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MiPS Lost Mine [IC]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
[sblock=mips42]It's Leon-A-n :)[/sblock]

Leonan steps forward toward the goblinoids, calling in goblin.

"Chief Yeemik, don't worry about your warriors, I didn't kill them. But they ARE making it hard for us."

Changing back to common:
"Welcome, king Klarg of Yeemiks tribe" - he intentionally names the chief to rub in the fact that he lost control of his tribe to the brute.

In goblin again "Chief, remember the story about Ugga the musician"
[sblock=Ugga the musician - story told by morning fires, rather then told now ;)]
Once upon a time, there was a goblin lass. She looked just as any other young lass, soft skin, high piping voice, sharp teeth and long fluffy ears. But she had something extraordinary. She had a talent for music. Fine, human, even elven music. Whatever instrument she took, she learned. Every prisoner of the tribe that could teach her anything, she pestered. In time, she mastered the lyre, lute and several wind instruments. But lyre, with its soft tunes, requiring manual dexterity and music sense beyond what goblins normally had was her favorite.

She was favorite with young warriors of the tribe. She was favorite of chiefs son, Ghluk. Unfortunately, she was also favorite entertainer of the tribes rulers, bugbear brothers. And they weren't about to let her go to some peasant goblin cave when they could enjoy her music.

Young love cannot be supressed, however, and Ghluk came to her every dawn, while brothers slept and eventually they secretly got married by their shaman. Ghluk was, after all, chiftains son and warrior of some fame among his peers. But, as she was left with the child and it became obvious bugbears weren't happy. She will soon be immobile, in pain, there will be screaming infant and their beautiful music will be no more.

She gave birth. She played her music, but her heart now went to the little one, not into the music. There was a day when human adventurers came following some of the warriors after the raid. Before they attacked the cave they scouted, looking for the advantage, checking the number of warriors. When they heard the music they thought there was elven lass kept captive such was the power of Uggas music. To their surprise, they could see the goblin girl, playing softly to a infant. Such beautiful music, coming from goblin. Humans reconsidered their course, anyone who could play like that couldn't be all evil as they were thought. There was emotion, soft, kind, powerful. But bugbears were different story. As one of them bellowed for her to leave the bastard and come inside to serve them, humans charged, bugbears roared and trampled Ugga and the baby on their way into better protection of the goblin warriors.

Goblin warriors, tired and wounded from their raid were slow to respond and bugbears were in combat before they could hide behind their goblin minions. Still, they were powerful and with mighty swings they wounded and pushed back the humans until they could form their goblins into some semblance of fighting unit. But Ugga was left behind. Ghluk, mad with worry nearly charged when one of the humans bent over his wife and son. But the human only put the baby into Uggas arms and pushed her back toward the wall into relative safety.

Meeting humans eyes, Ghluk nodded.

As the fight was rejoined, he ordered his warriors to turn and free their brethren finally from bugbear tiranny. Such was the surprise of the attack that even mighty bugbears fell under combined might of two forces without further loss of life. Both sides, wary, tired and hurt, agreed to peaceful terms and the tribe of Ghluk and Ugga prospered. As he became chiftain and in turn his son became chiftain and time passed, the story of bugbears was lost, only shamans keeping the lore alive. But everyone knows about Ugga, whos music saved the tribe from the bugbears.

"King Klarg, this group defeated good part of your guards without serious harm with only one lucky hit hurting our comrade. Your warriors are down from single shout. Let us negotiate..." with this, Leonan seeks Yeemik eyes and then returns his gaze to the king "...peaceful solution. Your tribe might benefit from working with or for the humans instead of attacking them. Sooner or later, there will be group of adventurers, maybe mightier or bigger then this one that will clear you out of here. Instead, let us and the old man go and I'll talk with the mines to negotiate with you for the protection of the road." Leonan doesn't say nothing about destroying the tribe right here and now. It is an option, but one Klarg needs to consider himself. He also has time to consider his chances against this group...and Yeemik has a chance to remember the story and decide who's side he wants to be on.

