D&D (2024) Weapon masteries should really be linked to weapon properties, not to specific weapons!

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One of the big complaints was that every weapon felt the same.

I mean, there are 8 one handed weapons that deal 1d8 damage.

Now each one has a unique feature.
I would rather see every weapon have something inherent to the weapon that makes it unique. If I have to acquire a class feature to unlock a supposed weapon property, it's not a property of the weapon. It's a property of the class feature. Moving the text of the class feature to a footnote on the weapon table isn't making that text any more relevant to characters who don't have that one, specific class feature.


Moving the text of the class feature to a footnote on the weapon table isn't making that text any more relevant to characters who don't have that one, specific class feature.
All classes that are "supposed" to use weapons get the feature.

But if you want to move Weapon Mastery to weapon section, and have proficiency and "expertise" on the classes, then sure.

But that still just rearranging things.

All classes that are "supposed" to use weapons get the feature.

But if you want to move Weapon Mastery to weapon section, and have proficiency and "expertise" on the classes, then sure.

But that still just rearranging things.
That's a fair characterization of what I'm saying. I don't want the weapon mastery rules thrown out or rebuilt from scratch. I just wish they were rearranged a bit to make their presentation more consistent with other rules that do similar things.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Another "Imma offer feedback on something which is no longer under playtest for additional feedback" thread? OK. I think they work just fine as presented. I don't think any of these are real simplifications as I think you can alter your masteries anyway? Nor do I think trying to prevent your high level fighter from having lots of weapons is a good idea or good for the game. That part is working as intended.


One of the big complaints was that every weapon felt the same.

I mean, there are 8 one handed weapons that deal 1d8 damage.

Now each one has a unique feature.
Now we do not have enough weapons.

If we take 1H Versatile weapon, we can have Sap, Slow, Topple and Push masteries.
And we need B, P and S type of weapon damage.
That is 12 weapons to fill every combination.

for 2Handed, Heavy; there is again 3 damage types, normal and Reach weapons and 5 possible masteries,
here is another 30 weapons.

not to mention how many weapons in 1Handed category using Light, Finesse, Reach and Thrown property with 3 damage types and every possible mastery combo.


Possibly a Idiot.
I thought about it for a moment, then realized doing so would eliminate having less damaging or otherwise worse weapons with superior effects kind of balance, which is a choice martials should have.

Voidrunner's Codex

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