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Mellubb's "Vecna's Revenge" ICC


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Rogue's Gallery[/Sblock]

[Sblock=HalfWay] The hamlet of HalfWay got its name from its location half-way between Hardby and Greyhawk. It has population of 177 (134 Humans, 13 half-elves, 11 halflings, 7 gnomes, 5 elves, 4 dwarves, 3 half-orcs,) who actually live there and usually has at least half that much in visitors stopping through en route to places unknown. The local guard does not tolerate crime from visitors of the town. There are more than a few ships whose crew is not welcome in its ports for disturbing the peace.
Hamlet, although small, can provide almost any service a crew might need to continue its voyage making it the most popular stop along the Selintan River. From repairing sails and hulls to providing provisions and rope there in no job too big or too small for the boat house to manage. The town takes great pride in its abilities to manage so much and with so little.
The people of this hamlet have a strong work ethic and do not tolerate laziness. They expect everyone who live there to pull their weight and help the community. But, when the sun goes down the work goes away and they meet in one of the pubs/taverns for fun and games. [/Sblock]

[Sblock=Setting]It is spring time. The sun is warm on the skin complemented by the cool breeze against your face. The tulips and wild flowers are beginning to bloom. The birds are chirping the squirrels are playing, and the children are laughing. It truly a wonderful season to live in Half-Way.
The small village is buzzing with preparations of the up coming wedding. Amy Fisher is to be married to Phil Jackson. Both Phil and Amy were among those children who were kidnapped all those years ago. There is so much work to do to prepare for the wedding that it is hard to keep up with the ships making port.
Amy has asked Liegh to do the ceremony feeling a close bond to her after the tragedy they encountered together. So Megan is teaching Liegh the ways of this important sacrament.
The groom, Phil, is a close friend of Vanta’s he is one of the children who stuck up for you all those tears ago. Phil is a strong strapping man who works on the docks. He is not very smart though. It is custom that during the ceremony a close friend of the groom present a gift to the bride accepting her as part of that friendship. A close friend of the bride will present a gift to groom in a similar manner. After the gifts are presented the bearer gives a short speech about the couple and a promise to be a friend to both the bride and groom. The gifts are usually hand made and decorative, usually a sash, or head band made from flowers. But gifts can be anything.
Phil has asked Vanta to present Amy with his gift of friendship at the wedding. Amy has asked Kailyn to bear the gift to her groom. The music is to be provided by Jarrod who is learning under Gerbo. Ragnor was asked to read a scripture from Pelor during the service. Theocrat will serve as the Promise Witness. He will hear the vows read by the bride and groom and “confirm” to Leigh that they are indeed sincere. He will also be responsible to make sure the paperwork is filled out and filed accordingly.
The remainders of the lost children serve as ushers and doormen and the like. The town wishes to present a gift to the rescuers at the reception for many years of loyalty and friendship to the town.[/Sblock]

It is early evening, 3 days before the wedding. The sun has begun to set and the first stars of night are beginning to appear. The wedding party has assembled in the court yard of the temple for the 3rd of 4 rehearsals. Megan is posturing Leigh into position in front of the altar while, Alan goes over the verses with Ragnor. Vanta and Kaylin stand awkwardly beside their friends as the groom reads his vows to his bride. It is a joyous time and the love shared by the bride and groom, is far more apparent than the butterflies in their stomachs. As the sun falls out of sight and the sky turns dark, a bright flash appears from the east. As everyone turns their eyes to the sky, dozens of green fire balls fill the sky creating a cascade of emerald fire works. At first the spectacle appears beautiful but, as the fire grows near and the ground begins to shake, it becomes quite frightening. Everyone stairs in awe as the green fires draw closer. Screams are heard from inside the town. People begin praying to Pelor for protection. Then just as fast as they appeared they pass over the town. Loud thuds are heard as the fires impact the ground several miles away.
As a precaution the rest of the rehearsal is postponed until tomorrow evening and the elders gather with the mayor to discuss the possible danger of another “fire falling” and what to do incase they land inside the town next time.
In the morning Gerbo wakes up Jarrod just before dawn “Wake up silly boy” Gerbo says as he jabs him with his walking stick. Wake up I said I have something for you to do.
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"What, what!? I'm awake," a sleepy Jarrod mumbles. As he stretches lazily on his bed, he peers at Gerbo through sleep filled eyes. Last night's dreams of green fires raining down on the town and engulfing HalfWay are running through his head.