"Luckily I listened to all those servant stories at home." thinks Leonan, leaving poignant silence in the wake of his little speech.

OOC: he also readies thunderwave spell as a reaction if the king charges :)
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The goblins and the massive Klarg empty out of the cave mouth. You can see Yeemik in the crowd holding a short spear which, you remember, is not his weapon of choice.

As you speak, Klarg looks at you, his beady eyes boring into you, apparently trying to discern where the truth is. He is truly massive; nearly six feet tall and, from what you can see of his hairy arms, heavily muscled. He, as well as the goblins, are wearing what castoffs of armor they've been able to fashion into breastplates and other pieces held together with bits of leather thong and chain. For the most part, the weapons are not much better, several having seen better years or possibly even decades. Klargs' large morningstar rests on one shoulder and a large shield rests in the other hand, casually, as he studies you and the group.

With a grin of his sharpened teeth, he replies in his gravelly baritone 'All is not as you say, small one. Yeemik is boss of this clan but Klarg is boss of Yeemik. That mean Klarg in charge, NOT Yeemik!' At this several of the goblins shift uncomfortably and you see them look at him with icy glares. 'Who be you to defy Klarg, human? WHO BE YOU TO COME INTO CRAGMAW AND TELL US WHAT IS?! YOU GO NOW OR KLARG AND CRAGMAW WILL MAKE A THRONE OF YOUR BONES AND SOUP OF YOUR MEAT!'

With that he hefts the morningstar off of his shoulder and bangs it on his shield, then raises it to point towards the road. 'GO! Before your blood soaks the ground.'

(Wisdom check please and thank you, LeonAn) ;p


OOC: Hmmm... It's probably for the best that Vottr is unconscious at this point. He would take the bugbear's words as an opportunity to talk trash and pick a fight.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Who am I? WHO AM I?"

The bard smiles. Cold. Mirthless.
"I am Leonan de Hewes! The only human to listen to goblin shamans wisdom. Speaker of stories! Bringer of truth and courage! Proclaimer for Bargrivyek the Peacekeeper.

He changes to goblin language so he's understood by all goblins present.

I have a dream..."

he proclaims in high clear voice, gesturing toward the goblins
"... of all beings will rise up and live out the true lives. That there will be humans working WITH goblins, FOR goblins and the other way around. I have a dream that Phaltarn will rise as the lighthouse of freedom and justice!

I have a dream of Craegmaw working with humans. Having real weapons! Iron armor! I have a dream of goblin goods in human cities!
I have dream of land without oppressors in form of bugbears, hobgoblins...or humans!"
he meets as many goblin eyes as he can, performing literally for his life as he lowers his hands and voice and faces the goblinoid king again.

"And for that, Klarg...you have to surrender. You are the oppressor. You keep goblins in the dark. Raiding poor humans with little loot and attracting death from human cities. You are death of this tribe. And Yeemik is its freedom!"

"Yeemik! Goblins! Chaarge!" the bard leans toward the hobgoblin as if he's about to take a step forward...
OOC: Ignore this part, leaves too little space for letting us go off the hook :)

OOC: still ready to blast Klarg to push him away, this includes him attacking Yeemik!
Not sure if this counts as performance, bluff, persuasion or just crazyness :) Anyhow, roll with advantage ( [MENTION=6746242]mips42[/MENTION], Tides of Chaos - and you can have Leonan immediately on the next spell roll twice (instead of once - or just say that single roll qualifies) for the surge and regain the use of this ability)
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OOC Well poo, I had thought I'd replied to this but it apparently got lost.

Klarg stares at you for a moment, as if not believing that you're still here, then throws his head back and laughs a horrible, manic laugh. 'Humans, Elvses and Dwarvses never think Goblins as good as them. Goblins no more than rats to them.
'Klarg give you chance to leave and you talks it away. Now klarg say you leave. On feetses or in soup.

