Mike Mearls tweet: Is the Known World of Mystara coming to 5e? (What's Cool About Mystara?)

I'll disentomb a thread if it's relevant to current discussion.

That thread is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions. Old Testament, real wrath of God type stuff. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes, the dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA!

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That thread is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions. Old Testament, real wrath of God type stuff. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes, the dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA!
If only more people would agree with me, we could avoid so much needless suffering. [/SARCASM]

Seriously though, I had mostly forgotten about this thread until the "Similar Threads" list below reminded me of it. I remembered reading something about a 5E Mystara before the pandemic, and @Dungeonosophy writing about the history of the product line, but it was the algorithm that ultimately pointed me to it.

I maintain that it would be interesting to see a 5E adaptation of the Mystara campaign setting, for all the reasons outlined in the first half-dozen pages of this thread, and all 20+ pages of That Other Thread.

Would it be profitable? Unlikely.
Easy? Certainly not.
Worth it? Debatable.
But interesting? Absolutely.

I maintain that it would be interesting to see a 5E adaptation of the Mystara campaign setting, for all the reasons outlined in the first half-dozen pages of this thread, and all 20+ pages of That Other Thread.

Profitable? Unlikely.
Easy? Certainly not.
Interesting? Absolutely.

Meanwhile, I think that the other thread, and now my recollections about Mystara, make me realize that a Mystara setting would likely be a terrible idea.

It's one think to reboot a Greyhawk or even a Dark Sun, where you have defined issues like, oh, angering the blood of Grognards and slavery (!), but those pale in comparison to a setting that has large swathes of territory based on real-world cultures.

Just seems to be a recipe for disaster, especially when there's at more M:TG setting they can publish. ;)

Yes, you’re right, it’s much better to just rampantly speculate wildly based on random information like a conspiracy theorist connecting pins with rolls of red yard.
Oh look, Mearls also tweeted about his dog. Caninefolk confirmed for 5e! Perkins mentioned one of the AI generated monsters! They must be being added to game! I head an interview with Rodney Thompson talking D&D; he must be about to rejoin the WotC team!
My gawd. The world will certainly collapse into ashes because of all this rampant speculation. It must be stopped!

Meanwhile, I think that the other thread, and now my recollections about Mystara, make me realize that a Mystara setting would likely be a terrible idea.

It's one think to reboot a Greyhawk or even a Dark Sun, where you have defined issues like, oh, angering the blood of Grognards and slavery (!), but those pale in comparison to a setting that has large swathes of territory based on real-world cultures.

Just seems to be a recipe for disaster, especially when there's at more M:TG setting they can publish. ;)
You're not wrong; this would be an exceedingly large amount of work to produce a risky product that would be unlikely to turn a profit. Even more so than Greyhawk, or Dark Sun, or even Spelljammer now that I think about it. The correct direction to go is forward, to new campaign settings...not backward, to the old ones.

But a moogle can dream, kupo. The best we fans of Mystara can hope for is for a third-party, fan-created product that somehow gets permission from WotC to be published (and that permission is, understandably, rarely given.) And even this would be an incredible longshot.

No, it looks like the foreseeable future is me lurking around on eBay for bargains, or picking up the odd POD copy of whatever I can find on DriveThruRPG, and swapping ideas with folks on the BECMI Facebook page or the Vaults of Pandius. And honestly? That's not so bad.

I'm currently working on the dungeon Master's guide. The biggest problem with updating the setting is the lore is often contradictory and more often than not all over the place. Because they released all the nation books individually they don't often reference each other. And the early ones had some weirdness in their layout because they had not decided how to approach the format yet. You have to weld some of these nations together with the information they give you. Ylaruam for example was almost a choose-your-own-adventure. It gave almost no solid details on NPCs, any information on the major cities, or much detail in the day-to-day life. It was all explicitly left up to the dungeon master to fill in all the blanks. It made the nation incredibly difficult to update because they intentionally left out all the major details.

The biggest problem with updating the setting is the lore is often contradictory and more often than not all over the place. Because they released all the nation books individually they don't often reference each other. And the early ones had some weirdness in their layout because they had not decided how to approach the format yet. You have to weld some of these nations together with the information they give you.
@The Glen oh yeah, tell me about it. I remember how even the maps didn't agree with each other, and how frustrating it was trying to run CM1: Test of the Warlords after running X11: Saga of the Shadow Lord. The whole Kingdom of Wendar and its rival Kingdom of Denagoth was missing (and has remained missing, in the Gazeteers and the Rules Cyclopedia).

You've got your work cut out for you! I look forward to seeing the completed product.

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