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Masks of Nyarlathotep [OOC]

Yellow Sign

VorpalBunny said:
LOL! I should have known - it's been a long day, but a good surprise nonetheless. :cool:

Well a even bigger surprise would be if KitanaVorr showed up but I don't think that's going to happen. I cannot find hide nor hair of her. My google skills are weak. :\

Now if I can get the other guys to notice this thread and show up. ;)


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Yellow Sign

VorpalBunny said:
I haven't seen a trace of Kit on these boards in a while. Any word on Toric?

Toric, Krug, and Festy Dog all have been active on the boards lately. So I guess it's just going to take time until they see the thread. I tried to email them but one or two I couldn't email.

Kit hasn't been around since 02-13-04 and a google search found some posts by a KitanaVorr on a Starwars board back in 03 but thats it.



First Post
Count me in. :D

I'll have to reaquaint myself with the game but that shouldn't be too difficult. Looking forward to getting this thing back in motion.

Yellow Sign


With Festy Dog and Shapermc in the game that means the return of both the Gilliadh borthers! :)

I will post a comprehensive summery to get everyone up to speed with what has happened in the game so far.
Last edited:

Yellow Sign

The Players:

Thomas Anderson British Ex-Butler/Bodyguard. Played by Krug.

Father Joe Savino Italian Caltholic Priest and Expert in Psychology. Played by Toric_Arthendain.

Lachian "Shorty" Gilliadh Gangster and Idea man. Played by Shapermc.

Hamish Gilliadh Twin Brother of "Shorty" and the Brawn of the Duo. Played by Festy_Dog.

Professor John Carter Professor of Anthropology. Played by VorpalBunny.

The Game So Far.

World Wide Telegraph Service
Hudson Terminal, 30 Church Street
New York, USA


Oh, Jackson Elias, you have not heard from him in about 8 months or so. He is a good friend, even though months and sometimes years seperate one meeting from the other. His writings characterize and analyse death cults and how they use fear to manipulate it's followers. A skeptic, Elias has never found proof of supernatural powers, magic, or dark gods. Elias is tough, stable, and punctual, unafraid of brawls or officials. His well researched books always seem to reflect first-hand experience, such as the time he infiltrated a modern-day Thuggee cult in India. You have colaborated with him on several of his books; The Smoking Heart, a study of historical and modern day Central American death cults, and Skulls Along the River, which exposed a headhunter cult in the Amazon basin. All his books are published by Prospero Press of New York City, and all were edited by it's owner/editor, Jonah Kensington. Kensington is a good friend of Jackson Elias and knows you well.

Febuary 14th, 1925
8:35 PM

Professor Carter was smoking his pipe by the fireplace, with a good book, Jackson Elias' Son's Of Death. It is pretty amazing how he infiltrated that Thuggee cult. You don't know if it was bravery or shear stubbornness. The telephone rings and you jump. Lifting the phone off the receiver, you say "Hello". The familar voice Jackon Elias answers. "Thank God, John, I hoped you were home." You can detect a hint of fear in his voice. You don't remember every seeing Jackson afraid before. "I don't have much time, have you gotten a team together? You have! Great, I am going to need all the help I can get. I am on to something big. I...well....*sob*....Sorry, I just have been on the go and I am badly in need of some rest." The line seems dead for almost half a minute. "Carter! Meet me at my hotel. It's the Chelsea Hotel, room 4B, tomorrow around 7:00 PM. I have some errands to run, but I should be back by then. Oh, I know I said I would be in on the 15h but the ship arrived a day early. Well I have to run. See you tomorrow." With that the line goes dead.

January 15th, 1925
5:10 PM Ryon's Cafe.

Smoke drifts above the table in the back of Ryon's. A waiter, picks up the plates and used silverware from the table. Five people sit around it, a priest, a professor, a pair of twins, and a daper english man. The professor speaks up. "Here is the information that Shorty and I were able to dig up on the Carlyle Expedition." Several sets of newspaper clipping and a photo lay scatterd on the table.