The young bard gets up and stumbles over to his basin to begin splashing water on his face. In between splashes of refreshing water he speaks out of the side of his mouth to Gerbo. "What's up, dad? What do you need? You know I've been practicing my songs all day, so I'm not sure how much time I'll have."

There are very few items in this house sized for a human, and most of them are in Jarrod's room. He waits for his tiny father to fill him in while he rummages through his closet to find some decent clothes.


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"Yes, Yes, You must round up your cousins," Gerbo says in Gnomish " Do hurry!! Take them to the temple there is much to discuss'" With not another word Grebo is out of the room. You can here him giggle as he leaves the house. Big day, Big day, Do hurry!!


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While grumbling in a light-hearted manner, Jarrod buttons his shirt, pulls on his boots, and heads outside. It's a cool spring morning, and a smile plays over Jarrod's face as he walks towards Leigh's house.

He knocks on the door and calls out, "Leigh! Hey, dad needs us over at the temple. He seems to think that it's important."

[SBLOCK=OOC]If anyone wants to have a response to Jarrod knocking on their door, please do so, otherwise, I'm just going to gloss over it.[/SBLOCK]

After leaving Leigh's house, Jarrod attempts to inform Kaylin, Vanta, Kasis, and Ragnor to get them to the temple.



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Vanta wakes up sleepily to the knock on his door, he was up late taking care of Leigh's gift. He looked to his bedside, to the beautiful rosebush that was growing in a homemade pot next to his bed. He had neatly trimmed back the buds, and any leaves that were growing brown. "The temple what...? Why? Okay I'll be there, let me get dressed."


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While yelling through the door to Vanta, "I'm not sure, Van, but I bet it has something to do with the green fire last night. C'mon! Hurry up, it's like a mystery, and I have to find out what's going on!"

Jarrod waits for a few seconds, impatiently, then leaves Vanta to finish getting ready to rouse the rest of the gang.


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At this odd request, Kaylin quickly dresses and runs out the door; only slightly wishing for some food, but too excited to bother.


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Jarrod Nackle

After giving the message to everyone, Jarrod will walk towards the temple, very interested in what's going on. This sounds like it could make an excellent epic. "The tale begins with emerald fireballs crashing to the ground. The intrepid heros find they are pulled into a tale frought with mystery, treasure, and a little bit of romance." Yup, definitely a good beginning.



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Upon waking to go to the temple all of you notice your parents are not in the house. As you walk through the town you can see the buzzing of people getting ready to go to work. It is a beautiful spring morning the sun is warm on the face, but has not yet grown hot enough to dry the morning dew. The morning birds are singing and a few white clouds seem to dance across the deep blue sky. Upon reaching the temple it at first appears empty. As you enter the temple you are greeted by Samuel on of the town Elders. After exchanging pleasantries he escorts you all to a meeting hall in the west wing of the temple and says “Please eat, all your questions will be answered soon.”
The room has a large table surrounded by 20 chairs (9 on each side and 1 on each end). On the table are pitchers of orange juice, a tray of pastries and several trays of fruit.

[SBlock=NOTE: ] The order of arrival is Jemal, Leigh, and Kasis arrive together as they live in the same house. Followed by Kaylin, then Jarrod, then Vanta. If I got this out of order let me know.[/Sblock]


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Jarrod Nackle

Though he is still insatiably curious about the situation at hand, Jarrod is never one to pass up a good breakfast. He stares at the large table filled with mouth-watering food and drink, and subconsciously smiles. Jarrod quickly takes a seat, and begins to help himself to the gooey pastries and fresh fruit.

"Hey Kaylin, could you pass me that pitcher of orange juice?" He motions to her by holding his neck tightly with his hand, and miming choking to exagerate his thirst.

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