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Mesh Hongs Monster Request / Discussion Thread

Mesh Hong

First Post
What about making the 2nd stage a combat/skill challenge encounter?

A series of glyphs and symbols could glow on the giant crystals surface which starts to crack and splinter releasing those trapped within. The PCs have to fight the escaping creatures while trying to reseal the crystal prison they have weakened.

To make it more exciting you could ask for an arcane or religion check (DC 25) to estimate that they have about a minute (10 rounds) before the crystal breaks down and releases its entire contents (which would be bad).

You could have 3 separate cracks that need fixing, two small and one big.

Small Crack (3 successes required)
Looking at the crystal you can see a thin crack about half an inch wide running about 2 foot in a rough zigzag. From somewhere deep inside the crack an ominous purple light glows and as you draw near to examine it you can hear the turbulent echo of thousands of whispers imploring you to release them.

50 gps worth of residuum and an Arcana or Religion check as a standard action

18 or less – you made it worse, (add 1 to the number of successes required)
19 to 24 – it’s harder than it looks, keep trying
25 to 30 – that’s definitely working, keep at it, (1 success)
31 or more – that got it, no problem, (2 successes)

Note: allow a +2 bonus assist with creative use of another skill (as a standard action) by another PC.

At the beginning of each round the crack is open 4 Splinter Spirits (minion) or 1 Splinter Soul (standard creature) emerge from the crack. On turn 1 start with 4 minions.

Big Crack (2 stage challenge; each requiring 3 successes)
Running horizontally you can see the obvious results of internal failure, a large crack which at points is a good 12 inches across and runs for 6 foot on the surface and penetrates deep inside the crystal glows with a pulsing green and purple light. As you approach you can hear the anguished cries of trapped creatures desperately calling you to free them, and peering into the crack you catch sight of movement within.

Stage 1 (3 successes required)
The depth of this crack will require some serious magical binding to repair, but once the deepest damage has been cleared it should become easier.

200 gps worth of residuum and an Arcana or Religion check as a standard action
For this section each additional 100 gps worth of residuum used in a skill check will grant a +1 bonus to the roll.
Each time a PC makes a skill check they take 15 psychic damage.

20 or less – you made it worse, (add 1 to the number of successes required)
21 to 26 – it’s harder than it looks, keep trying
27 to 32 – that’s definitely working, keep at it, (1 success)
33 or more – that got it, no problem, (2 successes)

At the beginning of each round this stage of the crack is open 4 Splinter Spirits (minion) or 1 Splinter Soul Slasher (standard creature) emerge from the crack these coalesce in any free square within 10 squares of the crystal. On turn 1 start with 1 Spirit Soul Slasher.

Just as the final success is being achieved there is pulse of energy and surge of Shard Spirits pour out into the room, washing through anyone near the crack;

Burst 3; attack +17 vs. Fortitude; 3d10+6 psychic damage

Stage 2 (3 successes required)
The crack is now looking easier to repair, if anything slightly easier than the other small cracks as long as you keep reinforcing your magic with additional residuum.

100 gps worth of residuum and an Arcana or Religion check as a standard action
For this section each additional 100 gps worth of residuum used in a skill check will grant a +1 bonus to the roll.

18 or less – you made it worse, (add 1 to the number of successes required)
19 to 24 – it’s harder than it looks, keep trying
25 to 30 – that’s definitely working, keep at it, (1 success)
31 or more – that got it, no problem, (2 successes)

At the beginning of each round the crack is open 4 Splinter Spirits (minion) or 1 Splinter Soul (standard creature) emerge from the crack. On turn 1 start with 4 minions.

When all the cracks are repaired the crystal glows with a green light that shifts through purple to red, then becomes opaque as the light fades. The crystal is now back in its dormant state. The remaining spirit creatures could either fight to the death or attempt to flee in order to survive and attempt to reactivate the crystal at a later time.

Pro’s of this idea
It’s a race against time with the group splitting into teams sealing the crystal and defending the casters while they work. Constant swarming enemies should keep the pressure up, but gets easier as the cracks are dealt with one by one.

You can tailor the amount of creatures emerging as necessary to maintain the drama and balance of the encounter as you go along if necessary.

Con’s of this idea
The skill challenge (as written) is highly dependant on Arcana and Religion and isn’t particularly diverse (essentially the same roll every turn). Also it assumes that the PCs carry residuum around with them (I assume they do).

You will need to check the skill DCs against your group, and how easy you want to make the encounter. Remember with standard successes they need 12 successes to seal the crystal, by my rough reckoning 2 PCs using liberal amounts of additional residuum on the big crack should be able to do it. 3 PC trained in arcane or religion should be fine. (as you said you have 7 people in the group my guess is that it should be ok, but you will know better than me!).

What do you think , is this a good idea or not?

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Being mostly new players (and the experienced players not being ritual users) they don't actually carry any residuum. It seems like having to use skill checks for a whole combat would likely reduce the interest in the fight for the players who end up doing it- my players are by no means quick, and it takes a while to go around the table.

I do like the idea of terrain features that spews out Minion ghosts though, maybe they can be dealt with either through minor action skill checks or by damage.

