Spelljammer Meet The Giff--Spelljammer's Space Pirate Hippos!

The Giff, a race of "gunslinging hippo-like pirates" will be appearing in Spelljammer: Adventures in Space, and D&D Beyond has a sneak preview of them. https://www.dndbeyond.com/posts/1292-sneak-peek-meet-the-giff-a-race-of-gunslinging

The Giff, a race of "gunslinging hippo-like pirates" will be appearing in Spelljammer: Adventures in Space, and D&D Beyond has a sneak preview of them.



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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
apart from the one that doesn't exist, yes.
It's on pages 9-23 of "Tasha's Cauldron of Everything." The Artillerist subclass or the Battle Master subclass are both very much the "gun artificers" that you mentioned. For a little extra ballistic goodness, there's a few good feats in there that you can choose as well (I recommend the Gunner feat and/or the Piercer feat, both on page 80).

It's on pages 9-23 of "Tasha's Cauldron of Everything." The Artillerist subclass or the Battle Master subclass are both very much the "gun artificers" that you mentioned. For a little extra ballistic goodness, there's a few good feats in there that you can choose as well (I recommend the Gunner feat and/or the Piercer feat, both on page 80).
artillerist and battle *smith are very much not gun artificers, ESPECIALLY with spelljammer getting straight up guns. the artillerist is a wandslinger with portable not-quite-siege-until-level-15 weapons and the battle smith is a pet subclass. you can fit guns INTO them (well, the battle smith anyway - ironically enough i don't think they'd work very well with the artillerist since it's very eldritch cannon/spell heavy), but they are not themselves gun artificers.
edit: an example of a gun artificer would be the gunsmith from this unearthed arcana. it is a subclass about gun. gun artificer.
Now they need to introduce a gunslinging artificer with spelljammer flavor
everybody gangster til the artificer swings around the ship using its gravity plane and blasts your cap off with extra attack
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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
artillerist and battle *smith are very much not gun artificers. the artillerist is a wandslinger with portable not-quite-siege weapons and the battle smith is a pet subclass. you can fit guns INTO them (well, the battle smith anyway - ironically enough i don't think they'd work very well with the artillerist since it's very eldritch cannon/spell heavy), but they are not themselves gun artificers.
Well it sounds like your mind is made up. I'll stop trying to help.

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