Mods shutting down threads for threadcrapping


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
This is something that's been bothering me for a bit, and I know that it's probably a deliberate choice but I still want to get it off my chest.

It's really crappy when threads get shut down because of trolls crapping on the thread.

It happens, routinely, every time there is an attempt at a serious conversation around issues of oppression and misrepresentation in RPGs. And the end result always feels like this:
Trolls: "This is nothing, this conversation shouldn't be happening!" x30
Mods: "Stop trying to get this conversation shut down! We're shutting this conversation down!"

And on the one hand? I get it, I totally get it. The mod team is only three people (two of whom are, to my knowledge, volunteers), and you want to keep this forum civil, and nothing ruins civility on this or any space on the internet like a conversation about racist/sexism/homophobia/transphobia/etc. But also like... it's handing the anti-inclusivity trolls exactly what they want? And completely chills any attempt at a serious discussion about how to help our community and the biggest and loudest voices within it to do better by all of the members within it.

Speaking for myself, I'd like to talk about how we, as a consumer community, can create actual change with regards to, say, WotC's absolutely horrific track record of casual (if unintentional) racism towards black people. But I feel like I can't, at least not here, where I feel like I'm most likely to find the most like-minded and well-intentioned folks to work towards that changed. I feel silenced.

And not by the trolls.


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Speaking for myself, I'd like to talk about how we, as a consumer community, can create actual change with regards to, say, WotC's absolutely horrific track record of casual (if unintentional) racism towards black people. But I feel like I can't, at least not here, where I feel like I'm most likely to find the most like-minded and well-intentioned folks to work towards that changed. I feel silenced.
The easiest way to influence a company is to vote with your dollars.

Screaming "racist" at anyone who even slightly disagrees with the majority, or accusing people who disagree with majority of being trolls is not a productive way to promote change.


This is objectively untrue in this era of social media. It's also irrelevant to the points that Gradine is making about threadcrapping. Indeed, it might even be considered threadcrapping in and of itself.

The OP quote specifically asks "how can we as a community change WoTC's horrific track record"

So, since WoTC is a company that wants your dollars, saying "vote with your dollars" is relevant.

And you are engaging in the behavior that I mentioned in my post - You are accusing me of threadcrapping (trolling) because you disagree with me....
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the Jester

The OP quote specifically asks "how can we as a community change WoTC's horrific track record"

So, since WoTC is a company that wants your dollars, saying vote with your dollars is relevant.

And you are engaging in the behavior that I mentioned in my post - You are accusing me of threadcrapping (trolling) because you disagree with me....
That's what it looks like to me, too- like you're basically saying, "Eh, this isn't worth talking about, vote with your dollar, no discussion necessary."

Meanwhile, I think a lot of us agree that this is a topic worth discussing. Very much so.


That's what it looks like to me, too- like you're basically saying, "Eh, this isn't worth talking about, vote with your dollar, no discussion necessary."

Meanwhile, I think a lot of us agree that this is a topic worth discussing. Very much so.

Again, "vote with your dollars" is a solution. It may not be one that you like, or think is effective, but it is answering the OPs question directly.

And I am discussing it. Maybe not in verbose paragraphs, I am AM discussing it.


I have been working on knowing people here are not my friends. I may like things some/most people say or feel like I know some posters more than others and are 'friendly' with them, but there is no joking like people hare are my in-person friends. There are 1000s of people here and no way can everyone agree with everyone.

I have been more careful about not engaging in topics I know are on fire or will get me nowhere. It's sad that there cannot be more lengthily discussions without them breaking down, but I think that is the way it is.

Voidrunner's Codex

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