D&D (2024) Mastery suggestions


Just some ideas.

Versatile weapons now have a different mastery depending on how many hand you just (dump Flex)
Long sword: 1d8 slow (versatile d10 graze).
Warhammer: 1d8 sap (versatile d10 push)
Battleaxe: 1d8 topple (versatile d10 cleave)

Pull: whips
When you hit an target your size or smaller you may pull it up to 10' closer to you. If the target larger than you or is otherwise immovable, such as a chandelier, you can pull yourself 10' closer to it.
You may also chose to deal no damage.

Skirmish: scimitar and sickle
when you attack an enemy, you don't provoke opportunity attacks from them until the end of your turn.
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Parry: dagger, quarterstaff

Feint: rapier, dart
When you miss, you gain advantage on your next attack

Silent: blow gun
Attacking does not break stealth if you miss or kill your target.


Since versatile is complete garbage of a weapon property in all aspects, here is a fix:
Versatile, in addition to useless damage increase for using it 2Handed, Versatile weapon now has two mastery slots, for both 1Handed and 2Handed usage.

Versatile, Flex and Graze on longsword would be balanced with
Finesse, Vex on rapier


Prince of Dorkness
Here was my suggestion from the Ranking Weapon Mastery thread:

I wonder if Versatile (and thereby Flex) would be more attractive if using a weapon in 2 hands allowed you to add 1.5x STR like it did in 3e (and Flex could allow 1.5x STR despite using the weapon in only 1 hand)?

So a Fighter with 18 STR (+4) wielding a Longsword in 1 hand would do 1d8+4, but wielding it in 2 hands would do 1d10+6. Using Flex, that same Fighter would be able to use the Longsword in 1 Hand to do 1d10+6 while also holding a shield in the other hand.


Here was my suggestion from the Ranking Weapon Mastery thread:

I wonder if Versatile (and thereby Flex) would be more attractive if using a weapon in 2 hands allowed you to add 1.5x STR like it did in 3e (and Flex could allow 1.5x STR despite using the weapon in only 1 hand)?

So a Fighter with 18 STR (+4) wielding a Longsword in 1 hand would do 1d8+4, but wielding it in 2 hands would do 1d10+6. Using Flex, that same Fighter would be able to use the Longsword in 1 Hand to do 1d10+6 while also holding a shield in the other hand.
we cannot as that requires math and math is hard for D&D players...


I wonder if Versatile (and thereby Flex) would be more attractive if using a weapon in 2 hands allowed you to add 1.5x STR like it did in 3e (and Flex could allow 1.5x STR despite using the weapon in only 1 hand)?
I would kind of just get rid of Flex.

Though a mastery that gave you +2 damage, +3 if 2 handed, wouldn't be a bad thing.

Not attached to versatile. Just a simple flat damage buff.

Keep in mind, in order to actually use versatile, you can’t have a shield. Otherwise it's just a 1 handed weapon.

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