Big Apple Dateline

ROGER CARLYLE, the playboy whom everyone knows - or knows about - is quietly leaving New Yawk tomorrow to check out the tombs of Egypt! You've seen the cuties ROGER has found in the nightspots. Who can doubt he'll dig up someone - er, something - equally fabulous from the Egyptian sands?



Led by the fabulously wealthy wealthy playboy, Roger Carlyle, the Carlyle expedition departed this morning for Southampton aboard the luxury British steamship Imperial Standard.

Contrary to earlier reports, the expedition will perform research in London under the ausoices of the Penhew Foundation before continuing to Egypt nexct month.

Readers may recall the enormous party which Mr. Carlyle, now 24, gave at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel upon reaching his majority. Since then, scandals and indelicate behavior have become Carlyle's trademark, but he has never become tarnished in the eyes of Manhattanites.

Members of the expedition have been reluctant to reveal their purpose in Egypt.


Renowned Egyptologist Sir Aubrey Penhew is assistant leader of the expedition and in charge of excavations.

Dr. Robert Huston, a fashionable "Freudian" psychologist, accompanies the expedition to pursue parallel researches into ancient pictographs.

Miss Hypatia Masters, linked in the past to Carlyle, will act as photographer and archivist.

Mr. Jack Brady, intimate to Mr. Carlyle, accompanies the group as general factotum.

Additional members may be secured in London.

-NEW YORK TIMES, April 5,1919


CAIRO (AP)-Sir Aubrey Penhew, temporary spokesman for the Carlyle Expedition, indicated Monday that the leaders are taking ship to East Aftica for a well-earned rest.' Sir Aubrey debunked rumors that the expedition had dis- covered clues to the legendary wealth of the lost mines of King Solomon, maintaining that the party was going on safari "in respite from our sandy labors." Roger Carlyle, wealthy New York leader of the expedition, was unavailable for comment, still suffering from his recent sunstroke. Discussing that unfortunate incident, local experts declared Egypt entirely too hot for Anglo-Saxons at this time of year, and suggested that the young American had not been well-served by his democratic enthusiasm, rumored to have led him to personally wield pick and shovel.

-NEW YORK TIMES, July 3,1919


MOMBASA (Reuters) - Leading members of an American archeological expedition arrived here on holiday from digs in Egypt's Nile Valley.

Our Under-Secretary, Mr. Royston Whittingdon, held a welcoming dinner for them at Collingswood House, where the wit of Sir Aubrey Penhew, expedition leader, was much in evidence.

Accompanying Sir Aubrey are two Americans, youthful financier Roger Carlyle and medical doctor Robert Huston.

The party leaves inland tomorrow, for Nairobi and hunting.

-NEW YORK TIMES, July 24,1919


MOMBASA (Reuters) - Uplands police representatives today asked for public assistance concerning the disappearance of the Carlyle expedition. No word of the party has been received in nearly two months.

The group includes wealthy Manhattan playboy Roger Carlyle and three other American citizens, as well as respected Egyptologist Sir Aubrey Penhew of the United Kingdom.

The expedition left Nairobi on August 3, ostensibly on camera safari, but rumor insisted that they were actually after legendary Biblical treasures.

Carlyle and his party reportedly intended to explore portions of the Great Rift Valley, to the northwest of Nairobi.

-NEW YORK TIMES, Oct. 15,1919


MOMBASA (Reuters) - In response to clues, Miss Erica Carlyle, sister to the American leader of the lost Carlyle Expedition, arrived in port today aboard the Egyptian vessel Fount of Life.

Several Kikuyu-villager reports recently have been received concerning the putative massacre of unnamed Europeans near Aberdare Forest.

Miss Carlyle declared her intention to find her brother, regardless of the effort needed. She brought with her the nucleus of a large expedition.

Detailing agents to coordinate supply and other activities with Colony representatives, Miss Carlyle and the remainder of her party depart for Nairobi tomorrow.

Her companion, Mrs. Victoria Post, indirectly emphasized Miss Carlyle's purposefulness by recounting the rigors of the voyage aboard the Semite ship.