This is what I've got so far for the 2nd stage, I feel like it could do with a little bit more...

Panarii Spirit Storm Level 14 Elite Controller
Large Natural Beast ((undead)) XP 2,000
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +9, Dark Vision
Storm of Madness aura 3; Each Enemy that starts its turn within the Aura is Dazed until the start of it's next turn.
HP 280; Bloodied 140
AC 30; Fortitude 26, Reflex 28, Will 28
Immune Disease, Poisin; Resist Swarm: Half damage from melee and ranged; Vulnerable 10 close and area attacks
If Panarii Spirit Swarm takes Radiant Damage, Storm of Madness is supressed until the start of it's next turn.
Saving Throws +2 Speed fly 8 (Hover)
Action Points 1

:bmelee: Ghostly Caress (Standard; at-will)
+18 vs Reflex; 2D8+10 necrotic damage and the target is slowed until the end of it's next turn.

:close: Hunger of the Ancients (Standard; at-will)
Close Burst 1, targets enemies; +16 vs Fortitude; 2D8+ 6 Necrotic damage and target loses a healing surge.

:close: Banshee's Chorus (Standard; recharge 456)
Close Blast 5, targets enemies; +16 vs Will; 3D8+8 psychic damage and target can't regain hit points (save ends).

Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages: Gibbering
Str 10 (+7) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 14 (+9)
Con 20 (+12) Int 14 (+9) Cha 23 (+13)
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Mesh Hong

First Post
What I like to do with swarms these days is make them really swarmy and try and maximise mechanics that make them act like a cloud/carpet of hundreds or thousands of tiny creatures. In this case your swarm is probably tens of creatures as I picture the individual spirits being larger than wasps (for instance).

I like to have swarms be at least huge size (3x3), for an elite swarm in this case I might be tempted to go for (5x5) to maximise use of the following mechanics:

Swarm Characteristics 1
Swarm may move through and end its turn in other creatures squares; the Swarm never provokes opportunity attacks and it may not make opportunity attacks itself.

Swarm Characteristics 2
Swarm is only subject to effects generated from area attacks (such as blasts, burst and zones), effects generated from single target effects have no effect. The exceptions to this are class abilities such as sneak attack, quarry, curse, mark and divine challenge.

These traits give swarms a whole new feel, they can move around much easier and become much more interesting opponents.

Swarms under this system have an ideal chance of sitting on top of multiple PCs, so I like to give them special attacks that target all creatures they are sharing a square with, or have them do additional damage to creatures they are sharing a square with. Again this keeps things interesting and adds to the feel of the swarm actually crawling over the PCs in question rather than sitting next to them.

I am also a fan of the standard swarm aura of making an attack against enemies starting their turn adjacent (or sharing a square) with swarm.

Given the above I would come up with something like:

Panarii Spirit Storm Level 14 Elite Controller
Gargantuan (5x5) Natural Beast (undead, swarm) XP 2,000

Initiative +12 Senses Perception +9
Tangle of Hands aura 1; All enemies starting their turn adjacent to or
sharing a square with the Spirit Storm take a Ghostly Caress attack
Spirit Drain (necrotic) aura 0; All enemies sharing a square with the Spirit
Storm gain only half the amount when regaining HPs
HP 220; Bloodied 110; also see Bloodied Purge
AC 28; Fortitude 25, Reflex 26, Will 27
Immune disease, poison;
Resist 15 necrotic, half damage from melee and ranged attacks;
Vulnerable 10 close and area attacks
Saving Throws +2
Speed 6, fly 8 (hover)
Action Points 1

:bmelee: Ghostly Caress (Standard; at-will) necrotic
Attack +18 vs. Reflex; 1d10+6 necrotic damage, targets sharing a square
with Spirit Storm take 2d8+6 necrotc damage

:melee: Psychic Torment (Standard; at-will) Psychic
1 or 2 targets; attack +18 vs. Will; 2d6+6 psychic damage; on hit target
is dazed (save ends)

:melee: Hunger of the Ancients (Standard; recharge 456) necrotic
targets all creatures sharing a square with Spirit Storm; attack +18 vs.
Fortitude; 3d6+6 necrotic damage; on hit target loses a healing surge

:melee: Bloodied Purge (Free) psychic, when first bloodied
When first bloodied Spirit Storm makes the following attack against all
creatures it is currently sharing a square with as an immediate free action;
attack +18 vs. Fortitude; 2d6+6 psychic damage; on hit target is pushed
6 squares and knocked prone

:ranged: Panarii Champion (Standard; encounter) psychic, necrotic
Range 10 (may not target creatures sharing a square with Spirit Storm);
attack +18 vs. Will; 1d10+10 psychic damage; on hit target is dominated
and takes 10 ongoing necrotic damage (2 saves ends both)

:close: Lure of Forbidden History (Standard; encounter) psychic
Burst 5; enemies only; attack +18 vs, Will; 1d10+6 psychic damage; on hit
target is pulled 5 squares (towards the centre of the Spirit Swarm) and
slowed (save ends)

Swarm Characteristics 1 trait
Spirit Storm may move through and end its turn in other creatures
squares; the Spirit Storm never provokes opportunity attacks and it may
not make opportunity attacks itself

Swarm Characteristics 2 trait
Spirit Storm is only subject to effects generated from area attacks (such
as blasts, burst and zones), effects generated from single target effects
have no effect. The exceptions to this are class abilities such as sneak
attack, quarry, curse, mark and divine challenge etc

Alignment Chaotic Evil
Str 10 (+7) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 14 (+9)
Con 18 (+11) Int 14 (+9) Cha 23 (+13)

Its pretty nasty, but then you have got 7 players.

