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mleibrock's in-game thread for Council of Thieves


First Post
So, that takes up back to the top of the order with Anundr ready to act.

[sblock=Combat Status]
[u]Combatant	initiative	 AC/ T/FF 	-HP		Condition[/u]
Anundr		    22   	 14/11/13      -00/13	
Sewer Goblin 2      21           16/13         -00
Sewer Goblin 3      21           16/13         -00
Suzume              21           13/11         -00/8
Sewer Goblin 1      19           16/13         -00
Liath               19           16/13/13      -00/10
Tiko                18	         14/12/12      -00/10	
Janiven             12           17/13/14      -07	           
Dru                 13           20/10/20      -00/12


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First Post
Anundr continues moving, following Janiven, a bit dismayed that most of his companions haven't yet rounded the corner.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
"Moving along . . . leaving gobbos I." Liath moves along to her position behind Dru.

[sblock=OOC]Use the Withdraw action to avoid AoO, move along.[/sblock]

[sblock=Stat Block]LIATH STARATELI CR 1/2
Female Fetchling Ranger (Skirmisher, Urban Ranger) 1
NG Medium Outsider (Native)
Hero Points 1
Init +4; Senses Darkvision, Low-Light Vision; Perception +4
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13. . (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 10/10 (1d10)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +0
Defensive Abilities Shadow Blending; Resist cold 5, electricity 5
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Cestus +3 (1d4+2/19-20/x2) and
. . Dagger +3 (1d4+2/19-20/x2) and
. . Dagger +3 (1d4+2/19-20/x2) and
. . Rapier +3 (1d6+2/18-20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +3 (1d3+2/20/x2) and
. . Warhammer +3 (1d8+2/20/x3)
Ranged Longbow +4 (1d8/20/x3)
Spell-Like Abilities Disguise Self (1/day)
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Lost in the Crowd
Traits Roof Runner, Westcrown Firebrand
Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +14, Craft (Armor) -1, Craft (Weapons) -1, Disable Device +4, Escape Artist +2, Fly +2, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (Local) +5, Perception +4, Ride +2, Stealth +8, Survival +4, Swim +1
Languages Common, Varisian
SQ Enemies: Humanoids (Human) (+2 bonus) (Ex), Hero Points (1), Track +1, Wild Empathy +2 (Ex)
Combat Gear Arrows (20), Arrows, Blunt (20), Cestus, Dagger, Dagger, Longbow, Rapier, Studded Leather, Warhammer; Other Gear Artisan's tools: Craft (Traps), Pouch, belt (1 @ 5 lbs), Ring of Better Climbing
Arrows - 0/20
Arrows, Blunt - 0/20
Dagger - 0/1
Dagger - 0/1
Disguise Self (1/day) (Sp) - 0/1
Damage Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Cold attacks.
Damage Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Enemies: Humanoids (Human) (+2 bonus) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs Humanoids (Human).
Hero Points (1) Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Lost in the Crowd +2 circ bon to Stealth in urban areas, +4 in crowds.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Roof Runner You spent your early years exploring and foraging along the rooftops of your home city. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks, and on Reflex saves to avoid falling.
Shadow Blending (Su) Miss chance in dim light increases to 50%. This does not grant total concealment.
Track +1 +1 to survival checks to track.
Westcrown Firebrand +1 Initiative, +1 attack rolls during a surprise round.
Wild Empathy +2 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.

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First Post
OOC - Not sure what Liath's referring too. Her way is clear, see map below.

Having seen the "treasure" fly over their heads, goblins 2 and 3 makes a beeline through the muck to the far corner of the room. Liath has an AoO on #2 should she choose.

Suzume is on deck.


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"Move!" Gasps Suzume exasperated with the slow progress.

OOC: holding action until he can move or trouble catches up to him.


First Post
Suzume raises his voice to Liath, "Move!" He gasps exasperated with the slow progress. Liath finally disengages from combat and quickly moves along following Dru and the rest. This leaves Morosino, Tiko and Suzume following close behind Liath to catch up to the others.

Unfortunately, the delay has cost you dearly and two crossbow bolts fly wide right by Suzume.

1d20+1=13, 1d20+1=11


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As Suzume reaches the corner he dismisses his Light cantrip. He grabs one of the little bridges and props the long edge against the wall. He then leaves one of his javelins leaning against it sticking out. He hopes in the poor light it will look like somebody with a tower shield and spear making a stand. He moves quickly to keep up with the others. Perhaps that and the goblins will buy some time.


First Post
As Suzume reaches the corner he dismisses his Light cantrip. He grabs one of the little bridges and props the long edge against the wall. He then leaves one of his javelins leaning against it sticking out. He hopes in the poor light it will look like somebody with a tower shield and spear making a stand. He moves quickly to keep up with the others. Perhaps that and the goblins will buy some time.

OOC: I'll give you a 30% chance that that will work:




First Post
The party hurries quickly North to follow Janiven and Anundr. As the stragglers of the group rounds the corner, what little light there was coming from the grates at street level in previous sections of sewer are absent here and soon it is utterly black. Janiven slows to a walking pace and whispers loudly enough for Anundr and Dru to hear. "If I remember correctly this is a very long straight run with a room off to the right right before it turns right. We are getting close to the safehouse. Let's try and continue on in the dark as the hellknights will surely see a light in such a straight hallway."

As Suzume moves along trying to catch the rest of the party, he can't help but wonder if his ruse worked. He looks back and sees a crossbow bolt bury itself in the plank. He distantly hears cursing and laughter as one hellknight belly laughs at the other for being fooled so easily.

OOC - Your ruse has bought you a couple minutes time.
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