Mods shutting down threads for threadcrapping

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That knife cuts both ways.

If one sees a thread about what some people consider racism, coming in to just deny the problem exists is not a productive way to engage in the topic either. And, to be perfectly honest, you'd need to make a pretty amazing argument to support the idea that folks don't generally know this will turn out badly.

What do you call a person who comes in, and engages in behavior they know will be disruptive but not constructive?
Where did I say or imply that racism doesn't exist or isn't a problem?

I genuinely had no ideas that offering a real solution would be considered thread crapping. I figured some people would disagree, or wouldn't think it was effective, but accusing me (in a passive aggressive ) way of being a troll is a bit reactionary.

As a general thought, I think that people using (+) threads more often would be helpful.

I've noticed a trend lately where (+) threads seem to get less posts than other threads. I think some people are afraid that if they are too argumentative in a (+) thread, they'll get in trouble. IMNSHO, the only way to change that ideology is for (+) threads to become more normalized.
+threads are great for pooling minds creatively for mechanics or fluff.
I suppose they could be used for topics such as these, but I don't know. I wouldn't want to make too many things a +thread. I enjoyed the sparring in the Arneson thread as I learnt things I didn't know about the history of D&D from both sides.


Mod Squad
Staff member
When such collaborations are derailed and shut down, that can't actually happen.

With all due respect, the thread in question wasn't a collaboration organizing response to the issue. It was about the content of the issue.

We haven't seen anyone post, saying,

"Okay, folks, it is time for everyone to make a twitter account, a facebook account, an instagram account, and a tiktok account. Here are the relevant WotC handles and e-mail addresses to send to. Thursday morning, between 9 and 12 AM PDT, we will be messaging WotC about this issue via all these channels. Here's a draft of the message you can send. We intend to this once a week until such time as WotC at least speaks to the issue. Please tell your friends to join with us..."
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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
As a general thought, I think that people using (+) threads more often would be helpful.

I've noticed a trend lately where (+) threads seem to get less posts than other threads. I think some people are afraid that if they are too argumentative in a (+) thread, they'll get in trouble. IMNSHO, the only way to change that ideology is for (+) threads to become more normalized.
I think if you have a deliberate purpose and are approaching a particularly incendiary topic, + threads can be helpful. Though they tend to limit conversation in ways that I don't think would benefit the community overall for them to become regular and or popular.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
With all due respect, the thread in question wasn't a collaboration organizing response to the issue. It was about the content of the issue.

We haven't seen anyone post, saying,

"Okay, folks, it is time for everyone to make a twitter account, a facebook account, an instagram account, and a tiktok account. Here are the relevant WotC handles and e-mail addresses to send to. Thursday morning, between 9 and 12 AM PDT, we will be messaging WotC about this issue via all these channels. Here's a draft of the message you can send. We intend to this once a week until such time as WotC at least speaks to the issue. Please tell your friends to join with us..."
A fair point, and one that clears up my concerns. Thank you


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I understand the frustration. These topics never get to blossom beyond breaking news and opinions phase. Might have to let the topic open up organically, and later start a new convo on specifics later.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
This what gets me, and why I started this thread, because I know you and the other mods are entirely sympathetic to this point. My question then becomes why shuttering threads has become the answer to deliberately disruptive behavior?
I think the answer to that one is mainly a practical/logistics one -- the alternative is babysitting the thread, which is incredibly intensive and time-consuming (and upsetting). I close a thread earlier because it was generating a deluge of thread reports, and I simply wasn't available to monitor it. It was a choice between closing it or just ignoring it and letting it do what it does, and I feel I chose the lesser evil.

Maybe the answer is more moderators. But moderators do burn out pretty quickly.

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