Note: I have reduced the HPs to about 80% because of its resistance to melee and ranged attacks. If your group is very heavy on close and area attacks then you might want to increase its HPs to the expected amount (about 280 HPs).

Anyway I hope this gives you some ideas.

Swarm Characteristics 2Swarm is only subject to effects generated from area attacks (such as blasts, burst and zones), effects generated from single target effects have no effect. The exceptions to this are class abilities such as sneak attack, quarry, curse, mark and divine challenge.

Wow, Great monster!

Is this bit intended to specifically refer to conditions like prone, stunned etc?

Panarii champion is a little unclear on its wording for the save ends, what's your intention for that?
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Mesh Hong

First Post
Is this bit intended to specifically refer to conditions like prone, stunned etc?

Yes any condition from a single target attack doesn't apply. So a melee attack that deal 10 ongoing damage would not deal 10 ongoing damage.

This represents the fact that the swarm is made up of multiple creatures, one creature being knocked prone does not mean the entire swarm is knocked prone.

However attacks that target an area like a close blast 3 attack that deals 10 ongoing damage (say) would effect enough of the swarm to make it meaningful.

I hope that clears it up.

Panarii champion is a little unclear on its wording for the save ends, what's your intention for that?

:ranged: Panarii Champion (Standard; encounter) psychic, necrotic
Range 10 (may not target creatures sharing a square with Spirit Storm);
attack +18 vs. Will; 1d10+10 psychic damage; on hit target is dominated
and takes 10 ongoing necrotic damage (2 saves ends both)

hmmm, it looks pretty clear to me (but then I would say that because I wrote it :)). The target is dominated and take 10 ongoing necrotic damage, the target must succeed on 2 saving throws to end the effect (it still only gets 1 save at the end of its turn).

I use this kind of thing quite a lot in my own game (sometimes up to 3 save ends). Its like a longer lasting effect that is harder to shift. I came up with it because sometimes 1 save ends is just not enough, and as PCs get multiple sources of bonus saving throws it makes those powers even more useful.

Thanks that's clearer, since the group has relatively little extra save stuff I'll probably just make that one a straight save ends, otherwise it might be too much.

I like this monster alot, so I'm going to go ahead and use it. Thanks!


Hey Mesh Hong. I see your point about swarms, but that does also end up limiting what swarms you can use. for instance, if they can ONLY be effected by blast/burst/zones, that means they are death for parties that have few burst/blast/zone powers.

For instance, in my group, only 2 Pcs have burst/blast AWs, 3 PCs have a burst encounter, and only 1 has a daily burst. An encounter with ONE swarm (and other non-swarms) is going to be grindy and hard to kill. Not to mention that one PC is a warlord specializing in giving allies extra basic attacks, so he would be useless against swarms you tweaked.

Yet I really would like to use some swarms.

Swarm may move through and end its turn in other creatures squares; the Swarm never provokes opportunity attacks and it may not make opportunity attacks itself.

The first line is redundant, since all swarms can move through and enter targets' spaces.
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On the topic of swarms, here's one I'm toying with.

Piranha Bird Swarm Level 2 Lurker
Medium Natural Beast (Swarm)
HP: 24 Bloodied: 12
AC: 16 Fort: 13 Ref: 15 Will: 12
Speed: 1, Fly 6 (hover)

Tearing Beaks
+7 vs. AC; 1d8+3 damage and ongoing 5 (save ends).

Frenzied Rending
Target bloodied creature; +7 vs. AC; 2d8+3 damage.

Scattering Feathers - Immediate reaction when first bloodied
The piranha bird swarm breaks apart into its component parts and canot be attacked until the start of its next turn, at which point it reforms in any square within 5 squares of its original space.

The idea behind the monster is that it's a flock of small, parrot-like birds. They look fairly innocent, just sitting in nearby trees in one area where a combat will take place. When someone (PC or monster) goes bloodied, the birds smell blood, go into a frenzy and swarm the target, tearing it to shreds. They are supposed to be scary, and are intended to be a surprise that shakes up an otherwise normal looking battle several rounds in.

But I'm not sure if the above really captures that feel.

The first thing I note, Rechan, is the lack of an aura, which (I'm guessing without checking every single one) all swarms have.

I'd also recommend that frenzied rending deal the ongoing damage as well, since the swarm's basic attack does.

Finally, I'd give it either a move action power or a minor action power; look at blur of black from the raven swarm, or pull down from the needlefang drake swarm.

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