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Masks of Nyarlathotep: Chapter 1.5 (New York City)


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I think we'll have a few days to get things in order at home, but if we are going to travel abroad, I think it best that we get things in order now so we don't have to wait too long.

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Miriam looks around at the group standing outside the hostipal. A cold wind blowing snow down the street. "I know we have seen and experienced strange and terrible events the past few days. Jackson was our friend and he asked us for help. He was on to something big and I for one don't want his death to be meaningless. I vote that we continue his investigation and find out what behind all this. If that means traveling half around the world then so be it. I could use a vacation." she says with a smile. "What do you think?"

OOC: As Isida says, "When in doubt....POST! ;)


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"As I said last night, I think we must discover what Elias discovered. These monsters destroyed their operation rather than let it be discovered. They killed our friend rather than let him expose their activities. Does that mean they are finished? No - if what occurred in a basement in Harlem was the sum total of their activities, we could congratulate ourselves in stopping it and I could be in class again on Monday. But Jackson said they are yet to do something, something he feared and was desperate to warn others of - and they already have the power to make the dead walk. I can't conceive of what it is Jackson discovered, but I know it must be stopped. Jackson's investigations of the Carlyle group led him to his discoveries. Lacking a better plan, I propose we follow his lead. They began in London. I propose we do the same."

Andrew D. Gable

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"I agree," says William. "We should continue what Elias started. We owe at least that to the dead." He grins, musing on how this statement sounds like something his ancestors would have said, and then turns grim as the talk of death casts his mind back to the war. His features brighten abruptly. "And besides, perhaps I'll get to call on some of my cousins."


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"I think there is still plenty here to look into, but I'm not as intimate with scope of this as you seem to be so I'll trust your judgement. But I must warn you, if we go off on a wild goose chase, terrible things could happen right here and we may be the only ones who knows anything about it, save Poole, who is hardly in a possition to do anything right now." Jack says going to the cabinet to pour himself a drink. He pours only a single shot, pounds it, then walks away, returning to his seat.


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"When we first met Poole, he said the Police knew about several other murders committed by this same group - these 'Bloody Tongues' - at this point they have as much information about what is going on here in New York as we do, maybe more given their detailed knowledge of the other crimes. We must trust them to pursue the case against N'Kwane and his folk." He pauses for a moment. "That is, they know more about the situation here, save fore the zombies. Which we probably should have told them of."

"The Police, however, don't know anything about, nor are they likely to care what's gone on outside this city, never mind this country. That was what Jackson investigated, and determined was a real danger."


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"If there was only someone here and safe that we could somehow keep informed about what we've discovered; and if there was only someone who would believe the things we've think we've discovered; and if...." Charles seems to be rambling, his mind getting lost in the wheels within wheels within wheels of possibility lacking plausibility at the moment...


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Miriam looks at Charles. "Well there is Mr. Kensington. He did say that he was willing to help us in anyway possible."

Voidrunner's Codex

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