D&D 5E Mearls' "Firing" tweet

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All I have to say about Mearl's tweet is that it is immediately justified by that tweet under it with that person asking for, and I quote, "data behind that statement".

I mean, there's a classy way to prove something immediately with no knowledge of doing it, and, tadah, that person did it. Hook, line and sinker.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
How about you go somewhere else?

Completely inappropriate. You're not 5. Don't post in this thread again, please.

(Both [MENTION=6795602]FrogReaver[/MENTION] and [MENTION=6801328]Elfcrusher[/MENTION], who are discussing general US politics rather than a tweet about D&D, please leave the thread.)

Rhodree Mahr

First Post
People don't realize how often American society has oppressed women and minorities with complex rpg rules. Not sure I'm woke enough to get his complaint about lore though. Seems like they went all in on the retro and cherished icons in this edition. All the tables for rolling silly stuff, the magic items, all the quotes from various d&d franchises, and so on - they basically are selling the brands history first, more than a rules set.


First Post
While I’m glad that this thread is nowhere near as bad as the corresponding Twitter or Reddit discussions, it has its share of misogynistic crap. This is the worst example of it, and has no place in this community. Don’t post in this thread again, please.

All opinions are equal, but some opinions are more equal than others.


Good grief 24 pages in already. Man I'm always missing the good threads.
I blame @pemerton with his enticing worldbuilding and XP questioning threads.


First Post
It always boggles my mind a bit when people assume that someone else is just being a good person to impress people. Like, what is the working theory, there? Do they just think that everyone is a selfish POS that only pretend to care about others to win imaginary brownie points?

To be fair, it's a very common concept. It's called virtue signaling and is done to fit in with the in-group and/or gain favor/status/approval.

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