March Fourth for GM's Day!!

darklight said:
This is a great idea!
Getting the publishers and FLGS' to participate would be cool. I'd volunteer to contact the FLGS' in Denmark, since this should definitely be an international holiday.

By all means, begin to spread the word to Denmark! :)

I see that spunkrat has suggested that a logo needs to be fashioned. Perhaps someone could volunteer? Maybe FastLearner is working on something already? Maybe something that leaves some space in the middle so that publishers/stores can add their own 200 x 200 logo in the lower half (and place on their websites) as in -

March Fo(u)rth for
GM's Day!

supported by
(insert pub logo here)

Or some such configuration...?
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Matt Black

First Post
Okay, so maybe we could let the traditions of GM's Day develop by themselves. They'd probably be more 'authentic' that way. But let's face it - we're roleplayers and world-builders. It's our JOB to invent traditions!

I propose that we at least decide on the GM's Day mascot, lest tradition lump us with something dumb, like a fat sled driver or a monotreme rabbit. My proposal:

Moz, the GM's Day Pizza Golem

Legend tells that Moz, the GM's Day Pizza Golem, was constructed long ago by a ancient and powerful GM. Exhausted by his player's insatiable gaming appetite, this desperate GM built Moz from the pizza, corn chips, and other snacks assembled for the coming evening's game, and then directed the golem to stand in his place as game master. Of course, the game was a great success; the players were content, even being refereed by snack food, and they also enjoyed nibbling bits of their GM during the session. Having received a much-needed evening of rest, the ancient and powerful GM took pity on the many other beleagured GMs across the globe. He directed Moz to march fo(u)rth into the world to help them in any way he could. Moz now lurches the night, standing in for exhausted (or under-prepared) GMs, providing snack food to placate rabid players, and on GM's Day (the anniversary of his construction), giving much-needed gifts of miniatures and game books to game masters who haven't killed their players too often in the preceding year.

Any other ideas?


Edit: decided I liked the name Moz(zarella) better than Sparky... it was cheesier
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But I liked sparky...

Thanks Matt, that was very funny ....

Matt Black said:
Edit: decided I liked the name Moz(zarella) better than Sparky... it was cheesier

But no! Sparky was great! It had verve, it had pizazz, it had... Spark! It was also quite cheerful sounding. Remember, this is a celebration. :)

Maybe I should start a poll in another thread....

Which name do you prefer for Matt's Mascot?


Edit - to fix up my smilies...
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First Post
Re: But I liked sparky...

spunkrat said:
Thanks Matt, that was very funny ....

But no! Sparky was great! It had verve, it had pizazz, it had... Spark! It was also quite cheerful sounding. Remember, this is a celebration. :)

Maybe I should start a poll in another thread....

Which name do you prefer for Matt's Mascot?


Edit - to fix up my smilies...

Now you're just looking for a reason to post a poll. :rolleyes:

So, where's the link?:D
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Maybe we should compile some lists of who needs to be contacted in the first post in this thread. What do you think, spunkrat? :)
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First Post
GM's Day

ArthurQ said:
how exactly are you gonna get this to go national? You gonna ask the national legislature to ratify this as a national holiday? And then the UN to ratify it as an International Holiday?

If any of you out there have THAT kind of pull then PERHAPS my plot for world domination can come next??


it's a day like any other day, but a day that's special for a few of us. like a lot of the other posters here I voted on one poll for this allready. enough talk. lets just make it happen. post it everywhere or whatever to get the word out.

Re: GM's Day

Sanackranib said:
enough talk. lets just make it happen. post it everywhere or whatever to get the word out.

Well said! :) Go to every place where it is appropriate and just get the word out. Try to be polite and do not spam places, but most message boards will have a forum where it is OK to do this. Report back here, and with links, for any place that you have posted (so others can also go and voice thise support.) Here's a few places where I have mentioned it...

Monte's Boards


I chose to keep the subject line and text of the message kinda simple and answer some of the questions as they come up. :)


(Topic) 03-04 GM's Day!

(Message) Time to create a holiday specific to our hobby gaming and that day will be March 4th. What do you think?

March Fo(u)rth for GM's Day!

Do something nice for the people that work so hard to make your gaming sessions fun and memorable!

So do what you can to spread the word and March Fo(u)rth for GM's Day! ;)
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Some people I have/am contacted...

I've posted on a few boards, (including replying to a couple of yours Mark, to keep the interest up...) and I have also emailed a few webzines and the like. I hope it works... What are the most popular forums anyway? I did a google search and came up with a few forums where the last post was in August.

Just so we aren't pestering anyone twice...
I've contacted Karen at RPG Times
and I've posted on these (or will when the registrations get sent to my email account :mad: )
Sword and sorcery
RPGboards still waiting for 'activation'...

That's the pain of doing this - I have to register everywhere to post the messages. On the other hand, I am seeing a lot of cool sites I hadn't visited before...
It's hard to do much than this at the moment. I have a lot on my plate at work...
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