-NEW YORK TIMES, March 11,1920


NAIROBI (Reuters) - The massacre of the long-missing Carlyle expedition was confirmed today by district police representatives.

Roger Carlyle, New York's rollicking playboy, is counted among the missing.

Authorities blame hostile Nandi tribesmen for the shocking murders. Remains of at least two dozen expedition members and bearers are thought found in several concealed grave sites.

Erica Carlyle, Roger Carlyle's sister and apparent heiress to the Carlyle family fortune, led the dangerous search for her brother and his party. She credited Kikuyu tribesmen for the discovery, though Colonial police actually found the site.

Among other expedition members believed lost are Sir Aubrey Penhew, noted Egyptologist'; New York socialite Hypatia Masters, and Dr. Robert Huston. Many bearers are also reported dead.

-NEW YORK TIMES, May 24,1920


NAIROBI (Reuters) - Five Nandi tribesmen, convicted ringleaders of the vicious Carlyle Expedition massacre, were executed this morning after a short, expertly-conducted trial.

To the end, the tribesmen stubbornly refused to reveal where they had hidden the bodies of the white leaders of the expedition. Mr. Harvis, acting for the Colony, implied throughout the trial that the massacre was racial in motivation, and that the fair-skinned victims were taken to a secret location, there to suffer the most savage treatment.

Miss Erica Carlyle, defeated in her efforts to rescue her brother, left several weeks ago, but is surely comforted now by the triumph of justice.

-NEW YORK TIMES, June 19,1920


As the group of you search the room, you find several things of interest. Stuffed into the pockets of the murderers are several pieces of paper, two business cards, and a photograph. On the desk, Father Joe finds a flyer that is placed in the middle of a book.

The match box

A business card

The other business card
Emerson Imports

648 West 47th Street
New York, New York
Telephone: HA 6-3900

Handwritten on the back: Silas N'Kwane

The Photograph

Photograph of large yacht at harbor surrounded by Chinese junks.
Only the first three letters of the name of the yacht are visible: DAR


A letter
Cairo, Egypt
3 January, 1919

Dear Mr. Carlyle:

I am informed that you seek certain knowledge of our land and can perhaps aid you in this. In my possession are singular curios which I most happily believe of interest. These I willingly send for your consideration, if a price can be agreed upon. Naturally they are ancient and must command a goodly sum. I will arrange matters to your satisfaction when your agent calls at my shop, in the Street of the Jackals in the Old Quarter.

Until then I remain your most humble servant,

Faraz Najir

A Letter
On Harvard letterhead:

Nov. 7, 1924

Mr. Jackson Elias
c o Prospero House Publishers
Lexington Avenue, New York City

Dear Mr. Elias,

The book about which you inquired is no longer in our collection. The information you seek may be found here in other volumes. If you will contact me upon arrival, I will be most happy to further assist you.

As Always,

Miriam Atwright

A Flyer
Tonight Only

"The Cult of Darkness in Polynesia & the Southwest Pacific"

a two-hour lecture with slides delivered by Prof. Anthony Cowles, Ph.D.

of the the University of Sydney (Australia) and presently Locksley Fellow of Polynesian Esoterica at Miskatonic University (Arkham)

Schuyler Hall, NYU

8 PM

Tonight Only

Father Joe is unable to identify the symbol and the head dresses are completely unknown.

"Greeting, I am Professor Anthony Cowles, Ph.D. of the Univeristy of Sydney and presently the Locksley Fellow of Polynesian Escoterica at Miskatonic University in Arkham. Tonight I will speak on a little known Cult of Darkness in the Australian outback."

For the next 2 hours, Professor Cowles gives a lecture with slides.

Main Points of Prof. Anthony Cowles' NYU Lecture
I. A bat cult once existed among the Aboriginals of Australia. It was known across the continent, and the god of the cult was always known as the Father of All Bats. Adherents believed that by making human sacrifices to their god they themselves would become worthy enough that the Father of All Bats would appear to them. Once he was enticed to appear, he would conquer all men. Sacrifices were run through a gauntlet of worshipers who struck the victims with clubs embedded with the sharp teeth of bats. The teeth were coated with a sub- stance derived from rabid bats. The poison was quick-acting, but victims apparently went mad before they died. Leaders of the cult reputedly could take the forms of bat-winged snakes, enabling them to steal sacrifices from across the land. Cowles believes that this cult became dormant or extinct hundreds of years ago.

