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Metropolis (The World in Waiting) - Chapter One


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Phoenix said:
With an odd look on his face the Herder returns to his seat and gets the carriage in motion once more. As Alexis leans back into her cushioned seat to try and relax, a small mirror attached to a nearby wall portrays a startling sight. Catching her eye, she sees herself old, very old, as if the weight of the world was born on her shoulders. Swiftly the wrinkles receed, and her elderly visage regresses into a more youthful face, mimicking the vision that she had just witnessed.

The carriage moves ahead towards the temple. Leaving the priestess alone to contemplate, for soon she will return home to the safety of her temple walls once more.

[sblock]You can assume in your next post that you can easily make it back to the temple's steps if you have nothing else in mind.

Alexis rubs her forehead, and indulges in deep thought for the duration of the ride. What *was* that? Nobody warned her about anything strange like that. She never had nightmares before, so why would something like that happen now?

She wouldn't let it deter her in the long run. But right now, she needed to talk to Vrisse.

Alexis would keep her eyes looking straight ahead for the rest of the ride ; when they finally arrived, she would immediately leave the carriage, customs be damned. She'd relinquish the two skeletons to whomever was nearby to take them. She'd find Vrisse.

And when she did : "Vrisse. I had a nightmare while I was in the carriage. I imagined stepping out, and all of the people staring at me, pointing at me. They were all old, Vrisse, very old. Older than you were, when you met Lord Zsath, Prayer be to Him. And then the rain came; it washed away their years.

"Vrisse, what does it mean? I never have nightmares otherwise."

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The man with the probe
Phoenix said:
[sblock]Heal check (DC 10) +22 - Success
Cure Light Wounds - healed for 8pts
Spellcraft check (DC hidden) +7 - Failure
Initiative Order
Twitchy +19
Taran +20
Figure +6

Twitchy turns, looking about the chamber as Taran approaches the girl slowly. Without a will to resist, she bursts into tears and collapses helplessly on the filthy ground, allowing Taran to see to her wounds. This close the druid notices that it is a human child tied to the wall, though very bloodied and beaten. His hands expertly remove the chain, though not without a measure of pain from the small girl and it can be seen that her foot is badly infected.
Taran's lips roll with power as he calls upon the power needed to heal the girl, his hands passing across her leg gently causing the wounds to knit themselves together once more. She is obviously still hurt though, diseased and infected in a way that she may never recover unless seen to with the most expensive (and rare) magical attention.
Suddenly Twitchy gnashes in alarm, leaping into the pool of filth in the centre of the chamber. Turning around, Taran sees his companion swimming towards a humanoid figure caked in blood and gore, rising from the pool silently, if it were not for the rat's alarm Taran may have been caught completely by surprise.
The figure begins to intone ancient words of powers, gesturing with his hands in long sweeping motions, his visage indicating that he is not pleased with the druid's involvement in the area.

Twitchy senses Taran's trepidation, and charges the hostile figure.

Taran says to the little girl "Stay here, I will be back for you. I won't leave your sight." He then begins to walk away from the girl a bit, chanting in quiet summons.*

OOC: [sblock]Taran will use his Hold Animal spell slot to cast Summon Nature's Ally 2, calling forth a Crocodile as close as he can summon it to the approaching man. He is trying to put 15' between him and the girl if he can, though he will make sure anyone else who approaches her that he may not have seen yet will have to go through him.[/sblock]


First Post
D20Dazza said:
After watching the operation for a while Ghost leaves his hiding place and saunters over to the stall, casting furtive glances around the area he approaches the worker who he noticed had hidden his yellow robe. With a wild look in his eyes and speaking quickly he says "You must take me to Bremmen, I have access to a cache of particularly valuable merchandise that he might be able to make use of. I don't have the cooling facilities and it won't be long before the goods are only fit to graft on to the undead. C'mon man be quick about it, I'm desperate which means Bremmen is up for a good deal and you know how he hates missing a good deal."
[sblock] furtive glances equal quick assessment of any immediate dangers. bluff roll followed by a sense motive of the guy's answer. Any sign of trouble and he will attempt to facinate the man[/sblock]

[sblock]Bluff check (Hard to believe - DC 10) +21 - Success
Sense Motive check (Hunch - DC 20) +12 - Failure

"Is it worth you becoming a commodity for his business, I've heard he's done that to workers who have let him down in the past?"
Hound's last words must drive home a need in the cultist, for without questioning the dubious story he gestures the bard off the street and behind the ice bins that store the shops wares.
"Come with me good sir." With a smile and a husky voice that doesn't quiet seem to fit the man, he swiftly marches through the back alleys of the markets, determination and greed fueling his half-jog. Less than two blocks from the stall the cultist stops at a large potters warehouse, knocks on the door briefly, then opens the door after the noise of a large heavy bar being removed has been heard.
The doors swing wide open to reveal dozens of vats of clay and mud, filled with the writhing forms of humans, elves, dwarves and ogres. Dozens of yellow garbed cultists attend to the machines, while no more than six retrieve crossbows to prepare for their visitor. In the centre of the debarcle is a man dressed in professional business attire with a large fox fur over his shoulders and a smoking cigar jammed between his teeth.
"It seems we have a visitor. I am Bremman, you wanted to see me."


