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D&D 5E Mearls' "Firing" tweet

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So Mike Mearls whose entire job depends on people buying his products decided to swing a massively broad brush and insult 90% of his customer base because of the actions of a couple percent of his customers?

Mike Mearls, you didnt just FAIL at customer relations, you EPIC FAILED.

Do everyone a favor and stay off Twitter, your offensive.

No, using "your" instead of "you're" is offensive. Yes, I am a grammar nazi.

But seriously though. You think you insulted 90% of his base with that tweet? Bwahahahaahahaha. There's lack of perspective, and then there's lack of perspective.

*Edit. I take that back. THIS is pretty offensive as well:

Also, it can make you angry.

I worked IT in the mid to late 1990s. During that time period the IT industry was easily 90-95% men. That is just who went into the industry back then. The company I worked for won an award for diversity because 50% of our IT workforce was women. That :):):):) pissed me because I knew based on how the company paid (compared to other companies) that women were being hired for how it looked, not how effective they would be at their job.

Does that apply here? I have no idea. If she is qualified to do her job that is awesome and I look forward to seeing her impact on future products. If she was hired because it makes WOTC look progressive and diverse (which no one will ever be able to prove one way or another) then the people that hired her can rot in hell for being PC morons. Either way it is not her fault and I hope she does a wonderful job in her new position.

The very fact that you're even questioning the motives on this hire proves in spades exactly what white male privilege is, and why it's so toxic. The thing is, is that I bet you don't even realize how offensive you're being. You don't question when a man gets hired. But you assume or at the very least ponder on the qualification when a woman does. That is textbook sexism. I don't expect you to admit, but it's literally the definition. Rarely does one who acts like a bigot think they are actual bigots.
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Interesting... I wonder what the percentage of contracts given to minorities (and then what percentage out of those awarded were "desireable") before the regulation in the 90's...

I honestly couldn't begin to guess. The southern and eastern parts of the state have always had strong hispanic business communities, but in terms of state contracts I haven't got a clue. Best guess is that there was clearly a problem that the regulation was intended to address, and if you look at North or West Texas I'm pretty sure the dynamic out there hasn't changed much since the Nixon administration. All I know is that a good friend of mine (a black guy) had a rough time of it when he tried to bid on state contracts with his cleaning company in the 90s and 2000s in Houston, so much so that he eventually walked away from it and took a corporate sales job.


I assume the discussion here surround Affirmative Action relates to mandatory gnome barbarian quotas? Right? We're talking about gaming here?


Am I the only one who is getting really sick and tired of every white man who complains against AA saying they were refused admission to their top college because they were white (which never is actually proven to be true and yet literally every single white guy has that story), and white guys acting like they are the oppressed anytime the workforce even starts to reflect what the actual demographics are?

"I know white men only make up 40% of the population around here, but as soon as my workforce becomes less than 90% white men, the only answer is that we are being targeted by these PC liberals!!!"


... The very fact that you're even questioning the motives on this hire proves in spaces exactly what white male privilege is, and why it's so toxic. The thing is, is that I bet you don't even realize how offensive you're being. You don't question when a man gets hired. But you assume or at the very least ponder on the qualification when a woman does. That is textbook sexism. I don't expect you to admit, but it's literally the definition. Rarely does one who acts like a bigot think they are actual bigots.

Maybe chill out a little on that, eh?

I'm not saying you're wrong, but it is still an assumption that this level of scrutiny wouldn't be levelled at a male designer, or that a guy would get less "gatekeeping." I'm not saying the assumption is baseless, but it is still an assumption.

Second, cool it with the "privilege" crap. The implication is that white males are somehow unable to understand whatever point you're making, and therefore can and should have their opinions dismissed. That is exactly as "toxic" as any other kind of -ism. We're all using our free time to have a discussion on an internet message board, so we're all "privileged" to one degree or another, and nothing stands to be gained by hanging labels on each other.

Third, and related to the second observation, you're not scoring points by implying that the other guy's a bigot. Ever.
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