II. An Aboriginal song cycle mentions a place where enormous beings gathered, somewhere in the west of Australia. The songs say that these gods, who were not at all like men, built great sleeping walls and dug great caves. But living winds blew down the gods and overthrew them, destroying their camp. When this happened, the way was open for the Father of All Bats, who came into the land, and grew strong.

III. Cowles shows the audience a set of four over-exposed glass slides. Each shows a few sweating men standing beside enormous blocks of stone, pitted and eroded but clearly dressed and formed for architectural purposes. Dim carvings seem to decorate some. Billows of sand are everywhere. Though he did not bring the book with him, Cowles says that the discoverer, one Arthur MacWhirr of Port Hedland, kept a diary in which he records several attacks on the party by Aboriginals. MacWhirr reportedly records deaths to victims from hundreds of small punctures, reminiscent of the earlier bat-cult.

IV. Cowles tells finally of a tale he collected from near the Arafura Sea in northern Australia. In it Sand Bat, or Father of All Bats, has a battle of wits with Rainbow Snake, the Aboriginal deification of water and the patron of life. Rainbow Snake succeeds in tricking and trapping Sand Bat and his clan into the depths of a watery place from which Sand Bat can only complain, and is unable to return to trouble the people.

At the end of the lecture the crowd begins to disperse, though Professor Cowles remains in the lobby talking and answering questions.

Schuyler Hall,NYU
January 15th, 1926


Professor Cowles

"Well luckly for us the bat cult that I spoke about disappeared hundreds of years ago, Father. Humm I am unfamilar with that symbol and the headpiece. The sign used by Cult of the Sand Bat was a circle with two sytlized wings coming out of it."

Thomas finds out that the very attractive woman is Cowles' daugther Ewa.

Thomas has a very nice chat with her and he can tell that she loves her father deeply but she cannot wait to be out on her own. While there are several young gentlemen trying to get Ewa's attention she seems happy to chat with you. ;) She says that she and her father are going back to Austrila in a month or so.

New York City Metropolitan Library
January 15th, 1926
08:15-10:40 PM


When Hamish calls the number at Emerson Imports, a man answers in a foreign language (african?). After you state your business the line goes dead. Any calls to the number afterword are not answered.
You fine the number to the Widener Library at Harvard and you get hold of Miriam Atwright. She says "Yes, the book that Mr. Elias sought was called Africa's Dark Sects. The book mysteriously disappeared several months before Elias sought it. And by "mysteriously", I mean it just vanished. There was a unspeakable odor in the collection the day we noticed it was missing."


The young librarian helps you with the photo of the ship and to find out about the Street of the Jackel in the Old Quarter. "Well first off, the picture is not taken in the New York. Our docks don't have trees by them and the boat in the foreground looks like something found in the far east. Hong Kong perhaps? You could go to the Port Authority but with out a name and a date it could be almost impossible to find if this ship ever docked here. As for The Street of Jackels in the Old Quarter, sound like some exotic place in the middle east. I would bet Cairo, Egypt. (OOC: the letter does show that it was mailed from Cairo :p )

Professor Carter

You find that the rune represents a cult thought to be descended from a sect driven out of dynastic Egypt. It is called the The Cult of the Bloody Tongue and that of late it has been centered in Kenya.
You find that the Penhew Foundation was set up by Sir. Aubery Penhew, a british noble and highly respected Egyptologist. After his death in Kenya while he was with the Carlyle Expedition, his vast fortune went to funding the Foundation. It underwrites several important researches in Britain and abroad, and it is responsible for the education of many brilliant but penniless scholars. Edward Gavagan is the current director of the Penhew Foundation.

