Manage Your Game With RPG Encounters

There's a range of different campaign management tools available; some free, some not so. RPG Encounters is a free web app designed to work with and sync between all your devices. I hadn't heard of it before, but the creator sent me a hand-written letter to tell me about it, so I could hardly not take a look!

There's a range of different campaign management tools available; some free, some not so. RPG Encounters is a free web app designed to work with and sync between all your devices. I hadn't heard of it before, but the creator sent me a hand-written letter to tell me about it, so I could hardly not take a look!


The app currently works with four game systems: D&D 5E, Savage Worlds, Stars Without Number, and Open Legend.

It has three tabs: CREATE, where you store NPCs, Players, and Encounters; PLAY which helps you to run an encounter; and SETTINGS which lets you change the language (English, French, Esperanto, Spanish) and theme.

It's lightweight and straightforward. I haven't had chance to try it out in a game (currently running WOIN) but it looks pretty streamlined. And it's free!


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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Do people know if you take a monster's base stats to modify and make your own, when you save is it a new creature (rather than modify the original)?

For example. I modify a brown bear (including changing its name) to a brownspawn marauder.

When I hit save will brownspawn marauder be in my creature/NPC list from then on? Will brown bear still be there and not replaced?

(Not keen to try until I know original will not disappear).

I don’t know for sure, but it looks or me like you use the Duplicate button first and then edit your duplicate.


Instead of predetermining the six abilities (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha), RPG Encounter would be even more useful to me if I can customize which abilities and how many I want to use. I just want four abilities (Size, Athletics, Perceptiveness, Socialness). This customizability also makes it more useful for other gaming systems.


First Post
When I hit save will brownspawn marauder be in my creature/NPC list from then on? Will brown bear still be there and not replaced?

Duplicate first. If you edit and save with a new name it will delete the old name record. Also, under settings you can reset to new again, reading everything you did if you want a fresh start.


This looks awesome. I created an account, but whenever I open the Encounter Tools a pop up at bottom keeps telling me that it failed to auto-logon, try logging out in Settings, which I cannot do?


First Post
This looks awesome. I created an account, but whenever I open the Encounter Tools a pop up at bottom keeps telling me that it failed to auto-logon, try logging out in Settings, which I cannot do?

There should be a logout button in settings, but if not being displayed I'll fix that when I'm back at home in a week. Meanwhile, go to

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