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Metropolis - The World in Waiting (Full)


First Post
D20Dazza said:

Excellent, I'n on board. Bare with me a dozen more hours or so please guys, I've been out celurbricating my fathers 60th b'day and my head is about howdy doody at the moment so I can't finalise my PC. After I nurse this sorry head I'll finish Hound off - post soon but am keen as mustard!



Great, ok then peoples, as soon as the character is up I'll post the start, is everyone still with me? Can I get a head count?

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G'day all,

I have finished Hound, just need to do his HPs. I'm about to go out to dinner but will have him posted this evening.




Ghost Hound (aka Ghost and Hound)

Stats[sblock]Ghost Hound

Elf Bard 4 (XP 6,000) Alignment: CG
Height: 5'2" Weight: 93lbs. Age: 130
hair: white eyes: red skin: white
Region of Origin: The Apartments (Metropolis)

STR 8 -1 (0 point)
DEX 16 +3 (6 point +2 racial)
CON 10 (4 point -2 racial)
INT 14 +2 (6 point)
WIS 10 (2 point)
CHA 17 +3 (10 point, +1 4th level)

HP: 22
Init: +3

BAB/Grapple: +3/+2
Speed: 30ft

+1 Light Mace +7 (1d6+1 damage, X2)
Composite Long Bow +6 (1d8, X3, 110') - 20 Arrows
Dagger +6 (1d4, 19-20/X2)

ACP: 0
AC: 14 (+1 Bracers Armour, +3 Dec)
Touch/Flatfooted: 14/11

Fort: +2
Ref: +8
Will: +5 (+2 vs enchantment spells and spell like abilities and effects)

+2 versus saves against all Undead

Bluff 8 (5 ranks, +3 DEX)
Concentration 3 (3 ranks, +0 CON)
Decipher Script 4 (2 ranks, +2 INT)
Diplomacy 7 (4 ranks, +3 CHA)
Gather Information 8 (5 ranks, +3 CHA)
Knowledge (religion) 5 (3 ranks, +2 INT)
Knowledge (local) 5 (3 ranks, +2 INT)
Knowledge (arcana) 5 (3 ranks, +2 INT)
Listen 4 (2 ranks, +0 WIS, +2 Racial)
Perform (oratory) 10 (7 ranks, +3 CHA)
Perform (sing) 6 (3 ranks, +3 CHA)
Profession (journalist) 2 (2 ranks, +0 WIS)
Search 4 (+2 INT, +2 Racial)
Sense Motive 5 (5 ranks, +0 WIS)
Sleight of Hand 5 (2 ranks, +3 DEX)
Spellcraft 9 (7 ranks, +2 INT)
Spot 2 (+0 WIS, +2 Racial)

Languages: Common, Elf, Draconic, Goblin

Unquenchable Flame of Life
Weapon Finesse

Immune to magical sleep effects
Low light vision
Racial Weapon Prof - long sword, rapier, longbow, short bow

Bardic Music
Bardic Knowledge
Counter Song
Inspire Courage +1
Inspire Confidence

Spells Day: (3, 2+1, 0+1)

1-lvl spells (DC13)
Detect Magic
Read Magic

2-lvl spells (Dc14)
Cause Fear
Gryme's Hideous Laughter

3-lvl spells (DC15)
Locate Object

3 potions cure light wounds (150gp)
Cloak Resistance +1 (1,000gp)
Bracers Armour +1 (1,000gp)
Dust Tracelessness (250gp)
Universal Solvent (50gp)
+1 light mace (2,305gp)
Composite Long Bow
20 Arrows

Utility Belt
-Bullseye Lantern
-1 pint oil
-Scroll case
--5 sheets paper
--10 sheets parchment

Belt Pouch
-5 pieces chalk
-flint and steel
-2 vials ink
-2 ink pens
-small steel mirror

Cloak, leather
-Masterwork manacles (cloak pocket)
-Empty Sack (cloak pocket)

Signal whistle (leather throng around neck)
Signet Ring
Dark lensed glasses

Total wt: 20.5 lbs.

Monies: 30gp, 8sp, 2cp[/sblock]
Appearance[sblock]Ghost Hound is albino, his hair is jaggedly cut to shoulder length. His features are very angular, giving him the appearance of a predatory wolf. His teeth are clean and straight. He wears a light leather trench coat, high leather boots, dark sharkskin gloves, and a dark fur felt grosgrain[/sblock]

Personality[sblock]Ghost Hound is bright and quick-witted, his appearance can be a little confronting but he is a genuinely warm person. He is trusting and tries to be helpful. He feels particularly benevolent towards those in the lower (or lowest) socio economic bracket.[/sblock]

Background [sblock]Hound is a journalist and investigator. He rails against the establishment and strives for a better place for the down trodden. More often than not he finds his investigations leave him waist deep in the paranormal. He works for a local rag, a self financed operation run by an ideological hard arsed half orc called Burke. Occasionally, to supplement his income, he hires his investigative skills out but, the case has to pique his interest - a cheater stalker his is not.

