Manage Your Game With RPG Encounters

There's a range of different campaign management tools available; some free, some not so. RPG Encounters is a free web app designed to work with and sync between all your devices. I hadn't heard of it before, but the creator sent me a hand-written letter to tell me about it, so I could hardly not take a look!

There's a range of different campaign management tools available; some free, some not so. RPG Encounters is a free web app designed to work with and sync between all your devices. I hadn't heard of it before, but the creator sent me a hand-written letter to tell me about it, so I could hardly not take a look!


The app currently works with four game systems: D&D 5E, Savage Worlds, Stars Without Number, and Open Legend.

It has three tabs: CREATE, where you store NPCs, Players, and Encounters; PLAY which helps you to run an encounter; and SETTINGS which lets you change the language (English, French, Esperanto, Spanish) and theme.

It's lightweight and straightforward. I haven't had chance to try it out in a game (currently running WOIN) but it looks pretty streamlined. And it's free!


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I wonder about the future of RPGs will be paper and pencils replaced by tablets, and books will be only "collector edition" because players will buy PDFs. And Rol-liveplay shows will be with a videogame replacing miniatures.


I wonder about the future of RPGs will be paper and pencils replaced by tablets, and books will be only "collector edition" because players will buy PDFs. And Rol-liveplay shows will be with a videogame replacing miniatures.

We all have ipads at our table and everyone has dndbeyond open for the characters. It's so much easier... I also own all of the books, but when play time comes, I have my resources on my ipad.


Cool. I plan on having all of the players make an ‘NPC’ card for their own player character.

Essentially, the card functions as a simple and brief summary of what the character will typically do in most encounters. If the character does something unusual, they can refer to the elaborate character sheet for more details. But having the ‘cliffnotes’ available for the character on a single card, is convenient, and helps focus the central themes that make the character salient and vivid.


I wonder about the future of RPGs will be paper and pencils replaced by tablets, and books will be only "collector edition" because players will buy PDFs. And Rol-liveplay shows will be with a videogame replacing miniatures.

I'm waiting for virtual reality glasses/suit that can allow me to play and get exercise. The computer could slow my actions down or speed them up to get more attacks or cast spells and such. It may be like Fortnite but cooler.


First Post
Founder of the app chiming in here. I'm traveling but happy to answer questions. The app was inspired because my best friend and GM at the time wanted a way to use his desktop for prep and tablet for games which iOS and didn't allow. He also switched systems between 5e and SW and needed a quality too that moved with him.

Finally, I knew that offline was critical for anyone running at a con who can't risk losing data in the middle of an encounter because of spotty internet.


Do people know if you take a monster's base stats to modify and make your own, when you save is it a new creature (rather than modify the original)?

For example. I modify a brown bear (including changing its name) to a brownspawn marauder.

When I hit save will brownspawn marauder be in my creature/NPC list from then on? Will brown bear still be there and not replaced?

(Not keen to try until I know original will not disappear).

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