Manage Your Game With RPG Encounters

There's a range of different campaign management tools available; some free, some not so. RPG Encounters is a free web app designed to work with and sync between all your devices. I hadn't heard of it before, but the creator sent me a hand-written letter to tell me about it, so I could hardly not take a look!

There's a range of different campaign management tools available; some free, some not so. RPG Encounters is a free web app designed to work with and sync between all your devices. I hadn't heard of it before, but the creator sent me a hand-written letter to tell me about it, so I could hardly not take a look!


The app currently works with four game systems: D&D 5E, Savage Worlds, Stars Without Number, and Open Legend.

It has three tabs: CREATE, where you store NPCs, Players, and Encounters; PLAY which helps you to run an encounter; and SETTINGS which lets you change the language (English, French, Esperanto, Spanish) and theme.

It's lightweight and straightforward. I haven't had chance to try it out in a game (currently running WOIN) but it looks pretty streamlined. And it's free!


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This is fun.

I added Meepo the kobold Keeper of Dragons to the NPC section. Now he has joined the party, is there anyway to export NPC stats to the Player side stats without having to type everything again?

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First Post
No logout on my settings page ;) Wondering why I have to logout anyway?

Because sometimes people have had issues with chrome not respecting cookies setup before and after the app is installed and a quick logout and login to get a fresh cookie fixed things. Cookies is how the auto login works.


First Post
When you create new monsters are they shared with other users?

Is there a way to find creations by other users?

Everything you create is local to you. Private. Even the online sync feature is linked to your account and not public. There is no way to share creations at this time.


Everything you create is local to you. Private. Even the online sync feature is linked to your account and not public. There is no way to share creations at this time.

Thanks [MENTION=6686243]ucffool[/MENTION] for your prompt answers.

I have had a little play. Getting used to clicking the right things and not the BACK button :p but this is very cool.

I especially love how you can build an encounter and have all the stats their in one place. 1 click to switch between each creature in that encounter.

Running page might be good too, though unless there are conditions flying about, its a lot of clicks just for hit points. But again, having all opponents there to see is cool.

An excellent little app. :) Thanks for all your hard work. I take it it is you who did this?


Pro tip: if you are using a mouse and not touch, you can use the scroll wheel to adjust hp. Hover and scroll.

Oh, okay, that is cool. Yeah, I will likely be doing this on my laptop. I have put one encounter with several combatants together for a game this weekend to trial it out :)


I wonder about the future of RPGs will be paper and pencils replaced by tablets, and books will be only "collector edition" because players will buy PDFs. And Rol-liveplay shows will be with a videogame replacing miniatures.

That day has come in a number of places, with our home campaign we all use tablets, use terrain pieces I've made, with figurines we've bought online. In a place of honor are the first 3 books of D&D published in '75 ( bought them in '76, the second white box sold in our city ) looking down from their perch to make sure the spirit lives on...

Josh Bobbitt

First Post
Not sure if I've missed something, but the things I've created on my phone, are not syncing to my pc, despite being logged into both locations. =\


looks really cool! I'll have to mess with this some this weekend when I have some time

thanks for sharing it!

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