Hi. My players and I are playing NOW and we're seeking an action mechanic that would provide a more direct path to rendering the opponent unconscious, which is a common genre motif in many action films, books, comics, etc.
I found the sap weapon:
"Stunned" = Dazed per a prior clarification elsewhere in this forum, presumably at level 1. But Dazed 1 is not unconscious, neither is Dazed 2, though no actions is close the functional equivalent. The "Sleeping" condition says that "the target is sent to sleep by magic or a heavy blow." This latter portion of the description seems to be more aligned with the Sap intent (heavy blow), but again, Sleeping 1 = "You are drowsy and lethargic. You may only act once each turn" is not Unconscious. One still needs to reach Sleeping 2, "You are asleep, and cannot be woken", which I think can be reasonably interpreted to be the equivalent to Unconscious. Or one can use the Eons 129 - Extreme Conditions, but then Unconscious is only accessible via Dazed 3.
I know that "it's my game" and I can change things as I and my players see fit, but I'm wondering if it was a deliberate design choice to not have any direct knockout pathways via level 1 conditions? Even the Called Shots options provide no pathway to the Dazed or Sleeping conditions. Maybe I'm missing the rationale for what is a deliberate choice?
I found the sap weapon:
Sap. A sap is a small, blunt object used to render a target unconscious. It does little damage, and that damage is non-lethal (stunning) damage, and it is a weak melee weapon, but if the target is unaware of
the attack he must made a Difficult [16] END check or become stunned
"Stunned" = Dazed per a prior clarification elsewhere in this forum, presumably at level 1. But Dazed 1 is not unconscious, neither is Dazed 2, though no actions is close the functional equivalent. The "Sleeping" condition says that "the target is sent to sleep by magic or a heavy blow." This latter portion of the description seems to be more aligned with the Sap intent (heavy blow), but again, Sleeping 1 = "You are drowsy and lethargic. You may only act once each turn" is not Unconscious. One still needs to reach Sleeping 2, "You are asleep, and cannot be woken", which I think can be reasonably interpreted to be the equivalent to Unconscious. Or one can use the Eons 129 - Extreme Conditions, but then Unconscious is only accessible via Dazed 3.
I know that "it's my game" and I can change things as I and my players see fit, but I'm wondering if it was a deliberate design choice to not have any direct knockout pathways via level 1 conditions? Even the Called Shots options provide no pathway to the Dazed or Sleeping conditions. Maybe I'm missing the rationale for what is a deliberate choice?