Professor Carter, Shorty, and Hamish go to Prospero House, a publisher of books having occult or fantastic themes. The offices of Prospero House ar located on Lexington Avenue near 35th street. A blonde haired man with a full beard

comes up to Professor Carter and gives him a hand shake. "John, good to see you. But I wish it was under better circumstances. It's terrible about Jackson. Though the way he lived his life I am hardly suprised it ended like this. Oh, who are your friends?" He turns to Shorty and Hamish. Holding out a hand he says "My name is Jonah Kensington."

"So your looking into the matter? Good! I hope someone can come to the bottom of all this. Jackson was a good friend and colleague. Personally, I think it was either some old enemies at last caught up with him or his new project was even more important and dangerous that he himself believed. Here come into my office and I will tell you what I know. Mrs. Baxter, could you get me Mr. Elias' correspondence file for me please." Mr. Kensington leads you into his office. His secretary enters a minute later with a thick folder and give it to Mr. Kensington.

"Could I interest you gentlemen in some coffee?" asks Jonah and he motions for Mrs. Baxter to bring some. "Jackson was working on a project for the past several months. It had to do with the Carlyle Expedition what was lost in Africa. Here is a letter I recieved from him in August a year and a half ago."

August 8, 1924

Dear Jonah,
Big news! There is a possibility that not all of the members of the Carlyle Expedition died. I have a lead. Though the authorities here deny the cult angle, the natives sing a different tune. You wouldn't believe the stories! Some juicy notes coming your way!

This one may make us all rich!

Blood and kisses,

P.S. I'll need advance money to follow this one up. More later.

"With the letter he send a package with some of his notes." He hands Professor Carter the notes to read.

The Nairobi Notes:
GENERAL IMPRESSIONS: the notes are adequately organized and seem in many ways complete, yet are remarkable for the absence of conclusions, connections, names, suspicions, and clearly-deftned themes. The handwriting is strong and bold.

SET ONE : sets forth the offices, officials, and tribes which Elias visited, searching for material concerning cults and cult rituals. Nothing conclusive, though Elias afterwards completely discounts the official version of the Carlyle massacre.

SET TWO:describes his trip to the massacre site. He notes particularly that the earth there is barren, and that all the tribes of the region avoid the place, saying it is cursed by the god of the black winds, whose home is some mountaintop.

SET THREE:an interview with a Johnstone Kenyatta, who says that the Carlyle murders were performed by the cult of the Bloody Tongue. He says that the cult's home is in the mountains, and that its high priestess is part of the mountain of the black winds. Elias is politely skeptical.

SET FOUR: follows up on the Kenyatta interview. Elias confirms from several minor sources that the Bloody Tongue exists, though he can find no first-hand evidence nor locate any members. The tales include children being stolen for sacrifice. Creatures are said to come down from the mountain of the black winds to carry off people. The cult seems to worship a god unknown to folklorists, one which fits no traditional African pattern.

SET FIVE: a single sheet reminding Elias that the Egyptian portion of the Carlyle itinerary must be retraced carefully. He believes that Carlyle's trip to Kenya was prompted by something or someone in Egypt.

SET SIX: a long interview with Lt. Mark Selkirk, leader of the men who actually found the remains of the Carlyle expedition, and a Kenya hand since the Great War. Importantly, Selkirk says that the bodies were remarkably undecayed for the length of time they were in the open - "almost as if the germs themselves wouldn't come near the place." Secondly, the bearers had been torn apart, as if by animals, though what sort of animal it could have been he could not compre- hend. "Unimaginable," he said. Selkirk agrees that the Nandis may have had something to do with the episode, but suspects that the charges against the ringleaders were trumped-up. "It wouldn't be the first time," he says cynically. Finally, Selkirk confirms that no Caucasians were found among the dead - only the corpses of the Kenyan bearers were scattered across the barren field.

SET SEVEN: a single sheet. Elias ran into Nails Nelson at the Victoria Bar in Nairobi (Nelson had been doing some mercenary work for the Italians and escaped into Kenya after double-crossing his employers). Nelson claimed to have seen Jack Brady alive (March of 1923) in Hong Kong. Brady was friendly, though guarded and not talkative, and Nelson didn't press the conversation. By this Elias thought that other members of the expedition might still live.