He was born in The Apartments, 7 tall stone spires with hundreds of floors and a maze of rooms, corridors and staircases. All interconnected by bridges, tunnels and magical portals. All of the races of Metropolis have legends regarding the creation of The Apartments and no two of those legends is the same. The only thing that is common in the legends is the fact that somewhere in the vertical labyrinth something is hidden. Whether that something is benevolent or malign is unknown but every race has representatives searching for whatever it is. The Apartments are a constant skirmish, a war of attrition. Sure, a race may hold a particular series of rooms or even a floor or two for anywhere from weeks to months. In fact the Killi-kelli-hek, a barbaric, flesh-eating breed of dwarf, have inhabited the same three floors in one of the towers for the last 73 years. Recently the Killi-kelli-hek have become agitated and expansionist. Where as before they would hunt in small groups for meats and goods they are now moving through The Apartments in greater numbers. Hound believes that someone is using the Killi-kelli-hek to further their own ends, there is no other logical reason why they would all of a sudden become more aggressive - is there?

Hound lost his parents, both Wayfinders, at an early age. Fortuitously for him the first 'people' to wander past the weeping child who sat beside the bodies of his parents were not frenetic nor were they ritualistic, in fact they weren't even hungry. They were a posse of 3 ghouls. The small child, knowing no better, stood and waited. The ghouls, Grym, Gryme, and Grynn, were amazed that the boy had not run screaming from them, he was too young to realise the predicament he was in (and being elven he was immune to their paralytic touch). The ghouls, being not foolish and quite intelligent, decided that they could use the small child. They named him Hound because of the way he trailed after them. The ghouls were careful to ensure that they sheltered their 'child' from the more base, violent, reprehensible side of their nature. The ghouls tutored the boy, taught him how to survive and introduced him to some of the more questionable talents that he uses in his investigations today. Eventually though the gig was up. Hound discovered their true nature and only just made it away from them alive. In fact if not for the actions of Gryme, who had spent the most time teaching Hound, he would surely have been killed. This deception forged Hound into the truth seeker that he is.

Hound supposes that the reason so many of his cases end up being paranormal is because of his unusual upbringing, maybe somehow his soul resonates to the pulse of the supernatural.

Hound has been investigating a story involving biomagical engineering on indentured workers on some of the sewer farms. He believes that these biofarms are a front for duplicitous 'God' dealings. The farms he has been investigating abut a religious sanctuary dedicated to the mysterious deity known as Hess Ne-el Il'ithuk . The followers of this somewhat questionable deity have a penchant for violence and experimentation. They refer to Hess Ne-el Il'ithuk as 'God' and anyone daring to invoke another deity or call 'God' by his actual name on their patch is dealt with quickly, brutally and without mercy.[/sblock]

The Apartments[sblock]My idea of The Apartments is sort of dungeon like, although the adversaries would be various street gangs. Do you know the movie The Warriors? That movie could happen in The Apartments. There are hundreds of gangs/factions/cults/cabals etc operating in there plus a bevy of treasure hunters. These organisations are based along racial, political, cultural, religious, fun, and plain old survival lines. The Apartments are very fluid with old gangs dieing off and new ones forming constantly. The gangs are always fighting.

Not all the gangs are looking for the 'holy grail' and not all inhabitants of The Apartments are gang members. The Wayfinders are nomadic, they live a life running from the gangs and treasure hunters. They are not an organisation but are the refuse of the spires that are forced to flee or die. They are called the Wayfinders as they always seem to find a new, unexplored section of The Apartments. It's as though the buildings are making new tunnels, staircases, rooms, arches, bridges etc to assist the flight of the Wayfinders.

There are several neutral areas in the spires where entrepreneurs have set up operations, everything from flea markets to the black market. Almost anything (except that damn artifact) can be found somewhere in The Apartments. The trick is finding where it is being sold.[/sblock]

Hi, hope everything is OK. As soon as you give me the thumbs up I'll whack him over in the rogues gallery. Looking forward to this.


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First Post
Awesome, post it to the Rogue's Gallery and also list what Flame of Life feat does so I don't forget....give me a couple of hours and I'll post the start of the story (it's still a little early here, and I went for a few whiskys last night...)


Heya Phoenix,

Just noticed your locale, I'm in Canberra mate, no favourtism for the fellow Aussie ok ;-D>

At least the DM will understand the perceived (from a US point) spelling errors


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First Post
D20Dazza said:
Heya Phoenix,

Just noticed your locale, I'm in Canberra mate, no favourtism for the fellow Aussie ok ;-D>

At least the DM will understand the perceived (from a US point) spelling errors



But I'm in Canada at the moment, so it doesn't count.

Ok gents, could you please check your character sheets (and histories) for any amendements that need doing. And without any futher ado....

Metropolis - Chapter One

Voidrunner's Codex

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