D&D (2024) Martials getting specific weapon masteries.


Maybe not the best time to suggest this but... what if different classes got different weapon masteries?

Something like...
Rogues get Vex and Nick
Paladins get Sap and Slow.
Rangers get Graze and Nick.
Barbarians get Cleave and Push.
Monks get Topple and Push.
Fighters get any of course.

As well as a feat/subclass to get another one.

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Itd be wiser to give them unique ones if its not going to be a universal system.

Taking an already underbaked system and chopping it up is just, not good.

If they wanted to take a page out of my book, they ought to look into not just that, but also in diversifying the weapon driven damage types through unique status conditions.


Itd be wiser to give them unique ones if its not going to be a universal system.
It's still a partially shared system. Monks, fighters, and barbarians all get push for instance. A rogue could pick up topple with a feat, and war clerics could get one based on their God.

Same as a spell that appears on multiple lists, or picked up by racial features.

diversifying the weapon driven damage types through unique status conditions.
Unique stats effects means a lot more stuff to keep track of.

Unique stats effects means a lot more stuff to keep track of.

Thats not necessarily a bad thing, it just depends on the implementation.

As an example, in my proverbial oven Ive got the basic "Bleeding" condition, which when inflicted with slashing weapons simply deals the weapons damage die per round until healed.

However, for an enhanced version, available to anyone who uses Axes (deals slashing and blunt damage simultaneously), or a Warrior wielding a sword with the right ability, they can inflict the Laceration condition, which not only induces the same bleed, but also applies each rounds bleed damage as added damage to any further hits taken, with the idea that Laceration is combining the basic bleed with the blunt trauma disrupting the tatgets defenses.

The process of tracking it and doling out its effects is simple and generally intuitive. If the bleed rolls 5 on a Laceration, you know any hit to that enemy deals 5 extra damage.

It could still be alot if you're piling on Conditions, but combat doesn't last that long, and theres more than a few ways both sides can negate or nullify them in a pinch.

But this also relates to the other part of where I went with weapons, in making the specific weapons combine and deal out damage types simultaneously on top of the statuses each damage type can induce, which isn't too bad to keep track of and diversifies weapon choice considerably.

Also gave me decent fodder to design my Warrior with, who can not only exploit any weapon like its a Sword (which can deal all 3 damage types but only one at a time) but also use a Sword like its any other weapon, dealing out the unique Conditions by simply varying up how they use the sword.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Maybe not the best time to suggest this but... what if different classes got different weapon masteries?

Something like...
Rogues get Vex and Nick
Paladins get Sap and Slow.
Rangers get Graze and Nick.
Barbarians get Cleave and Push.
Monks get Topple and Push.
Fighters get any of course.

As well as a feat/subclass to get another one.
Into it. Hoping for more of them too, and some clean-up on the existing ones.


Maybe not the best time to suggest this but... what if different classes got different weapon masteries?

Something like...
Rogues get Vex and Nick
Paladins get Sap and Slow.
Rangers get Graze and Nick.
Barbarians get Cleave and Push.
Monks get Topple and Push.
Fighters get any of course.

As well as a feat/subclass to get another one.
No, weapon masteries should reserved for warriors unless you spend a feat. Stop poaching martial abilities especially for rogues and paladins who are already OP

Voidrunner's Codex

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