He turns and yells at Yeemik who is clutching his spear tightly 'These ones leave, NOW. Alive or dead.'
With a sudden turn he shouts 'KLARG SAY DEAD!'
Leonan immediately unleashes his thunderous blast which stops Klarg in his tracks and tosses him against the face of the hill.
At almost the same moment, an arrow streaks in from where Garrett had hidden himself and is buried in Klargs' side.

Klarg picks himself up and shakes his head to clear it, then shouts 'KLARG LIVE! GUT THEM ALL!' He then swings his morning star at Leonan. Whatever the reason, maybe a residual of the thunder that Leonan had thrown at him or the arrow or just Klargs own enthusiasm, he misses badly.
As he recovers from his swing, Klarg jerks weirdly and turns slightly to look behind him.
As almost the same time, you see Yeemik, his hands empty, and the spear lodged in Klargs back.
Klarg falls to his knees, then crumples to the ground, red foaming from his mouth. He scratches and claws along the ground, trying to reach the Goblin that has betrayed him.
As the last of his life leaves him, you hear Yeemik quietly say 'Cragmaw for Goblins, and we not rats.'Yeemik then looks, frightened, at the goblins next to him, then at the party across the now bloodied grass...

OOC: Thunderwave is a Save spell and not and attack so Tides of Chaos (as I understand it) would not have helped you. "Starting at 1st level, you can manipulate the forces of chance and chaos to gain advantage on one attack roll, ability check, or saving throw." But, with Klargs save (or lack thereof), Garrets arrow with sneak attack damage and Yeemiks spear with sneak attack damage, klarg went down quickly.
P.S. 'I have a dream'!? LOL

Ivan is now up. @Axel that's you, if you want it.
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First Post
Ivan's cheek twitched nervously as Klarg died, uncomfortably aware of how close to a violent death he had been. His hand went to run his chin absently as Yeemik spoke, then returned to fidget with the hem of his sleeve, unsure what to do.

Still am in danger! he realised, shuffling away from Klarg's corpse with a start, raising his hands in front of him protectively.

ooc: move away from any immediate danger of melee. Ready Eldritch Blast against the first target that appears aggressive towards him.


First Post
OOC: Wow. That escalated and ended quick. Garrett will still be ready for a fight, but right now he will stay his hand and see what the goblins or Leonan does.


"That was sudden," Eddicus comments, still standing in front of Vottr's body.

Clearly and carefully, he adds: "I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy, but I don't know what options are available to me here. For right now, I am returning this weapon to its holder. Perhaps I don't need it."

Suiting his action to his word, he returns the dart he has been holding to its leather quiver. Then he holds up his empty hand to show everybody that he hasn't "accidentally" palmed the missile.

"New guy -- whatever your name is; did we discuss that? -- you are very eloquent in the Goblin tongue!"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Leonan spits on Kralgs body and turns to the party now, clearly presenting his back to Yeemik (but keeping track of goblin movement)

"I am eloquent in any language I speak." the boy smiles
"My name is, a syou maybe heard, is Leonan de Hewes. I am a noble of a nearby town. The goblins are ancient people, nearly as old as humans or older depending on the source. They have more depth then other people give them credit for. Mostly due their strange and dangerous looking visage and, to humans, weird looks they are pushed to badlands and have to fight to survive. Since plenty other humanoids are stronger then they, they form allliances to survive. Commonly it ends badly if the ally is stronger then they and evil. If one such alliance was made with humans, goblins could work as scouts and early warning guards to caravans going to Phandelver. At the very least, I hope to forge non-conflict pact if not outright alliance, one has to start somewhere.

Yeemik here, wise and strong leader of Cragmaw tribe understands common human speech so we can all talk together.

Leonan turns back to Yeemik.
"Thank you for your help, Chief Yeemik. May Bargrivyek the Peacekeeper keep you and your tribe in peace and prosperity.
You may have heard me beseech these valiant adventurers not to kill your warriors and I believe all your guards are alive. With your permission, we would make camp at the edge of the clearing and bind the wounds suffered during this misunderstanding.

I believe they came for the old man prisoner in your cave?"
he raises an eyebrow at the adventurers

"What say you we negotiate his release and returning of my cittern and songbook?"
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