First Post
RobotRobotI said:
Alexis rubs her forehead, and indulges in deep thought for the duration of the ride. What *was* that? Nobody warned her about anything strange like that. She never had nightmares before, so why would something like that happen now?

She wouldn't let it deter her in the long run. But right now, she needed to talk to Vrisse.

Alexis would keep her eyes looking straight ahead for the rest of the ride ; when they finally arrived, she would immediately leave the carriage, customs be damned. She'd relinquish the two skeletons to whomever was nearby to take them. She'd find Vrisse.

Powering up the steps and into the temple, Alexis searches feverously for her mentor in a desperate need for answers to her questions. No-one stops her...but no-one bows to her, opens any doors, gives her the respect that is usually gushing forth from all of Lord Zsath's servants. Dragging open the heavy door to Vrisse's study on the lower floors, Alexis finally finds her friend flicking through an old book.

robotrobotI said:
"Vrisse. I had a nightmare while I was in the carriage. I imagined stepping out, and all of the people staring at me, pointing at me. They were all old, Vrisse, very old. Older than you were, when you met Lord Zsath, Prayer be to Him. And then the rain came; it washed away their years.

"Vrisse, what does it mean? I never have nightmares otherwise."

Something is strange about the old priest as he looks up in confusion. He is solid, alive. His face shows the emotion that Alexis remembers from his living days, but now...

"Who are you? I know all of the priestesses of Lord Zsath in this temple, how dare you presume to impersonate one! I should call the guards and have you killed on the spot!"

The elderly priest graps his ancient symbol of faith and steps back, assuming the pose that Alexis knows too well from prayer training sessions. Vrisse was preparing to use magic, and the look on his face was not a happy one.


First Post
Bront said:
Twitchy senses Taran's trepidation, and charges the hostile figure.

Taran says to the little girl "Stay here, I will be back for you. I won't leave your sight." He then begins to walk away from the girl a bit, chanting in quiet summons.*

OOC: [sblock]Taran will use his Hold Animal spell slot to cast Summon Nature's Ally 2, calling forth a Crocodile as close as he can summon it to the approaching man. He is trying to put 15' between him and the girl if he can, though he will make sure anyone else who approaches her that he may not have seen yet will have to go through him.[/sblock]

[sblock]Twitchy hit roll +10 - Miss
Twitchy Reflex Save (DC 13) +14 - Success
Figure damage roll - 3pts fire damage (saved for half)

Tarans hands wave over the filth and slowly a crocodile begins to flow forth and gather near the strange figure. Twitchy swims forth, biting visciously at the man's leg fruitlessly. The figure completes his gesture and the filth begins to bubble, as each of the bubbles swiftly gather around the aggressive rat they burst in unison, releasing jets of flame that lick and singe his flesh. Unperturbed, for Twitchy is made of harder stuff, the battle continues.


The man with the probe
Phoenix said:
[sblock]Twitchy hit roll +10 - Miss
Twitchy Reflex Save (DC 13) +14 - Success
Figure damage roll - 3pts fire damage (saved for half)

Tarans hands wave over the filth and slowly a crocodile begins to flow forth and gather near the strange figure. Twitchy swims forth, biting visciously at the man's leg fruitlessly. The figure completes his gesture and the filth begins to bubble, as each of the bubbles swiftly gather around the aggressive rat they burst in unison, releasing jets of flame that lick and singe his flesh. Unperturbed, for Twitchy is made of harder stuff, the battle continues.

Twitchy and the Croc attack the figure mercilessly. Taran readys his shield and draws a short spear as he closes the distance and hurls it at the figure. He then draws his masterwork shortspear.

OOC: [sblock]Quckdraw for the spears, readying the shield with a move action, thowing the normal spear (+7, minus penalties for melee, 1d4+1 damage) as a standard action [/sblock]


First Post
Bront said:
Twitchy and the Croc attack the figure mercilessly. Taran readys his shield and draws a short spear as he closes the distance and hurls it at the figure. He then draws his masterwork shortspear.

