

First Post
Let me inform you of something "Magi" I was not bragging and for your information that is not truly clearified in the rules. I did not know. So btw don't assume, plus don't threaten me, because everyone at some time has broken the CoC.

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First Post
Mmmm, no, that last statement is not true in any of its parts.

I was not assuming, I was deliberately using the word, just as I deliberately phrased it not as "stop bragging" but as "be careful of doing this".

I was not threatening. I don't need to threaten.

And no, not everyone has broken the CoC, not even at "some time." I know you'll say that just because the magi didn't catch it doesn't mean that it hasn't happened, and that's true. But just because you've seen people do it and get away with it, or gotten away with it yourself, or know that all your friends have done it, doesn't mean that everyone must therefore have done it. Can I prove this? No. I can say that I've had characters (both good guys and villains) that were played for years without breaking the CoC, but then I've also another char that did, once, and was properly warned for it. I could ask other players to post if they feel they've never broken the CoC in any char at all. But that's not what this is about. It doesn't matter how many people have or haven't broken the CoC. What matters is that when you register with ISRP chat, you've agreed to follow it. If you have questions about what's covered, please ask anytime.

And thank you for understanding the clarification.


Foppish Technocrat
Let me inform you of something "Magi" I was not bragging and for your information that is not truly clearified in the rules. I did not know. So btw don't assume, plus don't threaten me, because everyone at some time has broken the CoC.

Please be advised that if you have a complaint or other statement to make about any Magi the proper way to report it is to email either myself ( or Siani ( with your statement.

That way we can investigate and discuss in depth without any concerns about breaching anyone's privacy.

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