D&D General Maps on D&DBeyond


Shirokinukatsukami fan
You can just create an NPC as a character and import any art that you want; that should allow you to call up a token for them. Alternatively, you could use an existing creature as a template for them and edit using the monster creator feature; this includes editing the art if desired.
Thanks. By the former, I assume you mean creating them as a PC using DDB's Character Builder. If I do that, the character has to belong to the same campaign as the real PCs in order to appear as a token. And that breaks the Encounter Builder a bit, because it assumes that you are creating encounters for all of the active characters in that campaign. Unless of course I'm doing something wrong or have missed something for one of those tools...

I'm currently doing exactly what you describe as the "alternatively" option. It works okay, but is a slightly long-winded way of adding a token.

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New Publisher
Thanks. By the former, I assume you mean creating them as a PC using DDB's Character Builder. If I do that, the character has to belong to the same campaign as the real PCs in order to appear as a token. And that breaks the Encounter Builder a bit, because it assumes that you are creating encounters for all of the active characters in that campaign. Unless of course I'm doing something wrong or have missed something for one of those tools...

I'm currently doing exactly what you describe as the "alternatively" option. It works okay, but is a slightly long-winded way of adding a token.
you are correct.


I crit!
I do appreciate that the new maps for Curse of Strahd were added to my account without an extra charge. What I wonder is if I unsubscribe will I still have access to them.


Thanks. By the former, I assume you mean creating them as a PC using DDB's Character Builder. If I do that, the character has to belong to the same campaign as the real PCs in order to appear as a token. And that breaks the Encounter Builder a bit, because it assumes that you are creating encounters for all of the active characters in that campaign. Unless of course I'm doing something wrong or have missed something for one of those tools...
If you click on “Manage Characters” in the Encounter Builder, you can remove any characters you don’t want included in the Encounter. I created a character called “The Party” just because I wanted a token for wilderness maps, removed it from the Builder, and have had no problems because it remembers the character settings the next time you make an Encounter.

(This is also useful for running Encounters for a split party and the like. Once removed, a PC can be easily returned for inclusion in a later Encounter.)


I do appreciate that the new maps for Curse of Strahd were added to my account without an extra charge. What I wonder is if I unsubscribe will I still have access to them.
Probably not, since you need a Master Tier subscription to access the Map Browser. But as I understand it, the maps will still be associated with your account, and thus the campaign, so if you resubscribe, you’ll have access again. And if I understand correctly, if you share the adventure information with your players, and one of them has a Master Tier subscription, they should be able to DM it using Maps. That’s just conjecture, though.

If you delete your account, on the other hand…


Golden Procrastinator
And if I understand correctly, if you share the adventure information with your players, and one of them has a Master Tier subscription, they should be able to DM it using Maps. That’s just conjecture, though.
I don't think that's the case. A friend of mine is running a campaign and he has a Master Tier subscription but he owns very little on DDB. I own a bunch of stuff, but he can't access the maps associated with products that I own.


As development on this continues, I have to wonder if this just a little side project meant to add value to your DnDB sub, or is this intended to be a Roll20 killer by the time they're done.

I don't think that's the case. A friend of mine is running a campaign and he has a Master Tier subscription but he owns very little on DDB. I own a bunch of stuff, but he can't access the maps associated with products that I own.
Yeah testing it looks like content sharing just flatly doesn't work with maps. Like, I can read Strahd because it's shared with me, but can't open any maps from it. That's annoyingly inconsistent - any player who wants to "cheat" will already be able to, so that can't be the reason. Maybe it's just something for later down the list.


As development on this continues, I have to wonder if this just a little side project meant to add value to your DnDB sub, or is this intended to be a Roll20 killer by the time they're done.
From what they said in the video, I think it’s more the former than the latter. They stress they want to create something simple, fast, and easy to use, without bogging down the user with too many bells and whistles.


I crit!
Probably not, since you need a Master Tier subscription to access the Map Browser. But as I understand it, the maps will still be associated with your account, and thus the campaign, so if you resubscribe, you’ll have access again. And if I understand correctly, if you share the adventure information with your players, and one of them has a Master Tier subscription, they should be able to DM it using Maps. That’s just conjecture, though.

If you delete your account, on the other hand…
Yup looks like if you don’t have an account with maps enabled you don’t have access to those maps. At least I don’t see them anywhere from the “source” book.

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