OOC: [sblock]Quckdraw for the spears, readying the shield with a move action, thowing the normal spear (+7, minus penalties for melee, 1d4+1 damage) as a standard action [/sblock]

[sblock]Twitchy hit roll +11 - Miss
Crocodile hit roll +15 - Hit
Damage roll - 12pts
Crocodile Grapple roll (DC 2) +15 - Success

Twitchy quickly recovers from his flash-burn and lashes out once more, but the burning sensation in his eyes causes the poor creature to flounder in the water ineffectually. The figure sneers and prepares his magic once more, only for a great wave of water bursting from beside him to distract him momentarily.
From below Taran's crocodile comes bursting forth, its maw clamping down onto the stranger's arm like a vice. Screaming in pain, the man has little time to contemplate his shattered and bloodied arm before he is dragged beneath the water in which he came.
With spear in hand Taran can only watch as the frothing waters become more violent momentarily, then only a sickening crunching noise as the animal brings forth a portion of its prey to grind it between its teeth above water.


First Post
Phoenix said:
Powering up the steps and into the temple, Alexis searches feverously for her mentor in a desperate need for answers to her questions. No-one stops her...but no-one bows to her, opens any doors, gives her the respect that is usually gushing forth from all of Lord Zsath's servants. Dragging open the heavy door to Vrisse's study on the lower floors, Alexis finally finds her friend flicking through an old book.

Something is strange about the old priest as he looks up in confusion. He is solid, alive. His face shows the emotion that Alexis remembers from his living days, but now...

"Who are you? I know all of the priestesses of Lord Zsath in this temple, how dare you presume to impersonate one! I should call the guards and have you killed on the spot!"

The elderly priest graps his ancient symbol of faith and steps back, assuming the pose that Alexis knows too well from prayer training sessions. Vrisse was preparing to use magic, and the look on his face was not a happy one.

Alexis reaction his stance is quick. She shouts to him - "Vrisse! By Zsath, Vrisse, what are you doing?" She shrieks, pulling force her Holy Symbol, a coin with a smiling face on one side and a tortured soul on the other. "Vrisse! It's me, Alexis!"

If his stance doesn't change, she'll begin to cast Darkness around herself, with the intention of fleeing him under it's cover. All the while, she's hearing What's going on?! within her own head.


Phoenix said:
"It seems we have a visitor. I am Bremman, you wanted to see me."

Ghost stands at the entry to the warehouse. "Bremman" he nods without leaving the relative safety of the street "I'd like to have a chat with you in private please sir?" before Bremman can laugh off the request Ghost continues, his arms waving in the air and his voice droning "I'm a reporter, I write for The Independant. I want to do a story, all names changed to protect the ahhh innocent, on the art of organ harvesting. As you know the rag is often used as a source of passing on descreet information to the more nefarious members of society and I thought that we might be able to do each other a favour. My article would tell people the best way of harvesting and then, once they've acquired the goods, who do they go to too dispose of the goods?? Hmm - yes Mr Bremman you. Come let us talk over the details over a bite to eat"
[sblock]I'm casting hypnotise on Bremman, the sole target (-2 to his save) DC14 Will. If it fails (and the spell description says he doesn't notice the attempt) I'll continue and try a Bluff. [/sblock]


The man with the probe
Phoenix said:
[sblock]Twitchy hit roll +11 - Miss
Crocodile hit roll +15 - Hit
Damage roll - 12pts
Crocodile Grapple roll (DC 2) +15 - Success

Twitchy quickly recovers from his flash-burn and lashes out once more, but the burning sensation in his eyes causes the poor creature to flounder in the water ineffectually. The figure sneers and prepares his magic once more, only for a great wave of water bursting from beside him to distract him momentarily.
From below Taran's crocodile comes bursting forth, its maw clamping down onto the stranger's arm like a vice. Screaming in pain, the man has little time to contemplate his shattered and bloodied arm before he is dragged beneath the water in which he came.
With spear in hand Taran can only watch as the frothing waters become more violent momentarily, then only a sickening crunching noise as the animal brings forth a portion of its prey to grind it between its teeth above water.

Taran sees an opening with the Croc taking the man down. He calls Twitchy over to the girl as he runs back over to her. "This is Twitchy, he's my friend. Hold on to him." He says as he helps the girl into the saddle.

With the girl secure in the saddle, he makes his way back to the well as quickly as possable. He invokes his magic*, and scales the wall with Twitchy, carefully to make sure the girl is secure in the saddle. "Close your eyes and hold on tight" he says to her.

Once he is back up, he quickly draws his bearings, and makes his way back to town. The town elders must know about what happened, and he then must go to the surface to get help with this girl.

OOC:[sblock]*Spider Climb. Should effect both me and Twitchy through the Share Spell ability.

With that cast, climbing should be no problem, and I should be able to help her hold on if need be. It's a military saddle, so should be easy to keep her secured in it. As a child, she should be about halfling size, maybe a bit smaller.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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