SET EIGHT: discusses a possible structure for the Carlyle book, but is mostly featureless, with entries like "then tell what happened" and "explain why."

"I did not hear from Jackson until the middle of last month. He wired me from London. Here is the telegram."




"His ship arrived two days ago and he dropped by a set of notes and was off again. He seems excited and worried at the same time. When I read these noted, I began to worry about Jackson's sanity. Here you can see for your self."

The pages are folded together to form a small quarto volume. Frequently a page or a dozen pages are blank. Sometimes a single word is repeated over and over for several pages. Most of the entries are written in such an agitated manner that they can't be read, though all of the material is undoubtably written by Elias. The following quotes are most of what can be gleaned from this text.

Many names, many forms, but all the same and toward one end ... Need Help.... Too big, too ghastly. These dreams .... dreams like Carlyle's? Check that psychoanalyst's files . . . .All of them survived! They'll open the gate. Why? ... so the power and the danger is real. They. . . . many threads beginning. . . . The books are in Carlyle's safe.... Coming for me. Will the ocean protect? Ho Ho no quitters now. Must tell and make readers Believe. Should I scream for them? Let's scream together ...

January 16th, 1926 - 10:03 PM

You arrive at the short alley that leads to the 20-foot-square courtyard that fronts the Ju Ju House around ten-o-clock. A single dirty light blub illuminates the court from a lamp post near the alleyway. From the many windows that overlook the court, lights can be seen but most seem to be covered. The slumped forms of three winos lay sprawled in corners of the court. They seem to be asleep.


Hamish after running in and grabbing and throwing the leopard skin sees hanging from a peg in the wall next to one of the corpses, a long feathered shawl of shimmering colors. Also hanging from the peg is a pair of gloves with long animal claws attached to the fingers of the gloves.

Professor Carter sees no symbols on the leopard skin. But it has opened with Hamish's throw and several items spill on the ground: A book, a african devil mask carved of wood, a burnished copper bowl, a headband of grey metal, and a carved scepter. The bowl and the headband have unrecognizable runes and signs on them and the scepter appears to be made of carved wood with what appears to be Egyptian hierogyphics.

Shorty and the Professor hunch and confer over the open leopard skin and it's spilled contents. Shorty opens the book to see that it is titled Africa's Dark Sects, it is in English, and it is stamped "Property of the Trustees of Harvard University".
The mask appears to be of Congolese origin to Professor Carter's trained eye. The wood it is made of looks exotic. It has no straps or ties that would hold it to a face.
The burnished copper bowl and head band of grey metal have strange runes carved in them and Professor Carter and Shorty are at a lost to identify them.
The carved scepter seems to be of African origin and carved from baobab wood. With a little study and the proper books, Professor Carter seems believe he could translate the Egyptian hieroglyphics on the scepter given time.

As several of you are holding flashlights, it is unnessary for Hamish to get the lantern as it is unlite in any case. Everyone save Shorty who backs up from the hole peers down into the dark hole. Your flashlights illumiating the bottom which is about 15 feet down. Thats.........when.......you.......see.......it...............

.............with a strangled gasp you come out of the shock of seeing the thing at the bottom of the pit. Now you know what is making the anguished cries but your mind revolts against the knowledge. The crying THING is composed of dozens of human faces set into a thick wormlike mass of purple-veined muscle. The faces weep, shout, and cry out with great woeful feeling.


Professor Carter sways back and forth as his vision begins to fade in to darkness. His eyes flutter closed and he begins to pitch forwards into the pit. Hamish and Thomas while shocked hold on to their sanity.......just barely.

After the leopard skin and it's contents are picked up and guns reloaded, the group heads into the corridor towards the stairs and the trap door. Shorty, Hamish, Thomas, Carter, and then Father Joe move forwards ready for action. The cries of the thing in the pit begin to fade in intenisty. Shorty can see that the light in the Ju Ju House is on and he can here the noise of many foot steps. A steady and deep accented voice calls down.

