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[March] What are you reading?

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The Laughing One
Since the 1st of november I finished reading the following:

Recluse saga (L.E. Modesitt)
* The Order War
* The Death of Chaos
* Fall of Angels
* The Chaos Balance
* The White Order
* Colors of Chaos
* Magi'i of Cyador
* Scion of Cyador
* Wellspring of Chaos
* Ordermaster
* Natural Ordermage
* Mage-Guard of Hamor

Spellsong Cycle (L.E. Modesitt)
* The Soprano Sorceress
* The Spellsong War
* Darksong Rising
* The Shadow Sorceress

The Wardstone Chronicles (Joseph Delaney)
* The Spook's Apprentice
* The Spook's Curse
* The Spook's Secret
* The Spook's Battle

The Secret History series (Simon R. Green)
* The Man with the Golden Torc
* Daemons are Forever
* The Spy who Haunted Me

In a few moments I'm going to start in 'The Good, the Bad, and the Uncanny' (Simon R. Green, The Nightside series). After that I'm looking at starting either with 'Gotrek & Felix', 'Riftwar' or 'The Shamer Chronicles'.


Getting lost in fantasy maps
Started Dust of Dreams by Steven Erikson.

I love it when an extended multi-volume epic fantasy actually nears and ending and didn't go in circles getting there or have to work through authorial writer's block/burn out.


The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Díaz

Is it good?

I'm currently reading The Emperor by Ryszard Kapuscinski. Impulse buy but interesting so far. To quote wikipedia:

The Emperor: Downfall of an Autocrat, published in 1978, is Polish journalist Ryszard Kapuściński's analysis of the decline and fall of Haile Selassie's regime in Ethiopia. In 1974, while the Ethiopian Army was still busy consolidating power, Kapuściński "traveled to Ethiopia to seek out and interview Selassie's servants and closest associates on how the Emperor had ruled and why he fell." [1] In large part, the book is a study of the workings of a royal court.


Bernard Cornwell's Vagabond, 2nd in his series The Grail Quest. Not bad, and quite fast-paced. Good if you want insight into battle strategy in 14th century Europe.


After more than six months I've finally reached the end of Colleen McCullough's Rome series, so I'm now reading Homer's Iliad, Fagel's translation.

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