Manage Your Game With RPG Encounters

There's a range of different campaign management tools available; some free, some not so. RPG Encounters is a free web app designed to work with and sync between all your devices. I hadn't heard of it before, but the creator sent me a hand-written letter to tell me about it, so I could hardly not take a look!

There's a range of different campaign management tools available; some free, some not so. RPG Encounters is a free web app designed to work with and sync between all your devices. I hadn't heard of it before, but the creator sent me a hand-written letter to tell me about it, so I could hardly not take a look!


The app currently works with four game systems: D&D 5E, Savage Worlds, Stars Without Number, and Open Legend.

It has three tabs: CREATE, where you store NPCs, Players, and Encounters; PLAY which helps you to run an encounter; and SETTINGS which lets you change the language (English, French, Esperanto, Spanish) and theme.

It's lightweight and straightforward. I haven't had chance to try it out in a game (currently running WOIN) but it looks pretty streamlined. And it's free!


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I used the Encounter section for one encounter on the weekend. I did not use the 'Run' feature - I just tracked hit points on a scratch pad, but it was bloody awesome to have the different stat blocks all listed under one encounter and with one click to switch between them.

I often have several books and print outs all around me for the many creatures/NPCs all in one encounter, but this app certainly made that part a hell of a lot easier. :)

Not that I build a lot of encounters before hand, I do think I will be using this again :)

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