Marked by Destiny, Marked by Tragedy (Erekose13 Judging)


First Post
You know, I think a huge part of this adventure falling apart has to do with the fact that there was a split party, and it never really got off the ground because of it. Which is too bad - Living Aberrant Marks would be pretty sweet, if you ask me.

So, are we getting XP and then heading back to the tavern?

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
We haven't hired new judges yet, so we either wait until then (and hope they wish to pick up), hope one of us does so (RA sort of volunteered, but it'd be a bummer to loose Sin), or give up.

Me, I want to continue, but understand if we can't keep it going.

Rystil Arden

First Post
stonegod said:
We haven't hired new judges yet, so we either wait until then (and hope they wish to pick up), hope one of us does so (RA sort of volunteered, but it'd be a bummer to loose Sin), or give up.

Me, I want to continue, but understand if we can't keep it going.
If we do go with the last-resort me take-over model (which happened in another game in which I was playing in LEW where GM and Judge both quit), I would follow what I did over there, where my character would tag along, but she would be unable to receive anything beyond her share of the treasure and an equal cut of the requisite encounter XP and time XP (none of the RP XP, etc). I much prefer not having to do that, but I much prefer doing that to letting the game die after poor Sin just came out of another dead game too :(


The man with the probe
Rystil Arden said:
If we do go with the last-resort me take-over model (which happened in another game in which I was playing in LEW where GM and Judge both quit), I would follow what I did over there, where my character would tag along, but she would be unable to receive anything beyond her share of the treasure and an equal cut of the requisite encounter XP and time XP (none of the RP XP, etc). I much prefer not having to do that, but I much prefer doing that to letting the game die after poor Sin just came out of another dead game too :(
Problem is, that Sin seems to be the most personable one of anyone here, which causes an inherant problem in a potentialy politicaly touchy game. :( I'd hate to loose her to being an NPC.


First Post
It 'tis a shame. It was a very strange party make-up, and the adventure had an interesting premise going.

I was strongly considering sneak attacking the halfling as she came near my position just to cause more mayhem. :)
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
s@squ@tch said:
It 'tis a shame. It was a very strange party make-up, and the adventure had an interesting premise going.
Well, once I hear back from E13, RA, and Bront about their new judge preference (hint, hint, check email), we can ask the new judge if they wish to pick it up. No guarantees.


ooc: OK, I've read the thread quickly. Until I got to the part where the original DM disapeared, I misunderstood that you were looking for someone to take over as Judge, rather than as DM. However, I'd be happy to take over as DM, if that's what you folks want. There was some mention of notes? :)

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: I've heard the notes were extensive and probably enough to cover the adventure, but I'm not sure if that's true. I'll find them in my inbox and forward them to you without reading them

EDIT: Sent!)


OOC: Last time I took over an adventure, I had no notes, and resolved the problem by taking the adventure on a sharp left. ;) I've got the notes, and will read them over soon. Hopefully all the PCs are still around and want to play?

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: I believe we all are still here. Also, in case it isn't in the notes, pay attention to the really long SBLOCKs where the gnome guy tells Alys everything about the setup. In the last few pages, it has caused some confusion, as Alys and I are still the only ones who know what is going on :] :lol: )

Voidrunner's Codex

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