"It seems we have rats in our celler! Well I know how to take care of rats!" Then you hear the man call out in a strange sing song language.

Ygnaiih! Ygnaiih! EEE-yayayayaya-haahaahaahaa-ngh'aaa-ngh'aa-ya-ya-yaaa!

As the man's voice echoes through the corridor all is silent even the cries of the THING. And the trap door slams shut and you hear the lock being turned.

The dark corridor is just wide enough for two people to stand side by side but the narrow stairs will only allow one at a time.

Thomas rushes up the stairs and bashes his shoulder into the trapdoor. The door refuses to budge. He then fires a shot at the lock splintering wood. Thomas hears what sounds like something heavy being dragged over the trapdoor.

Shorty and Hamish watch from the stairs as Thomas tries to open it.

Professor Carter turns to Father Joe "We.... didn't see.... any other way out.... Father unless there.... is some sort.... of secret door hidden.... in the......." Father Joes can tell that Carter is close to the edge of a mental brakedown as his speech is choppy and his eyes dart about nerviously. Suddenly the Professor stops in mid sentence and stares at something over Father Joes shoulder. "OH MY GOD!!!....." screams Professor Carter.

You turn to see what has putting such a fright into Carter. A shiver runs down your spine and you gasp as your flashlights play upon the four figures that are emerging from the alcove across the chamber. The negro men stumble and sway with a morbid stiffness and from their sliced open bellies swing ropey intestines. Large black doll like eyes stare at you without any hint of emotion and a muffled groan escapes their sewn shut mouths. Beetles and cockroaches scapper over their bodies and the stench of a open grave assails your senses.

With Father Joes words, Carter stands and you see him try and compose himself. Wiping the vommit from his mouth, he turns to Joe a wild look on his face. "But Father, how are we going to get out of this hell hole. Don't forget there are God only knows how many crazed murderers up that stairs waiting for us. And who knows what other horrors await us down here. WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE DOWN HERE!!!" screams Carter. The pistol in his hands begins to shake and tears start to stream down his face again. The pistol drops to the floor and Carter places his hands on his face and he begins to sob again.

Thomas watches as Professor Carter begins to break up. He then thinks he hears what sounds like gun shots and yelling from the corridor and up the stairs.

The sounds of gunfire and shouting fades as Thomas yells and pounds on the trapdoor with his good hand. Shorty swings his head from looking at the trapdoor to his brother Hamish who begins to look about for a place to hide. Father Joe comforts Professor Carter whose sobs have begun to quiet down.

Thomas hears feet above him and the sound of something heavy being moved away from the trapdoor. Someone tries to open the locked door and then he hears a voice yell. "Move away from the door we are going to shoot the lock." Four muffled shots later the door swings open. Two policemen look down on Thomas with their guns drawn. One of the policemen has a bleeding cut on his cheek. He yells "Drop that gun mister and come out with your hands in the air!"

"He sounds like a bad penny novel. Next thing you're going to tell me is some mysterious cult is after you with hatchets."

Just as Evelyn says this, a police man walks by carrying several bloody machetes in his hands. He comes up to the officer in charge and says. "Sargent, it's a bloody slaughter house down in the basement. I counted 10 bodies at least. Six looks like they just got gunned down and four look like they have been dead over a week or more. And thats not the worst of it. There is a pit with what looks several burned bodies bodies at the bottom. It's horrific. The bodies have all been melted together from the heat of the fire. Jackson lost his lunch just looking at it." With that a pasty faced police man can be seen being helped out of the alleyway by another.

The policemen back up slightly and then drop their pistols into the pit. "Don't hurt her! We dropped our guns."

The negro then says "Come along then." and he begins to drag Evelyn down the corridor and up the stairs. Evelyn is able to slip her hand into her purse and grab hold of her gun but unless she realy twists in the man's grasp she will have a hard time getting a clean shot off.

Coming out into the shop. The man yells out at the policemen there. "I'm walking out and none of ya better gets in my way or the lady gets a new grin." He presses the edge of the machete against Evelyn throat to heighten his threat.

