Mods shutting down threads for threadcrapping

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Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
But... they will. That's the point.

If you start a (+) thread about making a less racist Hadozee, and someone comes in arguing that the Hadozee aren't racist... they are supposed to get in trouble.
Well, apparently that's not going to happen because another thread on the topic just got locked. It wasn't a (+) thread, but the reason cited was that nobody should be opening up a new thread on a closed topic.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Well, apparently that's not going to happen because another thread on the topic just got locked. It wasn't a (+) thread, but the reason cited was that nobody should be opening up a new thread on a closed topic.
What’s the point of closing a thread if somebody can just start it again? Might as well just leave it open then. For 20+ years we’ve asked people not to immediately reopen closed threads for what — I hope — are obvious reasons.


What’s the point of closing a thread if somebody can just start it again? Might as well just leave it open then. For 20+ years we’ve asked people not to immediately reopen closed threads for what — I hope — are obvious reasons.
I valued seeing the Polygon article, which I probably wouldn't have found on my own. It did add some professional journalism to the story, which had been only some collected Tweets previously - and likely what Wizards will see as they craft their response.
I do understand not wanting it brought up again immediately after closing a similar thread, but it is a big story. I think having a link to the article (and other future statements) - that can't be commented on - could be a good way of sharing important RPG news that won't start a thread war.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
The "dismissive jerk" is not in the content, but in how the content is delivered. It is entirely possible for folks to come into such a thread, and raise an objection in a reasoned, thoughtful, respectful way. The problem lies with the ones who resort to dropping their objection in like steamy hot mess.
This bears repeating. Well said, Umbran.


I must note, though, that posting here isn't really a great way to create change in WotC. If you want to do that with any hope of success, you must ultimately communicate with WotC. There is no official WotC presence on these boards, so writing here means they don't officially see it.
Being able to post a thread to educate others or be educated ourselves means things might change. It might be slow, but I think people here can drive change as much as if WotC drive the change themselves. Let’s face it, even when change happens from the top down it still can go wrong…


Being able to post a thread to educate others or be educated ourselves means things might change. It might be slow, but I think people here can drive change as much as if WotC drive the change themselves. Let’s face it, even when change happens from the top down it still can go wrong…
The problem I can see here is that two people can have opposite views on what they think educating is and something fine at my table may be terrible at yours. Multiply that by 1000 and some/most may be able to talk and use out inside voices to argue but a few will swoop in on these threads and drop bombs for whatever reasons.

This seems to be more so on topics closer to race and politics as opposed to classes and spell mechanics.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Being able to post a thread to educate others or be educated ourselves means things might change.

Talking about these things is fine, but I doubt this is an effective venue to educate people in a directed way. EN World isn't a classroom.

It might be slow, but I think people here can drive change as much as if WotC drive the change themselves.

Perhaps my point was not clear - you cannot drive change in WotC products if your thoughts do not reach WotC. WotC does not engage on these boards. Write about their products here as much as you want, as long as you want, that is not communicating with WotC.

It is like writing what you want somewhere on a wall in Renton, and hoping that a WotC employee who is placed highly enough just happens to walk by, see it, and decide to take action. It isn't reliable communication.

If you want WotC to know your feelings on a matter, you have to tell them directly, not tell EN World.


Victoria Rules
Re '+' threads - my only concern with those is that someone starting one might just want an echo chamber; and IMO the biggest barrier to real discourse and discussion (be it civil or otherwise) in all venues is people either constructing or hiding in echo chambers where opposing or contrary points of view are simply not allowed. A '+' thread for discussing and refining a proposed new idea for the game before opening it up to criticism? Sure. A '+' thread for discussing anything more meaningful? Bad idea IMO.
Perhaps my point was not clear - you cannot drive change in WotC products if your thoughts do not reach WotC. WotC does not engage on these boards.
They don't actively engage any more, which is too bad; but does anyone know whether WotC quietly monitors these boards (officially or not) as a source of unfiltered and informal feedback? I think I'd at least try to high-level monitor sites like this were I in charge, if I could spare the person-power, as it would be a useful feet-on-the-ground information source untainted by the marketing department's survey designing.

Voidrunner's Codex

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