Spelljammer Astral Elves: Spelljammer's Elves In Spaaaaace!

WotC has a preview of Spelljammer's upcoming Astral Elves over on D&D Beyond (following on from their preview of the Giff last week). Astral Elves can teleport as a bonus action, use divine cantrips, and 'tap into the knowledge of the infinite multiverse' to pick up new proficiencies after a long rest. https://www.dndbeyond.com/posts/1291-sneak-peek-play-as-the-immortal-astral-elf-from

WotC has a preview of Spelljammer's upcoming Astral Elves over on D&D Beyond (following on from their preview of the Giff last week).

Astral Elves can teleport as a bonus action, use divine cantrips, and 'tap into the knowledge of the infinite multiverse' to pick up new proficiencies after a long rest.


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Yeah, with the ability score improvements separate from race, the high elf is actually a great way to build a Spock character. Spock is a high-Strength gish.

If there was some kind of "Mind Meld" cantrip to choose, it might be spot on.
Hi, I’ve not been following many of the changes happening with UA or revisions etc… is that a change to the core of D&D? Racial stat mods not being tied to race?

Also…does anybody know if all the other races are going to get astral versions too?


Hi, I’ve not been following many of the changes happening with UA or revisions etc… is that a change to the core of D&D? Racial stat mods not being tied to race?
Character races introduced since 2020 have been designed (or redesigned in the case of Monsters of the Multiverse) to assume a floating +2 and +1 to any stat you choose, rather than fixed adjustments per race. It's not a change to the core rules, yet... but Wizards has said this is how races will be designed going forward, so it's a pretty safe bet that this will be part of the rules update due out in 2024.

Also…does anybody know if all the other races are going to get astral versions too?
No indication of other astral variants thus far, but they are providing several new-to-5E races in Spelljammer.


Character races introduced since 2020 have been designed (or redesigned in the case of Monsters of the Multiverse) to assume a floating +2 and +1 to any stat you choose, rather than fixed adjustments per race. It's not a change to the core rules, yet... but Wizards has said this is how races will be designed going forward, so it's a pretty safe bet that this will be part of the rules update due out in 2024.

No indication of other astral variants thus far, but they are providing several new-to-5E races in Spelljammer.
Thanks very much 😎👍


Personally, I am more interested in the elf race itself allowing the player to choose any cantrip from any spell list.

I want a versatile elf race.

The last thing I want is for player preferences to pressure designers to create yet more bloat for elf races.

For example, darkvision and waterbreathing can become cantrips. Then. A sea elf is a normal wood elf who chooses the waterbreathing cantrip.
But then their racial abilities could be dispelled.

I mean I get your goal, but cantrips may not be the way to go.


But then their racial abilities could be dispelled.

I mean I get your goal, but cantrips may not be the way to go.
A choice of innate spellcasting, like a cantrip, is enough to convey a hint of the flavor that something about this race is magical. Elves are manifestations of magic.

There is constraint in the design space for race. Besides the standard allotment of score improvements, size, speed 30, and an extra language, the design space has about 1½ feats to play with.

When a "½ feat" of design space is spent for "elfy" traits that all members of the race have in common. There is not much room left. For example:

• Trance
• Charm Resistance (hinting at the full-on Magic Resistance perhaps available as an other feat at higher level)
• plus a choice of cantrip

Is almost a ½ feat by itself. A choice of an unusually powerful cantrip, like Guidance, Minor Illusion, or Eldritch Blast, makes it a solid ½ feat.

Then there is 1 "elf feat" left over to allow the player to choose which of the many elf themes one wants for their character concept.

• Astral Knowledge
• Misty Step per short rest

Is already worth about a solid feat. If the slot 2 spell is per pro bonus, it becomes very strong feat at higher levels.

Notice that this list of features doesnt even have room for Darkvision and Perception proficiency, which together are a solid ½ feat. But Darkvision is hypothetically a cantrip choice, and Perception is accessible via Astral Knowledge.

Heh, and if I had to choose between a either a choice of cantrip or darkvision to decide the FLAVOR of a race, obviously the innate cantrip is more flavorful and feels more elven.

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