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Mechwarrior: "Days of the Jackal"


Alex emerges from a repair port in his Wolverine, "Dragonslayer" to see what the commotion is in the hangar. Several pilots and technicians are gathered together and appear to be looking at something. Alex climbs down and grabs a rag to wipe the coolant and grease from his hands and forearms as he walks over to see what is going on. Snipets of the conversation are aubible over the clanks and clangs of the hangar.

"An open call for pilots"

"I never heard of the Dark Knights"

"Anyone know what faction is backing them?"

Alex taps one of the men on the outside of the group, "What's going on?"

"New Stable starting up, just taking brand new talent, no need for an agent or anything like that. All you need is a Mech and some skill."

Alex eases his way into the crowd to get a better look at the fliers the others are handing around. He reads a copy over the shoulder of a tech.

"We recruit by deed, not by word!

Show us what you can really do!

Simulator runs 24 hours a day! (Every mech available!)

Join the DARK KNIGHTS and be everything you can be!"

Alex shakes his head at the cliche statements, word like that have been written on every world of the Inner Sphere since the rise of the Battlemech. The offer of simulator time does sound awfuly attractive though, and he is going to have to earn some money to stay independent. Alex thinks to himself, "maybe after I finish my maintenance on Dragonslayer I'll get cleaned up and head over and see what the place is like."

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Jake, the man in the yellow cap and the beat-up old pilot's jumpsuit, stops at a corner somewhere in the city. Deciding that any money is good money when you can't afford another month at the mech kennel, he gives in to his curiosity and turns right, heading for the place where the Dark Knights say they are recruiting.


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Ryan eventually made his way to the Dark Nights place. It was huge, how was he supposed to know where to go. Maybe one of the other mechwarriors would know.

Ryan quickly scans the croud. There were several people that looked like pilots, but they looked kinda scary as well. Finally he noticed one person that looked like she might be helpful.

He walked over to the lady with the black jacket with silver dragons and swords at her side. "Hi, you a mechwarrior too? Do you know where the simulators are?"


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The man sitting next to his mech refolds the flier and puts it in his pocket. He tilts his head sharply to either side, a couple of cracks accompanying each movement. He had already decided to go, long before he was given this flier.

The diagnostic program beeped about something. He looked down at his laptop and typed in the solution he wanted. The program went on. On the telescan an advertisement came on for the Dark Knights, he chuckled, noting how thorough they were.

With the bottle of pills he had secured a place in the hangar for his mech, without having to part with any of his money. It so happened that the man's wife was from the Free Worlds, and had picked up an illness during her latest visit to the folks. The symptoms didn't show up till she got back.

The medication was expensive this far from the source, very expensive. The man heard one of his clients was a proficient medic from the Free Worlds, and went to him for advice. The medic had a couple of bottles of the stuff the guy was looking for, it was standard kit for Free World medics ironically. He offered him one of the bottles in his own possession for a small sum and continued use of the hangar. The owner was ecstatic, and agreed hastily.

The laptop hummed an amusing tune, having successfuly completed the diagnostic. He smiled, and set it to shut down. His thoughts returned to the Dark Knights, he decided it was about time to get going. They claimed to have every mech in those simulators of theirs, and that would be something interesting to see. The laptop's little cooling fan stopped whirring, signalling its shutting down. He packed up his things slowly, taking his time. Afterwards he checked under his trenchcoat, a large pistol in a shoulder holster, a tranq gun in the small of his back and a sub-machinegun in a big custom pocket. Tapping his chest made it clear there was body armour of some sort under his shirt. Satisfied, he made his way out.

"Medic, eh?" he said to himself in disbelief.
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Drakknyte32 said:
Ryan eventually made his way to the Dark Nights place. It was huge, how was he supposed to know where to go. Maybe one of the other mechwarriors would know.

Ryan quickly scans the croud. There were several people that looked like pilots, but they looked kinda scary as well. Finally he noticed one person that looked like she might be helpful.

He walked over to the lady with the black jacket with silver dragons and swords at her side. "Hi, you a mechwarrior too? Do you know where the simulators are?"

Yuriko looks at the speaker and tries to decide if the boy is joking or maybe delusional. But then this is Solaris maybe he is what he claims to be. It would neither be the first nor the biggest surprise on this circus of a planet.
She points into the dirction she was walking before he interupted her.
"There was a sign saying that interested pilots should chek over there so I asume that is there you want to go."


The meeting was much more interesting that Hasic expected.

The Magistracy of Canopus. It rather blindsided him, truth be told. But it appealled as well. The Magistracy was but a fragment of the state it was some 200 years ago, when all the tales were born. But with the slow resumption of intersteller trade after the 3rd Succession War, the Magistracy was looking to rebuild. They were interested in his ability to train people as much as to to kill them.

He would indeed give it some thought.


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"Alright, thanks"

Ryan begins walking in the direction she pointed. He walks at the same speed as the lady next to him and is still looking around with a look of awe on his face.

"I just can't get over how everything is so big in this city. On my world the largest house was 3 stories high."


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Drakknyte32 said:
"Alright, thanks"

Ryan begins walking in the direction she pointed. He walks at the same speed as the lady next to him and is still looking around with a look of awe on his face.

"I just can't get over how everything is so big in this city. On my world the largest house was 3 stories high."

Yuriko takes a few seconds to answer. It is hard to see if she considers the boy an anoyance or is just taking her time to realize he is speaking with her again.
"If you are a mechwarrior as you claim to be you must have seen larger constructs than that. Even the smallest workshop for repairs has more than three stories."
She walks on and it takes three more long steps before she ads a little more friendly.
"I'm new here too but I suppose it is not so bad once you get used to it."
Her eyes remain fixed on her way and it seems that is the most to get from her as far as comforting words are concerned.


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McKenzie attention is brought to the Kuritan woman by the chattering of her companion, but when she sees the woman's clothes and accoutrements, her eyes narrow knowing that the clothes identify her as a Combine citizen. Although the Lyran officer's hatred of Kuritan's is pretty general, it really doesn't extend to females as they are as much victims of Combine predjudices and sexism as she was, though that didn't make her actually like them, she didn't hate them to the extent that she did the samurai wannabe men.

The continued chattering of the kid though, that did earn some sympathy, and a small smile, especially when he insisted that he was a mechwarrior when everyone could almost see the straw in the farmboy's hair. The LCAF officer wondered if the boy had even piloted an agromech back at home, wherever that was. Looking back to the harrased looking clerk, she sighed and started to follow the conspicuos pair up to the simulators. Laughing at one of the boys comments, she moves forward, joining the pair,

"Are you sure your a mechwarrior? Agro-mechs don't count kid." She says grinning. "I'm McKenzie but you can call me Mac if you want." she tells the pair, her slight German accent pointing at her origins within Steiner space.
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