Out in the street, Lt. Poole and the other are shocked to see the nergo emerge from the alley with the lady reporter in his grasp. Upon seeing the group, the negro yells. "You bastards! You think you won? The only thing ya won is a slow death. Just ya wait! The God of the Bloody Tongue will feast! The Black Wind will come and all ya'lls cities will be ground ta dust. The Son will rip forth from his mother's womb and call the Others down. The sea's will boil and the earth rip open. Yall will neva sleep soundly with out the thought of ones of us sneakin in ya room and ripping ya guts out."

As the madman begins to swing his machete at Father Joe, a couple of muffled shots are heard and the man staggers back from Evelyn. She sees a shocked look on his face as he pulls a bloodly hand away from his chest. He raises is machete to strike at Evelyn but a dark blur crashes into him and he falls to the ground. The sound of his head hitting the street echos with a sickening thud. Hamish stands up after hitting the man and sees that he is no longer a threat.

What You Know
April 5, 1919 - The Carlyle Expedition, with members Roger Carlyle, Robert Huston MD, Sir Aubrey Penhew, Miss Hypatia Masters and Mr. Jack Brady leaves New York for England to begin archaeological research in Egypt.
July, 1919 - The Expedition arrives in East Africa and is not heard from again.
March, 1920 - Carlyle's sister, Erica arrives in Mombasa, Kenya looking for clues as to her brother's fate.
May, 1920 - Working with Nairobi police, Erica Carlyle confirms the death of the expedition when a mass grave is discovered containing most of the expedition's bearers and ancillary members. Still missing but presumed dead are the expedition's principal members: Roger Carlyle, Sir Aubrey Penhew, Hypatia Masters, and Dr. Robert Huston.
June, 1920 - Five Nandi tribesmen are executed for the murder of the Carlyle Expedition.
June, 1924 - Jackson Elias departs NYC bound for Nairobi.
January, 1925 - Elias contacts his friend Professor John Carter at Columbia University asking him to put together an expedition to follow up on some leads he's uncovered regarding the fate of the Carlyle Expedition.
January 13, 1925 - a very agitated and nervous Jackson Elias contacts Professor Carter to arrange a meeting at the Chelsea Hotel, Rm. 410.
Jan 15, 1925 - You arrived at the hotel to find Jackson Elias murdered by what you discovered to be "the Cult of the Bloody Tongue".

Clues from Room 410
A letter addressed to Roger Carlyle from an Egyptian named Faraz Najir.
A business card from the Penhew Foundation, London.
A matchbox from the Stumbling Tiger Bar, Shanghai.
A blurry photo of a yacht. The first three letters D-A-R of the name is visible.
A business card from "Emerson Imports" with the name Silias N'Kwane written on the back.
A typewritten letter sans envelope from Miriam Atwright, a Harvard University librarian.
A handbill promoting a lecture by Miskatonic University's Professor Anthony Cowles.
The symbol engraved into Elias' forehead.

The Ju-Ju House
A book titled Africa's Dark Sects stamped as the property of the trustees of Harvard University.
A long feathered shawl.
2 glove-like garments with a lion's claws attached at the end of the fingers.
An African devil mask carved from wood.
A brurnished copper bowl
A carved scepter
A headband of grey metal

From Jonah Kensington: The "Nairobi Notes" and the "London Notes" of Jackson Elias.
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Yellow Sign

Ok this is what I need yall to do.

1. Read over the IC thread again.
2. Look over the clues that I posted above. It's mainly just a condensed version of the IC thread with the important bits only. Use it as a reference.
3. Look over your characters again and get to know them! :)
4. Level up your characters to 2nd level. You can go ahead and roll for your hit points (if you roll a 1 you can reroll). You also gain 1d6 sanity for leveling.
5. Talk amongst yourselves!
6. As me any questions that you might have!

I have not heard from Krug yet. I will keep his slot open for a little longer. If he doesn't show or does not want to play, I will let the alternate into the game. If that is ok with the rest of you?


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