[MENTION=7635]Remathilis[/MENTION] #99 Ok, now i begin to see more clearly. But let me counter that: To use Ravenloft with the original vibe which encompasses 99% of the published material except curse of strahd 5 e accesoire you got to:
-Treat every dragonborn, drow, halforc and in several Domains even elves or dwarves as Monsters by most NPCs. Their natural reaction might range from distrust via fear to outright agression.
- Analyse every published 5E spell for a "evil" denominator like e.g. casting "power word kill" and most damaging necromatic spells like "ray of sickness" would clearly be an evil act and call for a powers check (new mechanic you would have to introduce) with appropriate punishments for the PCs. These of course must be checked for Balance in accordance to 5e game mechanics if they include e.g. permanent ability score losses.
- Depending on the darklord but applicable for most of the better known Domains most Paladins of lawful good alignment are marked for KoS the Moment they appear in a Domain. And there is no easy way out, a darklord sees the General Location of a Paladin in his Domain like a flare, and will go any means to eliminate him, be it by his minions or by himself.
Sounds pretty complicated, no? But that is only three examples of what it takes to get Ravenloft close to the original vibe while using 5E. In fact it is not that complicated, following my basic principles i did run a 5E ravenloft campaign by converting the Hyskosa Hexad adventures, so it was totally possible and we had fun playing them (my Players growing up with 3.5 did not know the adventures so it was double fun)
So even campaign worlds of which you think that they are close to the 5E rules are in fact heavy variations, and that is no Problem at all, since the Background math rules cover it all, they serve as a weighted random Generator tool which can be influenced by Players or DMs choices of Action.