welcome more detailed information on his anti-semitism. (Note: Criticizing Israeli policy, or a specific individual who happens to be a Jew, is not anti-semitism. Let's have him saying "Hitler was right" or "I can't make my media empire any bigger 'cause the damn Jews control too much of the media" or something equally damning.)

He's a jerk with money and power, certainly, but that's as far as I can see the evidence pointing.

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